《FIFTEEN SHADES》Forty Nine: Last Day


I added the smut idk why it was deleted!!!!!!!

before he leaves tomorrow.

If you know me, I already cried my eyes out last night and told him to get a tattoo on his cock as soon as he gets there.

I also impregnated him last night, almost super glued my vàgina around his cock.

It's a wonder we actually survived it.

But all jokes aside, this is so frustrating and so hard, I'm a needy bïtch like i want my hip glued to Lucy's sides while he sucks my tits all days and lays on my chest— kind of glued together.

I'm even more cranky because I'm probably getting my period soon and God help me! Nobody is going to pamper me like he does.

KT and Jer are Great and all but no special back rubs and deep kisses, cuddles, tummy rubs. The random weird gifts and chocolates too, and Russian stories none of that.

Just gone and for six whole weeks damn!

And then the pûssy drought no action whatsoever!

I'm going to be miserable, I haven't slept alone in my bed in so long, like a full day even if we don't stay the night together, when he comes over during the day and we sleep together, or cuddle.

The more I think about this the worse it gets!

I'm going to miss him so much.


I turn around looking up to see him walking in with a little ball in his hand.

"You packed your bags yet?" He pecks my lips dropping the ball I'm guessing it's Jacksons' and he crouches to my level because I'm sitting on the bed and he's insanely tall.

By that he means you've stolen enough hoodies from my closet?"

"Not enough but I'm good, you can take some of my bras it you'd like so I don't have to be the only one taking" I say quietly, pouting and i frame his face.

He chuckles at me but kisses me softly again, pushing his big palms up my bare thighs making me flush.

"You will come for my next game yes?"

"I told you I would, i wish I could adjust my schedule and be there for the first one too"

"It's okay baby, you'll be the there for the next one and you'll wear my jersey right?" His circles my waist and i part my legs for me.

"Yes, If I could print your face on the side of my breast and your cöck on the other side, I would." I murmur and he laughs not taking me seriously which i actually am.


"K.T is working on something with Zhavia, in Tianjin he'll be watching you for me"

"I don't need a baby sitter" I roll my eyes, framing his face and brushing his hair back.

"Well he's a clown but he's fitting to protect you, because he's easily underestimated by the mere fact that he's a clown" He says quietly in that flowy baritone and I'm about to question him if he's trying to turn me on until I rethink his words

"Protect me? I have guards and I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself"

"Of course baby" He agrees and i know he totally just dismissed what i said. "Are you hungry?"

"Not yet, can you hug me now i have headache?"

"Okay baby" He smiles, gripping my hip pulling me to my feet making me rise on my tippy toes so my arm can go around his midsection.

He smells so good, and when his arms wrap around me, his other hand trailling down to grope my ass i hum against his chest.


"If you would just let me impregnate you, then you wouldn't have to leave tomorrow" I mumble against his chest.

"Okay, when you come for my second game we'll try, I'll check with my doctor if everything is okay with me, and I'm perfectly fine to carry your child"

"Children" I tell him, starting to laugh too "A whole soccer team, I like my men fertile and capable"

"Yes ma'am, anything you want"

"I'm going to miss you so much. Will you miss me as much, I'm going to miss your bed it's more comfy than mine"

"I'm going to miss being inside you, that's for sure"

I pinch him, "You're an ass!"

He chuckles gripping on my thighs and hoisting me up suddenly, making me yelp "I love your ass" He says licking the seams of my lips then kissing me.

"That's all you love about me?" I pull back, my eyes running over his features, his beauty marks, his perfect nose, the little scar at the side of my lip I always like to run my tongue along. He's so beautiful.

"No, i love your smile, i love hearing you laugh when you're with me, makes me want to give you the whole world if you'll laugh all day when we're together. i love your eyes, and how gold they turn when I'm inside you. I love hearing you ramble your ideas excitedly to me, i love hearing you talk and i love it when it you're happy because it's infectious. I love the sound you make when I'm inside you, and when you cum it's fuvking perfect, i—"

I kiss him, burying whatever filthy thing he was going to say down his throat. He hums against my mouth biting on my bottom lips.

