《The Guy Next Door (COMPLETED)》Chapter 2: Don't Judge A Party By Its Invitation




"I cannot believe we are going to Natalie's party!" Rebecca said, squealing as she squeezed my hand.

Samantha rolls her eyes giving me a sympathetic look but even she was excited. After all, it was her first date with Matt. It seems everyone was happy.

Everyone was, except me.

Rebecca was ecstatic with her dream to go to a high school party and make out with a random boy coming true and Samantha's first date with Matt, and Natalie had stopped making our life hell which is why everyone was happy.

Well suffice to say I was NOT.

After Alec's and Natalie's public display.I thought that I was going to have a breakdown and probably end up doing something that would land me in juvie but before I could, Melanie King had a breakdown.

There was a lot of screaming and shouting and scratching and pulling. I honestly think Natalie would have died if Alec hadn't pulled Melanie off her.

God how I wish Alec wasn't there.

The next day for the first time in Seaview High history the Gossip Review paper came out on a Tuesday.

The whole controversy was covered blow by blow, including Natalie's history with Alec and, well everything you need to fill 5 pages.

The worst thing was that the front page was covered with a picture with the both of them kissing and everywhere I turned there was a giant close up of their kiss.


Now that may not be such a big deal but Sally Timberlake our editor in chief was about cheap as they get. I mean in the history of the Seaview High Gossip Review nothing had ever come out in color.

I mean it couldn't get worse could it?

The minute the issue had released, every single student in our school ran to the table set up near the office where Sally Timberlake, stood selling the papers.

I swear to god I'm going to kill her right after I'm done with Natalie.

When I said it couldn't have been worse, I had been so wrong. Natalie Anderson who hadn't uttered one nice word to me since Nick's party, is now bending over backwards to be nice to me.

Even Rebecca and Samantha have fallen for her Miss Goody Two Shoes act.

When I went to tell them that this was total and utter bullshit this is how our conversation went.

Rebecca: I'm sure he will dump her in a few months just like he usually does. Till then why don't we enjoy Natalie's star treatment?

Samantha: I'm telling you this is your wake up call. If he has chosen Natalie over you then you should move on. Besides its fun to see Natalie being nice to us. I just wonder how nice she is going to be.

Five minutes later we received an invitation to Natalie's party from the queen bee herself.

Rebecca and Samantha wore the same shocked expression as me but Rebecca was the first to recover and say yes.

Samantha was harder to convince but she was won over the minute Matt asked her to come.

As for me I was thinking about all the excuses I could give her. Rebecca and Samantha argued with me, but I held up very strongly against them, saying no each and every time they begged me.


I thought I was actually going to slip out of this party until Alec arrived. He gave me his trademark smile that made him so popular in the girls department and simply asked me if I was coming to the party and before I could even think, I said yes.

Which is why I was now standing at the bottom of the staircase at my house with Rebecca and Sam at each of my sides, looking excited.

Both of them looked amazing. Rebecca with wearing a midnight blue dress that made her green eyes look more prominent and her black hair hung loose on her shoulders.

Samantha was no less. Her black dress made her red hair stand out and her ivory skin made her look like a porcelain doll.

As for me I was wearing blue skinny jeans and a black top with my blond hair messily tied into a bun. Really fashionable right?

When my friends saw my outfit choice they both rolled their eyes. We had the usual debate on why I wore the saddest clothes in my huge closet.

Don't get me wrong. It's not that I don't own any fancy dresses or heels that would even put Kim Kardashian to shame.

My mother had made sure that I had enough girly clothes to last a lifetime. From shoes to purses to designer clothes I had it all. After all that's what you get when you are the daughter of the head of one of the most successful fashion agencies in the world. My mom got almost all of them for free and the ones she didn't get, my father bought it with his unlimited credit card.

Which is why I have a room that covers one floor of the house with a walk in closet and a bathroom.

Rebecca argued that they should totally give me a makeover so that Alec finally realizes how pretty I was and dumps Natalie for me like a cliché teen fiction, while Samantha argued that they should give me a makeover so that some other guys start taking interest in me and then I can finally move on.

I worry about my friends at times.

In the end we came to a compromise. I get to wear whatever I want but they get to do my hair and makeup.

By the time they were done even I had to admit that I looked good.

Rebecca had only put a bit of mascara and eyeliner on my eyes that made my blue eyes look bigger and bluer than usual.

Then she paired it with a glittery pink lip gloss.Samantha simply combed my hair in such a way that it was straight and then curled at the bottom. She allowed me to tie it in a bun so that it would give more volume to my hair.

What the hell did that even mean?

Samantha snapped me out of my trance as she said, "Matt's here."

Samantha actually looked excited, her grey eyes sparkling. I gave her a big hug and said, "Best of luck."

Rebecca also hugged her and said, "You better give me details on what happens."

Samantha laughed as she said;" You know we are going to be at the same party right?"

