《The Guy Next Door (COMPLETED)》Chapter 7: The Importance of High Heels


"Smile," My mom said, as she raised her camera and shot a picture of us.

I doubt that she had noticed the fact, that in the picture, Alec, in the far right corner, was glaring at Jake, as if he was a kid who had been told that Santa was not real.

Natalie, who was standing next to me, had an expression of utter disbelief and horror. I didn't have to be a psychic to know what she was thinking of.

How did drab, old Clara Wilson bag a guy like Jake Henderson?

And I was pretty much thinking the same thing. In fact, out of the four of us, it seemed that only Jake was at ease. His hand was around me, as he stood easily smiling at the camera, the only one unaffected by the announcement he just made.

"In that case, you should know that Clara and I are going out."

I thought I heard it wrong when, he first said it. But, after one look at Natalie's and Alec's face I was sure that what I had heard was true. So I reacted as how any normal person would.

"We are?" I said, looking at his smirking face.

"Yup", he said, as if that answered all of my questions.

Despite myself, I start blushing. God why can't I be one of those people who doesn't blush at all?

I mean, it would be way better than blushing your face off when a really, really hot guy comes and tells the entire world you are dating him.Now, if he wasn't the-guy-who-I-have-had-a-crush-on-since-forever's step brother or if he wasn't purposely doing it to piss me off, by saying it in front of Alec, then it would have been perfectly fine to blush.

But then, again, Jake was under all of these categories.

I was pretty shocked to deny it. Which is why, I was standing in front of my mom, who was grinning like a maniac.I'm pretty sure she was thinking along the lines of the fact that her business deal had been finalized, since I was dating Jake.

"So when did you guys meet?" Alec asked carefully.

"Oh!That's a very interesting story." Jake said."We wer-"

He was interrupted by me.

"Jake I need to talk to you, ALONE." I say, glaring at him.

He moves towards me, as he looks back and says to Natalie," I don't think there will be much talking."

Natalie nods. She was even more horrified than before.

Meanwhile, I brought my foot down on his leg hard.

"Ow!" he yells glaring at me.

"Oops...I'm so sorry." I say, giving him my best evil smirk as I drag him into the kitchen.

"That really hurt you know." He said, as he sat on the chair near the kitchen counter.


"That's your main concern?" I say looking at him, "Not the fact that you just announced that we were dating, in front of Alec?"

"What? I was doing something nice for you." Jake says, shrugging.

"By telling Alec that we were fake dating?" I say, looking at him in shock, "How does that help, anyway?"

"I'm helping you to make Alec jealous." Jake says, rolling his eyes, "And to get your best friend off your back."

"Ex best friend." I corrected him, as I narrowed my eyes, "And why would you help me?"

"I have my reasons." He says, not quite looking at me.

"Wait... You like Natalie." I say looking at him with the same expression Natalie had been wearing, of pure horror.

"Will you let it go?" Jake says still not quite looking at me, "Do you want my help or not?"

I think for a moment. Why the hell was Jake helping me?

I mean, was Natalie really worth putting a full on charade with me for?I feel like puking for some reason, by just thinking about Natalie and Jake together.I'm pretty sure that Jake had some ulterior motive.

"Would it really kill you to fake date a really, really hot boy? I mean, if it worked, you would get Alec, and even if you didn't, how would it matter?" Rebecca's voice said in my head.

"Do you really want to go through all of this drama for a guy, who has ignored you all your life?" Samantha's voice said.

In the end Rebecca won.


"OK," I say, not knowing how much I was going to regret it later.


"So, how do the two of you know each other?" Alec had been asking questions left, right, and center.

Jake was sitting opposite me with Alec beside him, and Natalie sat next to me, while the parents sat on the extreme right of the table. Yet, there was an unofficial uniformity. Ladies to one side and men to the other. I had nowhere to run or avoid his questions.

"At c... camp, when we were 14." I say, trying not to stammer too much.

"You guys have been dating since you were 14?" Alec asked, much to Natalie's exasperation.

I mean, his questions were not only pissing off Jake, but Natalie as well.

"Oh no, I asked her yesterday." Jake said, "She was crying because she had the worst kiss of her life, and then I showed her what a real kiss was like."

I swung my leg underneath the table in order to kick Jake.

"Ow!" Alec yelled, as I made contact.

Oh Fudge.

Jake simply smirked while Natalie was frozen with shock. I'm pretty sure that she was still processing what Jake had said. I mean, the poor girl's world had turned upside down.


