《The Guy Next Door (COMPLETED)》Chapter 5: Jake and Alec Step it up.



It was said that once in your lifetime god would grant whatever were thinking about. Guess what I got.



The guy who made my life hell.

The guy who read my personal diary out loud in front of 300 people without thinking about it.

Jake was in town.

He was in the same town as me and Alec.

Alec and Jake in one town.

I breathe in and out trying to stop hyperventilating.

No way can I be this unlucky.


"Clara calm down", I say loudly to myself."It was probably just your imagination. I bet you if you go there right now he won't be there because stress and alcohol do not make a good combination."

I breathe in and out and slowly and continue to give myself the this speech and slowly pull the curtains back slightly.

The window is completely shut and the lights are off.I breathe in a sigh of relief.

I look up and say, "Oh thank you god, I knew even you couldnt be that mean."

I smile as I lie down on my comfortable bed.


I have never had a dream in my entire life.It's sad but true, and I'm the deepest sleeper you will ever see. It's true I even put babies to shame.

So when I wake up in the morning I'm excited that I have had my first dream, a dream that I remember for once.It's kind of off putting because out of all the things I dream about it has to be Jake Henderson.

I mean why couldn't I dream about an ice cream castle or a never ending supply of Kit Kats?

I smile as I change into simple tights and a maroon tunic. Since I'm feeling ridiculously happy for no earthly reason and even the fact that I will be having breakfast with my parents, I decide for once to put on some lip gloss.At least my mother will be happy.

I brush my hair and I realise how dry my throat feels. I grab a bottle of water and head downstairs.

I open the cap and take a sip of the water. I'm about to swallow it when I see who exactly is sitting on the table with my parents and then spray it all out.

My mother turns to glare at me, her blue eyes scanning me and the puddle of water that I spilt when I dropped the bottle in my hands.

"Oh I'm so sorry Jake, Clara has been very stressed lately." My mother says to the boy sitting opposite to her.



Clara do not hyperventilate in front of him.

Go out.

"Umm excuse me." I quickly say as I practically run out of my house.

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

I keep on repeating those words in my head trying to calm myself down.

"It's nice to know that I have that kind of effect on you." Says a voice interrupting my mantra.

I turn around and get my first good look of the boy who would probably haunt me in my dreams if I had them.

Except in them he would look no way as hot as the boy in front of me.

His black hair and green eyes were exactly as I remembered giving him an innocent look that will make anyone's heart melt. But now he was way way more muscular and his black v necked t-shirt did not help hide that fact.

"And what effect exactly?" I retort back, somehow finding the voice and courage.

He just gives me one of his classic smirks.

"You know the swooning, the once overs, the make up, that kind of thing.", He says still smirking.

"And I why would I do that for you?", I say, all my panic vanishing,"And when the hell did lipgloss become make up?"

"Oh yeah, isn't that kind of treatment especially reserved for a certain blond haired quarterback?" His smirk ever present as he says it.

Oh God he remembers.

I'm so screwed.

"Umm I have no idea what you are talking about.", I say trying my best to improvise.

I have no idea what you are talking about?

Really? Thats what I could come up with?

Someone should honestly give me an award for the worst improvisation and just to prove my point, Jake starts laughing.

"It wasnt that bad, Ok?" I say, "I may have been in a terrible accident in which I lost my memory."

He stops for exactly two seconds and looks at me with his big green eyes looking at me incredulously.

"Did you just hear yourself?" he says looking even more incredulous by the second.

"I said my memory is gone, not my hearing." I retort looking at his face just imagining how it would feel like wiping off that smirk that is ever present on his face.

He laughs as he says, "You haven't changed a bit have you Car?"

I roll my eyes as he uses that annoying name he kept for me during camp and yet I cannot help blushing.

"Except you are way hotter." He whispers into my ears.

I freeze.

I can feel his warm breath on my neck. He's about to say something more but then a voice interrupts him.


"Clara?"Alec's voice brings me to reality which is standing less than an inch away from Jake.

I put at least a foot distance between me and Jake and turn to look at Alec who is sanding there looking at me in a very peculiar expression.

"Don't you know that it's rude to interrupt. " Jake says sharply looking at Alec.

Oh crap.

Jake and Alec are talking to each other.

God please take me out of this nightmare.

"Well by the looks of it, she wanted to be interrupted." Alec says, his voice as sharp as Jake.

In what world did I want to be interrupted? I scream mentally to Alec.

"Hi Alec, its okay I can handle him on my own."

I say softly perfectly aware that Jake was listening to each and every word I was saying because no way in hell was I admitting that I liked that.

Alec doesn't even look at me and he is staring daggers at Jake. This was even worse than my mom and my grandmother.

"Um Alec why are you here?" I say close to panicking as I look at Jake who is giving a weary look at Alec.

Please don't tell him Jake, I pray mentally.

"I needed to apologize to you." He says looking at me with his big pleading eyes.

"Apologize for what?" I say without thinking, as Jake starts chuckling behind me.

"You must be that bad a kisser, huh?" he says looking at Alec.


Oh yeah right.

Party. Seven Minutes in heaven.



But how the hell does Jake know?

"I think you mother was calling you,Jake." Alec says tightly.


Alec knows Jake?

God what the hell was going on?

I must have said that loudly because both boys look at me.

"Wait." Jake says with a amused look, "You didn't tell her?"

Alec looks at Jake with a look that will even put my mom's stare to shame.

"Tell me what?" I say, completely and totally confused.

Why the hell do the act as if they know each other and like they know something that I don't.

"Jake, what the hell is going on?" I say turning away from Alec who is giving the death glare to Jake,"How the hell does he know you, you didn't tell him did you?"

Ok now I'm in full panic mode.

What the hell is going on. Jake is just standing and laughing as if someone told him the funniest joke on Earth.

I swear to god if he told Alec he was going to hear the funniest joke on Earth with my nails. And yes they were long.

"Wait the both of you know each other?" Alec says his expression as lost as minw.

Jake is yet chuckling as he says,"Yes our families are really close and we went to summer camp together."

He pauses to look at my expression and then says,"Where I got to know her very well and that too, through reading."

Some one kill him. Please. And if you hurry up I swear to god I will pay extra.

"Ok that's all very good." I say, desperately trying to change the topic as I look at Alec, "How the hell do you know each other?"

Jake has a smirk on his face and is looking at Alec with an expression saying Sux to be you.

"Umm..." Alec says not looking straight at me.I may love that boy to death, but if someone doesn't explain to me, what the hell was going on, I was going to lose it.

"My dad met someone... and is getting married" he says slowly.

"Thats brilliant." I say.

When Alecs mother died, his father had sunk into depression. I was really happy for Alec that his dad was finally happy again and was remarrying, but what I didnt how this was relevant now.

Jake then looks at me his smirk completely gone and says ,"My mom and dad got divorced"

"Thats terrible." I reply.

I remember the both of us had placed bets on how long our parents marraiges would last. He had placed a bet saying that his parents would split in the next four years.

Damn, I had to pay him 50 bucks but why was he reminding me now of all times.

"You didn't get it , did you?" Jake says looking at me.

"Can just one of you man up and tell me directly." I say my frustration levels rising.

Both of them look at me blankly.

"God!'' I exclaim giving up,"I'm going home."

I turn to leave but then someone pulls me back.

Its Jake.He looks at me with his big green eyes and says, "Clara meet my stepbrother, Alec Evans."

It takes me exactly 5 seconds to realize what he said.


My last update before the exams.so how do you like the two step brothers. This chapter was kind of pathetic according to me but its job was to basically bring out the main plot of the story so yay.Please comment and vote and tell me what you think???

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