"I'm going to miss you, it's going to fûck me up like i need oxygen" He murmurs tracings his fingers down my throat.

Then he blinks his eyes open and I nearly lose myself in them.

"I want to give you something" He says suddenly making me blush.

"Presents? I love presents from you, you know that" I grin.

He turns around and sits on his bed, me now on his lap. He pulls back and I'm watching him in anticipation as he digs through his pockets.

He pulls out a box, a matte green small box and i nearly choke. My mouth drops open and nothing comes out, my mind goes flat out blank then just starts having a full on blow out brain dump of different thoughts process.

"I got this a really long time ago" He calls out casually.

"W-what w-what Ni- oh God Nikolai Udinov what the hell is inside that box"

He laughs at me, this oversized jerk laughs at me.

"I'm not proposing relax, Jesus woman your grip is going to leave a bruise"

I quickly release him "Sorry, God you scared me, i was about to have an aneurysm"

"But it is ring, i got it months back when Grey made matchmaking necklace for herself and Shawn, I don't know why i got it then when you still hated my guts but I bought it, its been so long and it was just sitting at bottom of my drawer" He flips the boxs open it and hands it to me.

I peep inside before accepting and my whole heart stutters then skips a beat, God! This is fücking gorgeous.

It's rose gold, with a black outlining, the daimond has a weird but sophisticated cut, I don't know how many carats yet. And there's two rings actually, i pull the other one out and it's a simple gold band with diamonds inbedded around it.


They catch the light and i had to gasp.


Absolutely hundred percent breathtaking!

He takes the ring from me, lining them ontop each other then twist it, so the small one slips inside it and form as one, he flips it over and shows me the now joined engraving.

' моем дыхании' I read out loud. "That means my air right?"

"No, it means my breath" He chuckles separating the rings

"Damn it! I thought i got it. What does it really mean!"

"It means that being with you is like a breath of fresh air, being claustrophobic half my life and then being with your crazy ass self, you're my oxygen. I wasn't joking all the times i said that"

I take the rings from him giggling, "You just want to strap me so bad, I'm still going to wear it on my ring finger and post it though" I take his hand and slip the ring on his finger.

I take his big hand and press a kiss to his knuckles, and he's watching me again.

"Strap you to the headboards and have my way with you maybe" I smack him

"But I'm the one with the asthma, it should be the other way around you're my breath." I laugh

but he takes the ring and slips it on my finger.

It fit, I've added weight but it fit. I stare at it, flexing my finger because it's suddenly feeling much more serious between us now, even though these rings cost a fortune, his thought process putting this together warms me and i love this man so much.

I don't even know how to fully express it, it stuns me so fuvking much.

"What is it are.... oh please don't cry. Do you like it?" He tips my chin up, sees my face then frames my face to brush on my tears.

"I love you, i love you so much" I sob, I'm going to give myself a headache the amount of times I've cried today.


My arms go around his neck, his familiar embrace warming me, his scent making me so at home, his arms making me so at peace.

"Foxie— God Foxie" He sighs into my hair holding me firmly to his chest, i revel in his heartbeat, his warmness, his arm, his feel.

I almost doze off, before i pull back because my stomach grumbles "I'm hungry now and.... what is it?"

I frame his face, tilting my head because he's looking at me like..... I don't even know how to describe it but it's so intense, my heart thuds one time hard then starts beating erratically.

"Foxie, i just.... never mind lets go eat"

"You sure?"

"Yes, you're making me think of fuvking you in this position and I really need to feed you" He pecks my lips softly and I giggle against his mouth, he licks my teeth because he's weird like that.


and I would be able to watch Lucy get into his jet, after fücking me in the back seat of his custom made Cadillac Cien, and nearly squeezing me in a ten minutes hug and kissing me senseless.

It's until i get home, and stare at my packed suitcases see my empty bed, I realize just how empty my home is, now that he left.

He filled it up without even moving in.

