《The Guy Next Door (COMPLETED)》Chapter 1:Next Weeks Headlines


"Oh my God."

These 3 words came from my best friend who sat across the table from me.Rebecca looked at me her eyes sparkling from under her dark hair.

"Alec broke up with Melanie King" she says slowly.

Look who finally arrived to the party.

Beside her my friend Samantha raised her eyebrows.

"Show me that",she says grabbing the edition of Seaview High Gossip Review.

The Seaview High gossip Review was the most popular source of gossip. From break ups to boyfriend-girlfriend drama and who is cheating on who, everything is put into that one paper weekly. Basically it's our high schools sad imitation of gossip girl.

But let me tell you the secrets here were every bit as juicy.

I glance at the front page of the paper in which big bold letters it was written:

"You already knew that didn't you?", Samantha says, her grey eyes looking questioningly at me.

I nod. I am the worst liar in the world when it came to my friends so there was no point even lying to them.

"He came home drunk on Friday and he only told me that he had dumped her."

"What happened?", Rebecca squeals, "Tell me everything."

I tell her everything as it happened but not paying attention to it. My eyes kept straining past to the table where Alec sat with the rest of the football team.

"I can't believe you helped him like that," Samantha says, "its like every time he comes home drunk and sad you coax him like he is a little baby and then the next day he has another girlfriend."

Rebecca pointedly glares at Samantha as she says,"Well I think its sweet, she knows everything about him and then he finally realises that she was always the right girl for him."

"GOD Rebecca, Clara's life is not a romance novel just waiting to happen." Samantha says rolling her eyes.


"Oh please," she says diverting her gaze to me,"I think he dumped Melanie for you."

"Yeah like he dumped Christy and Kate for you," Samantha replies sarcastically.

When she saw I wasn't paying her even the slightest attention she waved her hands in front of me and said,"Clara there is a large difference between what you are doing which is shamelessly staring and subtly glancing."

That broke me out of my trance.

Samantha and Rebecca were as different as they can get. Rebecca was the kind of girl who was expecting her prince charming to come ride up to her any second and take her away on a white horse and live happily ever after in a castle. While Samantha would be the kind of girl who would just look the guy in the eye and say, "I hate horses."

It baffles me too how I am friends with them.

"Oh as if." Rebecca rolls her eyes at Samantha,"It's not like you are the role model to follow because when you are not giving us big long lectures to stop staring and talking about guys you are shamelessly staring at Matt .''

Her grey eyes widen.

"I DO NOT," she defends.

Matt Hendricks is a jock. He is a football players but is not very popular because he is not very controversial. He is cute to with his sandy brown hair and unlike most others on the team, except for Alec of course does not have his IQ in the single digits.

"You so do," me and Rebecca both say together.

"Fine," she says her face as red as her hair, "how long have you known?"

Rebecca and I love teasing Samantha when she likes someone. I mean despite her cynical views on both of our ideals in love, mine being Alec and Rebecca's being a guy straight from a mills and boon novel Samantha did date more than any of us.


"Well, its quite hard to miss." I say enjoying teasing her about guys,"With both of you staring into each others eyes across Mr Murdoch's class.''

Samantha was about to reply when someone interrupted her.

"So how are my favourite losers doing?"I turn around to see Natalie Anderson standing in front of us smirking at us.

Natalie Anderson the queen cheerleader and the most prettiest and most popular girl in school who had one sole mission in her life-to make my life hell.

It was as if one fine day she had just woken up and decided to ruin her ex best friend's life.Natalie and I used to be best friends in Junior High and were close during the first few months of high school but then something happened on the night of Nick her boyfriend's party and she started acting like a total bitch.

I don't know exactly what happened that day and when I had gone to ask her I had been turned down by Natalie and her group of followers who used to be my friends.

Four years later Natalie is the cheerleading captain of the school and I am the quiet antisocial girl who no one would notice if it hadn't been for Alec who always said hi to me and talked to me.

Not that it helped me score any popularity points only glares from all the girls who like me harboured a crush for him.But the one person who hates it more than anything else is Natalie.

After all she and Alec had been going out for two years until Alec dumped her because she had almost made me cry by teasing me and made the very very big mistake of doing it in front of Alec.

Before that no one really knew that Alec and I knew each other that well and Natalie had gone on her usual routine in front of Alec and well, that had been the end for their relationship.

Good riddance.

After that everybody knew my name but my fifteen minutes of fame faded as soon as he got a new girlfriend and broke my heart to into tiny little pieces.

Ever since then Natalie made my life a nightmare whenever Alec wasn't around.

"Clara, I just wanted to say that I'm so sorry about everything I've done to you."

Wait what?

Correct me if I am wrong didn't she call me a loser like five-seconds ago.

Samantha gives her a dead stare,"You just called us losers like five-seconds ago."

Its like we are telepathic.

"I said "favourite losers" ." Natalie says and turns around and gives me the best sincere look she can muster and says,"I really am sorry."

My friends wear the same shocked expression as me.I quickly pinch myself to make sure that what I heard was true and sure enough she's yet standing there her big eyes looking at me pleadingly.

I turn around to see Alec watching the two of us.Well that explains it she was doing this so she can get back together with Alec.I look at her trying hard not to laugh and tell her that her desperate attempt to get back with him would never work.

"I'm really sorry Clara," she says again,"I'll make it up to you but for now, I have to go my boyfriend is calling me."She stretches the word boyfriend as she skips off to Alec's table.

"Why is she going to Alec's table?", Rebecca says frantically.

All eyes are turned towards Alec and Natalie.Alec smiles as she sees her and gets up.He quickly whispers something in her ear and she nods.

And then he kisses her.

Cellphones are already out of people's pockets and they are snapping their pictures.

Well, now we know what will be the headlines of next weeks paper.

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