《The Guy Next Door (COMPLETED)》Chapter 9: Im Blushing like im Bella and he's Edward Cullen.


"Oh my god is he good in bed?"

I almost fell of my chair for that one.

Lets start from the parking lot shall we? Once the good for nothing jerk left me under the mercy of god knows how many students out of which most of them wanted to kill me, I was rescued by my knight in shining armour who was obviously Alec.

"Don't you guys have classes to go to?" he says.

Ok if possible he made the girls even glare harder. Wow I mean these people would pop a vein or something.

"You have a great boyfriend you know." he says as we enter the hallway,"I mean ditching you with all of those girls."

"Well kudos to your girlfriend." I say,"You have really reached the epitome of clichés, the quarterback is dating the head cheerleader. Again."

He chuckles making my heart thump faster. Wow i swear to god if my heart had to run a marathon just a smile from Alec and it would reach the finish line in no time.

I quickly grab my stuff from my locker which is right in between and Alec and Natalies. I dont usually keep my books in my locker because trust me you don't want to see Alec and Natalie making out. On your locker.

"Crap did you study for the Calculus Test?" he said.

I shook my head. Not really I mean I was quite pre occupied during the weekend as my social life in high school had reached it's peak but I had done it last weekend so I was covered.

Besides Calculus was my one of my favourite period because Alec sat behiend me and if there was one subject he sucked at was Calculus. So he keeps on poking me and aasking me to explain most of the sums. Not that I minded.

But what was really pissing off was the looks Rebecca gave as if she was planing our wedding.

As Alec and I entered the room I dropped my books in shock.

Rebecca and Jeremy were siting together and she was giggling like there was no tomorrow. Alec picks up my books and looks towards them.

"Wow your best friend and my best friend together that was a scene we never expected to see."he says grinning,"He must have liked Rebecca all along and I thought he liked you."

Yeah which is why it was completely fine that you kissed me saying that you were him.

As I sit down in my seat Im kind of relieved that Rebecca doesn't know about the parking lot scene just yet which meant that I could skilfully use this thing with Jeremy to divert her attention.

It would have worked well had the questions not started.

People who didn't know me at all, came up to me to ask the most random questions ranging from how did you guys meet to is he good kisser and now is he good in bed.

I reply to that question the same way I replied to all of the rest. I give them a blank expression as if I have no idea what they are talking about until they finally give up and go to their seats.

I would have probably come up with sarcastic answer for all them had I not been so stunned at the fact that these people literally had nothing better to do.

"Who is good in bed?" Rebecca said as she sat next to me.

Think fast. Think fast.

"She was asking me to ask you if Jeremy is good in...." I say.


Wow actually that was a good save not only did I manage to stop her from knowing about Jake but I also managed to divert the topic.

Go me!

Rebecca turned red.

"Doesn't she already know how he is?" Rebecca says stuttering, "And how will I know?"

Something was definitely fishy here.

"Do you think after Jake breaks up with you he will go for me?"

I look at the girl who says this and I'm pretty sure if she went and looked at the mirror she would get an answer, I mean come on if you want to dye your hair at least do it properly I mean it wasn't hiding the fact that she was one of those dumb blondes.

"Go look at yourself in the mirror ." I say, "Put a lot less make up and wear clothes not napkins then he may look at you." I say not quite believing I said that out loud

She turned red. I mean beetroot red and stomped off with whatever little dignity she had.

I could hear Alec and Jeremy laughing behind me and almost everyones gaze on me.

"So care to explain how you plan to break up with Jake when last I checked you weren't dating him?" Rebecca says just as the teacher enters.

Shit this was going to be one long hour.


"So let me get one thing perfectly clear." Samantha says slowly as walk towards the cafeteria," You are fake dating Jake to make Alec jealous."

I nod.

"And its not a plus point that the guy you a guy you kinda sorta like? She says scanning me.

"I do not kinda sorta like him." I say," He is a grade A asshole."

"Yeah so what was with the jealousy in Calculus." Rebecca challenges

"I was not jealous." I retort.

"Wait so she actually did something." Samantha asked," Usually whenever she is jealous when it comes to Alec she just keeps on pouting as if she's PMS ing twenty four seven."

"Hey I DO NOT." I say, "I simply take the higher road and prefer not to get into a catfight."

"Oh please." Rebecca says rolling her eyes," She went all look at yourself in the mirror when Wendy simply mentioned his name."

"So I take it you haven't had a class with Jake yet." Samantha asks me.

I shake my head.

"Do not ask her about classes or else she will start talking about Chem again." Rebecca says.

Are they completely ignoring the fact that I was right there and besides I wasn't that bad when it came to my Chemistry period after lunch. I mean it was perfectly normal for a girl to be excited because she was sitting next to her crush all alone.

I mean in our Advanced Chemistry class we all were divided into groups of three. Since our class had thirty five people their was one group with only two people and guess what me and Alec were those two people.I don't like teachers very much but I swear to god I would have given Mrs Yetern a hug. But I knew the reason,it was because I sucked at chemistry.

I was good when it came to theory in act I was a straight A student when it came to theory but practicals were a nightmare. I keep on knocking over test tubes spilling chemicals well lets just say that I was a klutz and whenever I was in the lab I really made Mrs. Yetern fear for her life.


