《The Guy Next Door (COMPLETED)》Chapter 4: A Psycopaths Greatest Weapon: A Diary.



JAKE ON THE SIDE--------->

Ok, confession time, I ran as fast and as far as possible.

I swear to god if Rebecca makes me wear heels ever again I will murder her... and that's putting it lightly.

Come on Clara breathe, I told myself. Yeah, so as you can make out, I was pretty freaked out about the kiss and to make matters even worse... I have no idea why.I mean Alec Evans kissed me!

So what?

It's not like I haven't kissed him before nor have I never been kissed before... Then why am I freaking out? Maybe it was the fact that he had only done it for Jeremy, his best friend, to see if I liked him.

Well, then he should ask me because then my answer would be NO WAY IN HELL. I'm not gonna be some trophy in Jeremy's case of achievements thank you very much.

Alec was a world class douche bag, period. He was shallow, self obsessed and just used girls.

Even as I said that I knew I was wrong. For a girl who didn't know much about him this answer would be perfectly normal and true. But for me, a girl who knew almost everything about him, the answer was just downright ridiculous.

I mean, how could he use girls when he had come half way through his vacation to comfort his girlfriend who hadn't gotten into the college she wanted? It was another matter entirely that the girl had been my older sister Michella who had simply got wait listed for Princeton because she had gotten into Harvard.

He was definitely not self obsessed because he put up with my sister and that was saying something, I mean, whoever could tolerate her much less love her must have been really really nice.

Alec was probably the sweetest quarterback our school had ever seen. He never ever discriminated between the populars or the losers. Whenever his friends would bully someone or shove someone into a locker Alec would himself go apologise right after he made the bully say sorry.So yeah, it was pretty hard not to fall for him.

I shook my head as I reached my house. My first high school party after sophomore year and I was back before ten.

Yay me.

My house was probably one of the biggest houses on the street. It was almost exactly the same as the big brown mansion next to mine that belonged to Alec's father who had bought the house just months before his mother passed away.

On the other side was the biggest mansion on our street. In other words, the biggest mansion in the entire town.It's huge with garages, its rooftop garden and swimming pool that was probably twice the size of mine, pretty much made it the best house in town.

Only one catch, no one lived there. The house had been sold several years back to some really rich people when the Smithsons moved out of the house. Every year someone tried to buy the house but for some reason the owners refused to budge.

So now the house was pretty much branded. Whoever moved into that house would pretty much be the talk of the town. Well, let's hope no one ever moves into that house because if the person who owns the house actually moves there with his family, I'm pretty sure that they won't be talking about the house they owned anymore.

"Darling you are home."

I heard my mother's voice call out.


My mother's voice?

My family is probably the most dysfunctional family you have ever seen. Even more messed up than The Adams family and their sadistic issues.


My parents both come from fairly rich families. My dad was born and brought up right here and never seem to let go of his family home despite when his software company picked up. My mom was a New Yorker with parents that were fairly well off. When she was a grad student my mom met my dad and it was love at first sight.After a lot of drama and a lot of chaos, my parents got married. Then they had a huge fight about where to raise Michella when my mom was pregnant. While my mom wanted Michella to stay with them to in New York with them, my father won as he wanted us to be raised by family at whose old childhood home with the help of his mother. When Michella was born everything was perfect. My mom stayed at home and my dad only flew here and there for business meetings. Then came my moms job offer, when she was pregnant with me. So the minute I was born she practically dumped me and Michella both in the care of my grandmother and pursued her career as a designer. I was practically raised by my grandmother right here in my dad's childhood home while my parents came home once in a month, if I was lucky, from New York.So you would have expected how surprised I was when I found out that my parents were back after two weeks.

"Where were you?" She says her shocking blue eyes narrowing,"And what in Gods name are you wearing?"

Welcome back Mom.

I did my best to block out the sound of her voice as she kept on talking about how I have to start dressing well and become a refined lady like my older sister.

Ooh goody.

I walk into the kitchen with my mother behind me to see my grandmother doing the exact same thing as me except she was doing her best to ignore my dad.

"Oh, sweetheart, we were waiting for you to arrive." My grandmother says giving me a big smile saying thank you for saving me.

My grandmother was probably the most active person you would ever find. London, Paris, you name it and she has been there. In fact she just came back from Los Angeles today. My grandmother was the sweetest person you would ever see except when it came to my parents and, well, who could blame her for hating the people who had ditched their own children for their careers?

"Clara, its good to see you again." My father said his eyes fixed on dark eyes fixed on his blackberry.

"Why are you guys back so soon?" I ask looking at my dad with his messy grey hair and expensive suit.

"Sweetheart, we missed you." My mom says giving my dad a worried glance.

I try not to roll my eyes but my grandmother does that for me. I look at my grandmother with her dyed black hair and her deep grey eyes who looks back at me with an amused smile.

"How about you tell her the truth Lily." My grandmother replies coldly looking at my mom.

"Minerva, I have come to see my daughter and help out a friend." My mom says, glaring at my grandmother.

'Help out a friend.'

Huh, that has to be my mom's worst synonym for a business deal. Although, why would she have a business deal here was beyond me.

I slowly start to back away as my mom and grandmom have a glaring match.I'm pretty sure if looks could kill both of them would be toast by now. Even my dad must have sensed the tension, because he finally looked up from his blackberry as I walked out of the room.