My bed suddenly seems too big, too wide, too much space. Who the heck is supposed to sleep alone it that wrestling ring? An elephant!

My God!

And i miss his bed. Should i drive to his place and sleep there I already have the keypass.

What have I done, I really have a problem I already miss him, it's barely been an hour.

Is this how love feels like?

So wicked! Obsessive, Clingy, Stressful! So so warm from the inside.

But jeez the betrayal, i was a bad bïtch before this! Now my eyes are flooding because my boyfriend is gone for six weeks.

Well more like baby daddy, i had to have impregnated him when he was fucking me from behind in his back seat, my ovaries are still pulsing and blushing with how hard and good he fucked me.

I call him but it goes to voice mail

I go into my bathroom to clean myself up, cause the waterworks lately are just disgraceful.

I suddenly remembered him fücking me on the counter, me braiding his hair right by the shower vanity, us in my too large bathtube

This is so unfair.

I shoot him a text


I finish up in the bathroom and go make some cookies and chocolate smoothies. My conference meeting took me roughly three hours and when I finish my write up, finalize it, did a run through on my website and stock, reviews my PR team, clean up a bit.

I'm already tired and ready to drop.

KT calls me while I'm trying to take a bathe, and keeps me or rather my phone for another thirty minutes.

Lucy did not return my call or text me back.

Maybe he wrecked his phone, I've been robbing off on him wrongly, he already changed his phone twice this month.

My phone rings and I see it's Zhavia requesting a conference call with both Grey and i, I'm not really in the mood to talk with anyone i just want to take a bath and call it a night.

They eventually put me in a much better mood, but I'm still mixed upset and worried about Lucy, i check my phone when I'm done and see that he left me on seen.

He didn't respond after seeing my text, it's been eight hours and he proceed to ignore my calls.

Is he in labor or does he want me to go tigress on him.

I go on his Instagram he hasn't posted anything today, so i click on that one teammate that tags him in all his picture, and boom there's a video on the guys story and LUCY is in it!

It's an hours ago too.

It's just a bunch of them shouting and doing the bro hug thing, there are a few vaping in the back.

I close the app and put my phone in do not disturb.

I go to light the electric diffuser candles, add more pillows to my bed to cuddle, little spongebobs,mid night snacks, music, changed the light setting, adjust the temperature, set up everything because I deserve this selfcare bed time.

I wash my hands and do my night skincare routine, then i do my hair and put it in a bonnet.

I climb into bed with my laptop, I started using Lucy citrus detergent and now my bed smells like his. Why didn't he call me back or return my text?

I turn the lights to its lowest, and now my room has a yellow orangey hue with the diffusers candles.

I sigh snuggling into my pillow and falling asleep.


the same one i use to have when Lucy holds me in his arms.

I yawn, searching for my phone in the dark only to remember i left it in my bathroom. There's something wrapped around me.

Specifically there's an arm wrapped around me, i freeze then throw the cover aside nearly screaming, and a hand covers my breast to keep me from bolting.

Moisture gathers in between my legs making me clench my jaw.

"LUCY!" I nearly shriek rubbing my eyes and stifling another yawn. "oh God am I having another wet dream!"

He makes a weird deep Russian noise from the back of his throat.

"I shouldn't be having one, I'm still mad at you"

"What did i do?"

"You didn't answer nor return my calls and you didn't respond to my text"

"I did, you didn't. I called you several times"

"Wait! Wet dream, You would be fuvking me by now. Are you really here?" I slap him and my palm stings "OH MY GOD YOURE REAL! WHAT FÛCK ARE DOING HERE?"

"Did you just hit me??"

"Well don't sneak up on me next time, jeez what time is it?"

"Three forty six" He mumbles glaring at me.

"That early, what are you doing here? I'm still so mad at you! You ignored my call and didn't answer it! Why didn't you tell me when you landed? Again what are you doing here? How could you leave me on seen you fücking ass-

He circles my throat, altering the rest of my ramble, pulling me right under his nose.