On the other hand Alec was amazing at practicals He knew when to stop heating the chemicals and just how much to put n in but his theory was weak.

"But just so you know I had gym with Jake." Rebecca says,"And every single girl was drooling over him."

I glare at them and the both of them started laughing.

"I don't see what you find so funny in the situation." I grumbling.

Both Rebecca and Samantha stopped laughing and I noticed everyone in the cafeteria was staring at us.

You know that scene in movies where everyone knows you have done something and everyone knows it. Well that's exactly what happened.

Whats going on?

Sally comes in front of me and hands me todays latest edition of the Gossip Review.


Wait What?

My mouth is hanging open as I quickly read what the article is about. It was about the kiss in the party and how it might mean something more. Imstill trying to process whats written when someone comes and slaps me.

No kidding. SLAPS ME!

Guess who it is?

My good friend Natalie Well I guess she really has had it with pretending to be nice right?

"You Bitch!" she screams in front of the entire crowd in the cafeteria.

Im standing kind of shell shocked as she is yelling like ten different insults at me. That's when Jake comes and grabs her away from me.

"That will be enough," He says coolly.

Natalie glare at Jake and is about to lunge at me again when Alec grabs her and says,"There is nothing between us , shes dating Jake. Right?"

I nod as Jake has an amused smile on his face.

"Well I think its all a load of crap." Natalie says her eyes narrowing,"If you guys are really dating then kiss and prove it."

Alec has gone completely rigid and like everyone else is looking at me with curiously.Great so much for the jealousy thing. He wants me to kiss her so that he can clear the misunderstanding with his girlfriend.,

"Ok" I say shakily taking a step towards Jake knowing that I cant chicken out with everyone watching me.

He gives me a cocky grin and closes the distance between us. Crap Im blushing like im Bella and he is Edward Cullen. I mean its one tiny kiss what will be the harm right?

"So this is going to be our first kiss after when we were fourteen huh?" he says looking down at me.

He is about to kiss me when I sneeze.

Yup, that's right I sneezed on right before he is about to kiss me.Well technically it wasn't my fault. It was his stupid deodrants fault.

"What the-"

he is about to say something but I grab him by his t-shirt and pull him forward and kiss him before I start rethinking this. But boy was this the best decision I made.

Im not really sure how long the kiss lasted because I was to busy thinking of how great the kiss was. I have been kissed a grand total of five in my life.

My first kiss was with Jake but it was more like a peck except it was on the lips.

My second kiss was with Alec in a truth or dare game which was supposed to be my first kiss.

My third kiss was when I was sixteen and I decided to be brave and go dating. It didn't work out very well but he did manage to give me a good night kiss which was sloppy and terrible.

My fourth kiss was with Alec in Natalie's closet. I would have paid more attention if I wasn't too busy trying to accept the fact that I was kissing Jeremy Hoffman.

Now this was my fifth kiss and It was better than all of the rest put together and multiplied by ten. Even then it was better. At first it started reluctantly I mean I was expecting to give him a very quick peck and getting it over with. But as you can see it wasn't anywhere near that . Looking back at that moment I had no idea what was going on in my mind. In fact I think my mind was too messed up to process the fact that I was kissing Jake.

As the kiss grew deeper his hand cupped my face it might have gone for way longer until we were interrupted by a very loud voice.


Jake pulled away slowly as we both turned to stare at the entire student body looking at us wide eyed and in complete shock. Sally has her phone out clicking pictures of us. Rebecca is grinning like there is no tomorrow and Samantha is looking at me as if I just told everyone that Im a vampire.At first Im puzzled as to why everyone is looking at me like that.Then I realize it




But the most bizzare expression has to be of the short stout man who is standing in front of me wearing a dark blue sweat suit. Coach McIntyre A.K.A The Little Terror was the gym teacher in our school who absolutely hated me. True to his name he was one teacher who you did not want to mess with.

"Both of you have detention after school." He says glaring at me and Jake.

I haven't seen Jakes expression yet because my mind is yet foggy but the Coach's words snap me back to reality.

"We are getting detention." I say slowly still trying to comprehend what he said,"For kissing?"

"Yes" he says giving me a look that said you say another word and I will vapourize you on the spot,"Any problem?"

I simply shake my head and whimper,"No sir."

"Good." he says and then turns around and yells,"What are you looking at ?''

Suddenly everyone finds their food interesting as murmurs break out through the cafeteria. Satisfied he leaves.



So let me get me one thing straight.


1.I Acted like a jealous girlfriend

2.Got slapped by an ex best friend

3.Kissed a guy in front of my entire grade because the guy I liked's girlfriend asked me too.

4.And I got detention for kissing.

Is this sounding as messed up to you as it is too me? and the days not even over yet.

I start blindly walking out of the cafeteria and I can hear people call my name but im to shocked to care. My eye catches Natalie who is standing at the door way looking as shocked as I feel.

I have no idea what the hell made me do it but I went and slapped her right on her face.

"Don't you dare slap me ever again." I say and I walk out.

5. Slapped my ex best friend.

Shit this is one messed up day.

Authors Note:

A lot of drama in this chapter. I really hope you liked it.

What was your favourite part??? Ill try updating as soon as I can :D :D

Please don't forget to comment vote and fan and please give suggestions


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