I rolled my eyes as Rebecca said, "Well just in case you both decide to leave early."


Samantha turned red but gave us a nod as she went to join Matt on the porch. Since Natalie's house is just down the lane we agreed to walk.

"Aah, our little girl has grown." Rebecca said, "And by the way, I'm the maid of honor at her wedding."

She says this everytime Samantha gets a boyfriend.

"Rebecca, it's their first date." I say, laughing.

"Well, you never know what may happen." Rebecca said, giggling as we started walking down the lane.

"Remind me to hide your stash of Mills and Boons novels." I say, trying to control my laughter.

It takes us barely two minutes to reach her house. Natalie's house which is usually a big neat white house just like the others on Windsor's lane which is basically the lane where all the people who had a snobbish attitude and deep pockets stayed.

You got it right, It's the rich lane. Every town has one. A lane where all the older and bigger houses were placed.

Now her house usually impeccable house was completely unruly with cars parked everywhere they could fit and the beat of the music shook the ground. I quickly tugged on the rubber hand in my hair, letting my hair fall down as Rebecca grinned with excitement.

"Are you ready for our first high school party?" Rebecca says, as we carefully made our way through the maze of cars.


I was obviously super excited to go to a party hosted by my ex best friend who is currently dating the love of my life.

I mean what could go wrong, it was regular high school party.

I give her a quick nod as I ring the bell. It took exactly five seconds for the door to open. Natalie's eyes widened as she saw us.

Her silky dyed blonde hair was tied in a high pony. She gave me and Rebecca a once over before plastering a big fake smile on her face as she said," I'm so glad you could make it."

She stepped aside, allowing us to enter.

The entire hallway was packed with people and red plastic cups were thrown here and there, and the huge people were passed out on the couch.

Well if this was the high school party Rebecca was hoping for with the stink of alcohol, she seriously had to get her priorities straight but by that time I could tell her that she was already gone.

I simply sigh and head towards the kitchen. I find it pretty easily as I had been to Natalie's house so many times.

When I finally reach the kitchen, I take a deep breath, glad to get away from the party. I quickly pour some punch into a plastic cup and took a sip.

To be honest I expected more. After all the big great party thrown by the queen bee of the school that is usually the talk of the week and getting an invitation by the her highness herself, I thought there must be something worth talking about but it was nothing more than a room full of crowded teenagers drinking alcohol and dancing to some really loud music.

Well there you have it Clara.Never judge a party by its invitation.

Suddenly Natalie comes in my field of view her green eyes sparkling as she pulls her heavily glossed lips into a smile.

"I'm really glad you could make it Clara." she said earnestly, "I'm so glad you could get past our little disagreement, after all we were best friends."

Little disagreement!

After four years of making my life hell you call it a little disagreement, I want to say. But I know I have to come up with a polite and respectful answer because that was the difference between Natalie and me.

I open my mouth to give her a big and polite speech about how all was forgiven but how I'm not sure if we could be friends again.

But the minute I see her face with a plastered fake smile in it I burst out laughing my speech going down the drain.

And the worst thing is that I can't stop.

Each and every time I had my giggles under control; it took one look at her face to make me start laughing again.

Pretty soon I had tears in my eyes. Rebecca had made sure that I had waterproof mascara on, just in case I got too emotional but I doubt she would have ever thought I would need it because I couldn't stop laughing. Finally I looked up and bit my lip and gave her a quick nod.

Natalie's face had started to twitch from having that big fake smile on her face so long gave me a curt nod.

"If you are done now we can go to the real party." she said walking out of the kitchen.

I raise my eyebrows at her statement but follow her out of curiosity.

Once we emerged from the kitchen somehow the place had become more crowded, god knows how.

Natalie led me to the staircase. I was pretty sure that I was being led to her room for the truth and dare games.

The truth and dare games were somewhat of a legend in our school. It consisted of the most popular people in our school.

It was said that one of the power couples of our school had met over this, 2 years ago. Summer had apparently been dared to kiss Jared and they had started making out in front of their girlfriends and boyfriends.

The other story about it was that our ex senior class president who had met her boyfriend Tom while being dared to do 7 minutes in heaven.

Yeah as if everyone knows that whenever someone tries to 7 minutes in heaven they usually get embarrassed and admit their crush in front of everyone.

Crap I'm becoming like Rebecca. Remind me to stop reading those cliché teen fiction novels she gives me.

Most people would die to participate in their games but not me. Mostly it was because I didn't want to see Alec making out with the one single person I hate more than anything.

God this party couldn't get worse.

I try to look for an exit as I climb the stairs but Natalie is walking behind me and I'm pretty sure that her fake smile wouldn't last when I push her out of the way and run for the door.

Suddenly a boy comes out of nowhere and pukes all over Natalie's shoes.

On the other hand I think it might have taken an interesting turn.

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