《The Guy Next Door (COMPLETED)》Chapter 3: 7 Minutes in Hell


I almost made it out.

Emphasis on almost.

After the guy puked on Natalie's shoes she literally pushed me aside and ran up the stairs screaming the entire time. It was then that I understood why loud music was needed in a party.

The minute she went I ran down the staircase hoping to escape. If Rebecca was here she would make a big fuss on how I could do this to her. I was probably the first person ever outside the jock or cheerleader group to ever be invited to the Truth or Dare game and Rebecca, who always liked to stay at the top of the school gossip, would have killed to get a chance like this to see if all the rumours were true.

Well, I don't care about some stupid idiotic rumours. If Samantha was here with me I'm sure she would support me completely and tell Rebecca to stop bothering me. But given a chance even she would take that offer in a heartbeat, but of course for different reasons than Rebecca.

Oh well neither of them would have been invited anyway. After all the only reason I was being invited was so that Natalie could carry on some plan of hers anyway. No way could she be so nice to me, it's not possible. It is her character defect; she just CANNOT be nice unless she has something to gain.

I opened the door hoping to smell clean air and not the stale beer smell that lingered all around the house. But with my luck I walked straight into a guy.

And boy did it hurt. He was really tall and I raised my head to see who it was, but right then someone tapped me on my back. I spun around to find Alec looking at me intently, his eyes scanning me. It's a miracle that I didn't turn into a puddle right then and there.

"Why are you leaving so soon?" he said quizzically.

"Umm... because umm..." I said but Alec wasn't paying even the slightest bit of attention to me.

Instead he was glaring at someone. I turn around to see a boy with black hair disappearing into the kitchen. Although I couldn't see his face properly, I'm pretty sure I have seen him somewhere.

"Earth to Clara," Alec said breaking me out of my trance.

"Um what?" I say unintelligently.

"Are you coming up willingly or do I have to drag you?" Alec said smiling.

Now most people would blush and think that maybe he likes me back, but whenever I think that the next minute I see him kissing another girl. So basically he is just super friendly with me and I had learned to accept that. Until he started dating Natalie. Suddenly an idea came into my head. I'm pretty sure that the punch must have been spiked or something because the normal I would have never had the guts to do something like that otherwise.


I simply smiled and said, "I doubt you will be able to drag me."

And as expected Alec gave his trademark dimpled smile and lifted me up bridal style as he carried me up the stairs.

My heart was thumping the entire way, mostly because I couldn't wait to see how Natalie reacted when she saw me. Not because of the fact that the guy of my dreams was literally carrying me upstairs. Yup I definitely needed to get my head checked.

Let's just say I wasn't disappointed. AT ALL. I have never seen her this mad. Ever. She gave me her deluxe you are so dead look and she slammed the door behind her. So much for being nice to me.

"What's up with her?" Alec said as he set me down.

"She's your girlfriend" I said, shrugging.

Something flashed across his eyes, I'm not sure what.

"Why are you inviting me here anyway?" I ask him, trying to change the topic from Natalie.

"Well, because you are my friend." He says smiling as he opens the door to Natalie's room," Plus I think that Jeremy may have a thing for you because he asked me to invite you."

And my mood went crashing down just as I was starting to like this party.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Clara truth or dare?" Natalie asked me. I met her green eyes which were sparkling with excitement.

Natalie sat right opposite me with her arm around Alec. Next to her sat Kelly and her boyfriend Derek and next to me sat Melanie who was staring daggers at Natalie and Alec. She had brought a boyfriend, some random guy to make Alec jealous, but what she didn't know was that Alec could see right through her act.

In fact everyone could.

However that didn't stop her from telling Summer, Jared, Katie, Giselle and every other football player or cheerleader present how much in love they were. Which would have worked if her fake boyfriend hadn't been Jeremy, Alec's best friend, who spent most of his time staring at me.

Jeremy was cute with his brown hair and dark eyes and he was the 2nd hottest guy in our school. But he was no Alec, and besides, I didn't get why he would even like me when he had a room full of hot cheerleaders and the vice captain throwing herself at him. I mean Melanie was needy and not all there but she still had her looks. Why would anyone pick an antisocial girl who would never even get noticed unless she was neighbours with Alec or was probably on top of Natalie's hit list?