Her boyfriend was basically acting like my father, after kissing me, and on top of that, this hot, new guy comes from nowhere and starts dating social reject; Clara Wilson. I would have had the same expression too, if I was her.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Clara." Alec says, fiddling with his napkin, "It was a dare that Jake had given me, and I thought it would be less awkward if you thought that I was Jeremy."

He was right about that. But, he had never thought about a situation in which I would find out it was him.

That was slightly more awkward. I mean, Alec was hot, cute, funny and everything, but sometimes he was really stupid.I manage to nod, suddenly finding the patterns on my plate interesting.

"Am I really such a bad kisser?" Alec asks, after I don't reply.

Jake snickers, and the food comes right in time to help me avoid his question.


"Get your dirty paws off the lobster, Henderson." I say, glaring at Jake.

Jake raises his eyebrows and snickers, "Dirty paws, really?"

We were arguing since our dinner had been served. It turned out that the restaurant had been completely packed, and there was only one Lobster Mariana left, and both Jake and I wanted it.

Both our parents had given up trying to convince us.My mother had been saying that it was most disrespectful to argue over the dining table, while Jake's mother kept on pestering him, asking whether chivalry meant anything to him.

Trust me, it didn't.

In the end, they both gave up, and all of them resumed their conversation.

"Well, it's better then. The lobster's mine, cause I called dibs on it." I say, batting away his hand.

"Are you sure that you want to eat it?" Jake said, smirking, "I mean, there's only so much tights can stretch."

I looked at him in plain and utter horror. He just called me fat. People can call me quiet, boring, stupid etc. Anything but FAT.

"Yeah." I say my anger rising, "People like people with bigger asses than people who are asses. Exhibit A: You."

He rolls his eyes and says, "Really? What are you? Five?"

"Ha." I say, reaching my breaking point, "Which is, five years older than you."

"Even Alec here couldn't have thought of a lamer comeback." Jake says, his hand gripping the plate.

"Says the person whose only comeback is a lame comeback." I say, gripping the other edge of the plate.

"Oh yeah-" Jake was interrupted by Natalie who banged her fist on the table."Will you both shut up and just split it." she said.

Everyone on the table went quiet. Maybe, it was the fact that these were the first words she had spoken.Both, Jake and I, stared at her for a moment, and started arguing again.

I think Natalie might have finally lost it, because she took the full plate and smashed it on the ground, and stomped on it for good measure.

Talk about a major meltdown.

"Now, will you both just please shut up and order a new dish?" She said, glaring at the two of us.

Jake's mother started laughing. "Well, that was smart, wasn't it?" she said, her brown eyes twinkling, "We should have done that a long time ago. I mean, the two of them might have just started dating, but they fight like an old married couple."

Alec snorted at that, as he pointedly glared at Jake and me.

My dad simply nodded, as he said, "Yup. Just like old times."

And then, they went back to talking, as if nothing ever happened.


Two hours later, all of us were outside, waiting for our cars to come. Alec opted to drive Natalie home, but, ended up getting stuck with Jake and I, too.

Natalie left, giving a good, long kiss to Alec, and it was like one of those cheesy long kisses at the end of a movie that make you want to gag. After that, Natalie smirked at me and left, tossing her hair in the processing. Well, the queen bitch was back.

"So you guys have been dating since yesterday, right?" Alec asked as he pulled into his driveway.

I nod, as I quickly get out.

"Yeah, but we have known each other since we were fourteen, when we had gone to the summer camp", I say looking at Jake, who was busy staring at his phone.

"Yup, you should see her with red hair." Jake says, finally looking up.

"Red hair?" Alec says, looking completely confused.

Jake is about to say something, but I bring my large, high heeled shoes down on his leg, which makes him shut up.I have found a new liking for heels.

Honestly, every time he tried to say anything stupid, I would simply crush his foot. It was the most fun I had ever had. Now, only if it was as useful in walking, then.....

I yawn, and I say, "Good night."

I start walking to my house, after waving Alec goodbye. I can hear Jake following me.

"What?" I say, looking at him.

He simply shrugs, as he looks at me with an expression on his face I can't quite recognize.

I simply shake my head as I walk up to my house, the whole time thinking of going to sleep.


AUTHORS NOTE: So how was it????Im so glad that TGND was humour 181 and Teen fiction 245 recently. This was a vry quick update so no complains.I liked this chapter what about you?Please don't forget to VOTE/COMMENT/FAN.

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