"Be quiet" He drawls in a rasp, and my none existence panties melt. "I will shove my cock down your throat in you keep talking"

"You know very much that, it wasn't even a threat. That's sounds delicious. But I still want to beat you for leaving me on seen without a response. You're so horrible to me sometimes and you make me so mad. What the hell are you even doing here? Why are you-

"I love you"

"....looking at me like that? Did something happen

to— what?"


"Lucy..." I whisper "W-what did you just say?"

"I love you, that's what i came back to tell you" He watches me, tilting his head refusing to break eye contact and putting my heart into shock.

I blink, counting my breath before i pass out "I'm not dreaming right? You really just said those words to me and its not a dream like all the other times?"

"No baby, I love you"

"Say it again"

"I love you" His tongue darts out and licks my lips then kiss me, using my throat to flush my naked body to his fully clothed one.

I'm either dying or I'm dreaming!

"But- Lucy oh God, how do you.... you're sure you mean that?"

"Yes, i sat through my nine hours flight, and i kept remembering everything you said when i asked you how you knew you loved me, and even then I already felt the same way, I realized that, that was exactly how I felt too. Can you imagine loving someone and not even knowing you already love them because you don't know how to love, you don't know what it's suppose to feel like. I've loved you for so long Foxie for years and I didn't even know it, and God it hurt. Can you imagine that?"

I don't know what else to do, so i just kiss him because that is the most fulfilling words he has ever said to me.

There's tears in my eyes and they're happy tears. His hand slids down to touch my breast and i arch against him, wanting him to touch me everywhere.

I move my hand to his sweat, wanting him just as naked as me.

We pull apart to get it off, he takes my shaky hands and tugs off his sweat then presses his lips down to mine cupping my breast and pinching my nipples.

I strain against him, moaning loudly and arching my body against his, he starts to kiss down my throat, i rake my hand through his hair.

I pull at the hem of his shirt, wanting his chest against mine.

"Please Lucy" I breathe when he pulls back to take off his shirt, shaking his hair out of his face.

"Please what?"

"I want you inside me" I moan when be cups one breast then bends his head to suck on it, pulling my nipple between his teeth slightly.

He presses my back into bed, running his palm on the flat of my stomach until he reaches my püssy.

I spread my legs more for him, tugging his hair, my skin feels so hot being with him. He brushes his thumb on my clit, making me lift my hip wishing he would slid a finger inside or just fill me with his cöck.

"Lucy" I moan

He pulls his mouth away from my breast "I love you" He declares and presses his lips to mine.

I gasp into his mouth, fist on the sheet and tugging hard on his hair, when he spreads my legs open, cupping the back of one knee and sliding his cock inside me.

My body bucks under him and it feels like the most delicious sensation with him just saying that to me.

He pulls out halfway then burries his cock so deep inside me i have to pull away from the kiss, throwing my head into bed groaning.

He increases his pace, cupping my breast fucking me so hard and deep, that i lose my breath.

"Lucy.ohGod.Lucy, oh yes yes yes"

He kisses me again silencing my moans, I stiffen spamming around his cock as my climax hits me like a thruck.

I clench around him, wanting him close too, my heart fighting against my ribcage.

He swells inside me, spurting out his reales jerking every last drop and filling me so good.

He kisses me slow grinding out his release eliciting another orgasm from me. I moan against his mouth, whimpering.

He buries his face in my throat, playing with my breast while we try to catch out breath.


"Yes baby"

"I love you so much"

"I love you so much baby"

"Will you leave now?"

"No, in a little bit, a few more hours"

"Okay" I sigh wishing we could just get one more day together so i can bask in this.

"Why didn't you answer my calls or my messages?"

"I left my phone in the bathroom, i was so mad you didn't respond to either my texts or my calls"

"My phone was with Matt, I guess he opened your message"

"Okay, and Matt is guy right, just to be clear"

He chuckles at me, making me grin "Sure"

"Will you get in trouble?"

"Not really i'll miss practice coach will be fine, it was worth it anyway"

I pull his head back to look at his face "It's going to he harder now when you leave"

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