I don't think anyone even noticed I was here until Natalie asked me her question , because that would explain all the wide eyed and confused gazes I was getting.

I looked at Natalie and said, "Truth."

Natalie smirked as she said," When, where, who and how did you have your first kiss?"

Well, she knew the answer to that. Well, the answer I told everyone was true.

"I had my first kiss in your room when I was 15 in a truth or dare game, with," I paused for a moment,"Alec."

Natalie somehow gave a big smile looking at Alec triumphantly. Alec simply shrugged as he said,"Yup. she was my first too."

Everybody's eyes widened and so did Natalie's. Ha! She did not see that coming did she! It sounded perfect: he was my first kiss and I was his.



So I lied. It's not like anybody tells the truth in some lame game anyway. Like Natalie lies about her first boyfriend and how he was a college student when I knew he was a college dropout who worked at the supermarket downtown. How Melanie lied about her relationship with Jeremy and said she had always had a crush on Jeremy when the whole school knew she had always had a thing for Alec.

To me it just sounded better. Like how an ideal first kiss should be, not like how my actual first kiss was. So according to everybody my first kiss was Alec, the guy I have had a crush on forever when I was 15 and not in a summer camp when I was 14 with the guy I hated more than anything else.

"Fine" Natalie said smirking," Now for the dare."

This was their twist to the game. You had to do both a truth and dare. Which is why it was called the Truth and Dare game and not Truth or Dare. So basically the only choice you really got was what you got to do first.

"I want you to do seven minutes in heaven." Natalie says breaking me out of my trance.

You have got to be kidding me! Does it look like we are in second grade?

Yet I should have seen that coming. I mean there always has to be a seven minutes of heaven game. At least that's what the Gossip Review said. There always had to be a kiss: the prettiest girl in the room for the guys and the hottest guy for the girls. Then there was the seven minutes in heaven dare, and then there was the blindfold dare in which the person wore a blind fold and kissed whoever he or she grabbed first.

Yup it was that lame.

Melissa got the hottest guy dare in which she regretfully had to kiss Jeremy in order to show her undying love for him.

Yeah right.

I mean no one saw the fact that she almost walked up to Alec before quickly changing her mind.

Derek got the hottest girl dare and his girlfriend Kelly gladly accepted it without noticing the glances he was giving to his ex girlfriend Summer.

"Fine" I said, sighing.

I should have known that Natalie would do something like this. So Natalie put the blindfold on and leads me to cupboard. Once I heard the click of the door I started thinking of all the things that she could possibly do in order to get her revenge.

I mean she could probably set it up so that Alec comes to know that I like him and he may never talk to me. Or she could do something else send someone to. ....God, I'm not thinking about that. At All. Natalie couldn't have sunk that low could she? Maybe she had.

I'm pretty sure the only reason she was being nice to me was because Alec had asked her to. Why would Alec ask her that anyway? He was a completely idiotic jerk who was an insensitive freak-show.

Every single time he broke up with another girl he became all drunk and we shared a moment, and the next day he would be kissing another girl. I heard the door click open. No way was Natalie going to embarrass me. I was not giving the queen bitch the satisfaction.

"Who is it?" I call out.

Like he was going to tell me. I heard footsteps slowly drawing towards me.

"Its Jeremy," a voice called out.

If he rapes me in this dark cupboard I will make sure that he will never ever be able to have kids.

"Oh good, can we go now?" I ask trying to take the knot of the scarf that was tied around my eyes.

"Not yet," he said and then he grabbed me and kissed me.

At first I was to shocked to respond. But then I kissed back. It definitely felt good. Very good. Wait. I was kissing Jeremy. Not Alec, Jeremy. I already was on top of Natalie's hit list no way was I joining Melanie's to. Boy did she have nails. What the hell was I doing?

I pushed him away trying to get away.

"Ouch!" I heard a familiar voice say, a voice that did not belong to Jeremy.

I quickly undid my blindfold, to see Alec standing in front of me.

Oh Crap.

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