The first thing I do when I enter my room is shut the curtains of the window facing Alec's house. The last thing I need is to see anything related to Alec.

As I collapse on my bed, my eye falls to a simple blue book at the bottom of my half opened drawer.

I reach out and grab the book. I open it to see my neat handwritting. The first page has no date or anything and I read the first line out loud.

"I swear to god if Jake -" my voice falters at his name.

Jake Henderson. Stupidest, meanest and well words cant even start describing what I feel about him.But whatever I say about him, he made every single moment spent in that stupid summer camp the best summer in my entire 17 and a half years of life.

When I was fourteen I was supposed to spend my summer with my parents in New York. I had never been to New York for more than two days and the thought of spending three whole months in the best city in the world had cost me more than a few nights sleep.

My sister, who was sixteen years old at that time, had always been the kind of girl to walk around in her high heels and look at everyone below her snottily as if saying,"You wish you could look as good as me" . I still couldn't forget the look on her face when she tripped over the stilettos she was boasting about, but better yet, I couldn't forget the look on her face when she found out that she had tripped in front of Jake.

Jake Henderson was the son to business tycoon Conrad Henderson. Sole owner of his dad's multi billion dollar company, was obviously one to look out for. My sister had spent the whole flight to New York going on about him.

One of our parents best friends, more like only friends, the Hendersons were also staying right next to our parents' house. Michella had just heard that they had bought the house, yes THE house next to us. I'm pretty sure she had planned out her wedding decorations until she met him.

Black hair and sea green eyes that will make you melt was the first thing you noticed about the boy. But under that innocent little puppy dog face was an evil mastermind.Trust me.Our parents dropped the 'you two are going to summer camp' bomb on us. Jake and I did everything possible to persuade our parents to let us stay.

More like I convinced while Jake did everything in his power to stop us.Like telling the driver to take a holiday on the day we had to go. It would have worked if my parents hadn't called their driver to fill in instead.

Looking back, I don't even remember why they sent us. Some crap about only attending a string of parties and formal occasions that will bore us to tears.

Um, excuse me, I want to go to them. I want to get bored to tears. Send Michella, she wants to go with Jake. NOT ME.

I wanted to say that to my parents, but like the perfect little girl I was after a lot of begging and after always getting the answer 'no', I simply gave up. It's not like I really didn't want to go. I was, in fact, bracing myself for my parents new stunt to try to get rid of me. But the main reason I didn't want to go was because of Jake.

More like because of the way Jake reacted when he came to know that I had to go to the camp with him.

I swear to god he looked more horrified than when I was 13 and had seen both the Ring movies back to back alone at night.

So yup in the end I was stuck sitting alone in a car with Jake, a guy who I was pretty sure didn't like me, going to some stupid summer camp for three whole months. Leave it to me to get stuck in a situation like this.

But it got worse.

Much worse.

Three months of torture. That's what it seemed like to me at that time.

From itching powder, to dye in my shampoo, to superglue on my chair. Jake had covered almost every single torture possible.

But the worst one was reading my personal diary in front of the WHOLE FREAKING CAMP on bonfire night and what's worse, he read about the part where I had written about my future with Alec. Or at least what I wanted it to be.I swear to god I was as red as my dyed red hair.

Ok, yes, I know what you are thinking.What is wrong with this girl and blah blah blah. But I was fourteen people and I used to read way too many cheesy teen fiction novels so sue me.

But despite all of that embarrassment there was one silver lining. Jake had found my old diary not the new one.

Not the one which described him.

Oh thank god.

The blue one that was now in front of me described every single moment spent with Jake and how he used to torment me. Not that I enjoyed it but the pranks by him were actually funny. But only when his victim wasn't me.

Yet somehow I wouldn't want to change a minute of it.

Ok maybe I would change the bright red colour hair of mine which made my sister almost laugh at me for 2 days... until her hair turned neon green.(Thank you Jake.)

I would definitely want to change the part where Jake put itching powder in my one good shorts which is why I had to where a pair of super super short shorts till laundry day.

But apart from that, I had the best time of my life.I keep my diary safely away remembering how I slept with it everyday during camp so Jake wouldn't get a hold of it.

After all a psychopaths greatest weapon was a diary. He had proved it.

I safely tuck it back into the drawer and get up to take a good look at the house beside ours. The house which belonged to Hendersons.

Jake's father was rich and had an extravagant taste in houses. He had bought that house just a few years back saying that maybe he could come here to get away from the hectic life in the city but so far he hadn't come even once.

Im about to close the curtains when I see someone standing in the room thats directly opposite mine with an amused expression on his face.It takes me some time to recognise him.

Black hair, green eyes he looked exactly the same. Except he was much much hotter.

"So there was another diary after all." He says flashing his perfectly white teeth.

Clara, breathe, I remind myself.


You are simply hallucinating. It must be all the alcohol you had in the party.

I close my eyes and pinch myself as hard as I could.

"I'm real, you know." He said in his deep voice, "It's unbelievable for someone so hot to exist, but here I am."

I shut the curtains as soon as I hear those words with my heart both sinking and soaring at the same time. It was definitely him.


Jake Henderson was back.



The chapter is finally complete yay :D never been so happy.So how did you like Jake???

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