《The Guy Next Door (COMPLETED)》The Guy Next Door


There are exactly two ways this can start to show you how pathetic my day to day life normally is.

One will be getting dissed by an ex best friend who is currently the queen bee and hates me with everything she has in her. (Trust me it comes later.)

But the other one will be pining over the guy who lives next door.

"Come on." I muttered to myself as I peeked from my large French windows to the room in the house in front of me. The door in that room opened and I quickly bend down hoping he didn't see me.

Ok fine I admit it, it was pretty lame spending my Friday night peeking into his room just hoping to catch a glance of him.

Scratch that.

It was pretty lame that I spent my Friday night as well as every other night of the week doing this.

Talk about pathetic.

Alec Evans.

Even thinking about him made my heart do a tap dance. In every school there is this one guy who 90% of the girls pine over, who is a few rungs up in the social hierarchy and is not an arrogant dickhead like every other decent looking guy.

In our school, Alec definitely fit that bill. Blonde hair green eyes, star football player, everything about him screamed perfect. Which is why I was in love with him. Usually jocks are jerks but not Alec. The star quarterback had a heart of gold.

Suddenly the notification alarm of my phone rang. I stumbled over my huge canopy bed as I rushed to reach my phone that was on the dressing table. Ok, fine, I liked Alec Evans. The word 'liked' being used loosely because frankly, I was in love with him. I had been in love with him for as long I can remember.


Even when he dated the sluttiest bitchiest girls in our grade.

I quickly I bent over to see that it was a message from Alec. My fingers fumbled as I opened his message.

Need to talk to u can u come to ur window?

My heart leaped in my chest.I quickly brushed my bushy blonde hair and looked at my reflection in the mirror. Blonde hair, greyish blue eyes and a tall frame. I was the kind of person who would never be given a second glance and I never even got one unless I was with Alec, and they were mostly death glares. I was wearing a simple green t-shirt and jeans. My dull eyes were twinkling with excitement like they always did when I was particularly happy or excited.

Basically when it was anything related to Alec.

When I was satisfied with my appearance, which was basically trying to smooth out the wrinkles on my t-shirt,I ran to my window.

Alec was sitting on the window sill his legs dangling outside.

"Alec, get back in you'll fall!" I squealed.

Alec lifted his head up. His eyes were droopy and he had black circles around them. He wore a black V neck t-shirt that showed his muscular arms.

Oh god, thats hot.

Focus Clara.

"Claaaaraa!" He slurred.

"Oh my god are you drunk?" I asked him. Alec gave a droopy nod and almost lost his balance.

"Stay I'm coming." I say as I run down the stairs and out of the house.

It doesn't take me long to find the spare key under the mattress of his big, three storied house, which looks exactly like mine and quickly open the door. I sprint upstairs to Alec's room, a place I have been a million times before. The color blue was the trademark of his room. From his curtains to the his bed sheet to even the carpet. You could see patches of dark blue wall which were not covered by certificates or shelves filled with his football trophies.


"Alec, come down from the window sill." I coaxed. Alec turned his head in confusion. His big green eyes looking at me.

"Come and get me," he said like a four year old boy.

Come on, you know you like the guy a lot when his inner four year old comes out when he is drunk and you find it "cute".

"Alec, you know I can't do that" I said patiently, "With my luck, we'll both fall."

That sentence does not have to be explained really if you have seen me climb up a set of stairs. It's a rare occurrence when I don't trip and fall while climbing up.

So adding a window to that equation wouldn't be the smartest idea.

"Right." He says, smiling which makes me dizzy. Alec slowly climbs down from the window sill but then he trips and falls on his bed with me under him.

"Get off me." I mumble, hoping he hasn't heard my heart going a million miles an hour. Alec quickly rolls to the side.

Oh god Clara couldn't you have just shut up for a moment?

"Good" I say flustered as Alec smirks at me.

Then I realise that there was something missing.

"Where is Melanie?" Melanie King was the vice captain of the cheerleading squad and a total bitch but then she was also Alec's girlfriend for 3 months. His smile disappeared.

"I broke up with her." Alec said simply.

I try my best to look sympathetic as I say, "I'm so sorry." Inside, I'm screaming out 'thank the lords'. I mean who could blame me really, Melanie was a first class bitch she fell only second to Natalie, my ex best friend and Alec's ex girlfriend. Thank god for the ex before the word girlfriend.

"That's ok," he says waving his hand, "she was a total possessive bitch anyway."

Happy late realization.

I gave him a smile as I lay the blanket on him. Thank god he understood that.Better sooner than later after all I would hate to see the Natalie drama repeat.

"Clara, why is it that all the girls date are such sluts?" He asks his green eyes looking innocently at me.

"Err..." I say not sure to what to say. "Well, I guess you haven't found the right girl yet." I say thinking he wasn't going to remember anything I say the next morning.

"Where will I find her?" He says his eyes drooping. I wait for a few minutes and he starts snoring softly.

"She's standing right in front of you," I whisper.

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