《FIFTEEN SHADES》Forty Seven: Devil Shades


Sleep is the next thing on my mind and i was to going to mention that to him, as soon as I could speak.

I hear him leave and i stay flat on my stomach ready to doze off.

When i feel his hand on my back, i hum a yes in response not opening my eyes.


I lift my head to see he brought me juice in a togo glass cup.

"Thank you" I give him a lazy smile and suck up the content almost sucking the cup along.

He collects the cup, getting into the bed, and pulls me to him I immediately settle against his chest, curving one of my legs on his crotch noticing he has his pants back on. His arms wrap around me and he places his other hand on my thighs.

He smells so good and i sniff.

"You're weird"

"Will you stay over?" I mumble closing my eyes and framing his neck, running my thumb on his pulse, his heart is still thumping fast.

"I need to go to L.A today, but I'll back tonight, I'll come over tonight and we'll... we'll talk about everything" His body tenses

I lift my head looking at him and press my lips to his "I love you" I tell him simply

With a soft smile i tuck my head into his neck ready to succumb to sleep.

But i hear his phone ring, by the way he's conversing I know he's talking to Shawn mixing between Russian and broken Spanish.

"It's zorra estúpida" I correct him after he hangs up. They were talking for probably about forty five minutes.

(Stupid cunt)

"He said the same thing"

"How is Grey?"

"Do you know?"

I lift my head to look at him and he's smiling "Yeah i saw the bag when I went over, not like she told me or anything but yeah"

"She forgave him so I think it's good for them" He says trailing his finger tip on my arms.

"I hope so because they're literally what i want for us you know. They make me so jealous"

"They suck each other faces like it's a show and just forget about us suffering to watch all of that, it's fücking annoying actually"

"No, but the way that we literally do the same shit!"

"Отличный средство"

"You would say so, they probably say the same shït about us being annoying too" I mumble chuckling with him actually thinking about it.

Movie get together nights must be so uncomfortable for KT and Vivek. Cam is constantly on his phone with his girl.

"We should go on a vacation when... you're back from...."

"You're not coming with me?"

"Coming with you? What do you mean I'm going to be in China, I told you i was working with Zhavia on something. I signed the partnership two weeks ago. Grey is in this contract too. I told you Lucy" I sit up

He makes some sort of angry Russian sound and sits up too. I see his eyes glue to my breast for good seconds making me realize I'm still very much naked. He runs his hands through his head, and clasp his hand like in prayer on his chin.

I touch his forearm moving closer to him "Is that why you didn't talk about it, you thought i was coming with you?"

"I thought you didn't have any contract until a month from now. I thought we would be together for like three weeks and I thought Zee was buying some properties in the state and....Я ненавижу этот ад.... i set up everything yunno i just thought...."


(Fücking hell i hate this)

"Lucy, I don't...."

"That's why you were extra moody fûck six weeks! Foxie Я сойду с ума I don't think i can do that"

(I will go fuvking mad)

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying this is going to be hell for me, and I might actually lose my mind. We've never been away this long since we've been together" He looks at me, like really looks at me and frames my face

"What the hell am I suppose to do? I'm going to use an actual pillow to sleep and not your tits, who the fûck is gonna gimme head rubs and kiss my scabs when i nick them?"

I twitch my lips holding back from laughing "Maybe one of your team mates?" I offer lifting my brows

"You just want me to be gay so bad" He glares at me.

And I chuckle moving into his arm, crushing my breast against his chest "We'll figure it out, it won't be that bad" I sigh against his chest.

His arms wraps around me and I know in my heart that we would be okay.


I set out clothes on my bed to wear, a plaid black skirt, with an over sized sweater because it's so cold. And it's Lucy's.

Red boots to go with it, i sit by my vanity wanting to put my hair in a ponytail, Lucy walks in and strides toward me. I swivel my chair around because I caught the sight of him in my mirror.

I grin up at him, because goddamn I love this man in a suit.

"You came in straight from... hmmmmm.." He dips his head and just kisses me dragging me up to his body and letting my brush drop from my hands.

My hands move up around his neck and he kisses me hungrily like he didn't fuvk me to oblivion this very morning and leave my bed a few hours ago.

We pull apart "Hi"

"Hi" I blush.

"You're smell good" He tells me kiss my nose.

I grin "Are we going out, i wasn't sure because it was so late"

"Yes, we are I'll watch while you get dressed" He nod kissing my forehead and stepping back.

I make a face smiling with the way he just said it.

I finish dressing up and he watch me like he does sometimes, it's always unnerving and leaves me hot and bothered.

I finish up spraying my scent and go sit next to him on my bed to zip up my boots. He crouches, grabbing my legs and start to help me zip it up. Trailing his fingers on my smooth lasered hairless skin.

But there's a little scar on the right side. When he looks up at me, a ton of mental images with him on his knees with his face in between my thighs, sticks in my face.

He grins attempting to stand to his feet, but i hold on to his forearm pushing foward a bit.

"You're ready right?"

I smile at him, then spread my legs for me to see "Always" I murmur and watch his eyes darken seeing that I didn't wear any panties.

"Foxie" He groans understanding exactly where i took this.

I scoot closer, grabbing his collar and caressing his neckline "A quickie?" I whisper into his ear and bite his ear lobe. His pulse quickens against my fingers, i feel his hand move into my skirt and squeeze on my naked hips "We'll be fast" I whimper suddenly feeling his thumb on my clit.


"You're extra horny lately" He husk, pushing me flat on the bed.

"You love it" I jut my chin up spreading my legs open when i see his cock spring out from his slack!

"And you're a cock hungry dirty girl"

"Only for you Mr Udinov, now kiss me" I reach over and tug on his collar down, my arms circle his neck, and i drop his lips to mine.

I almost choke on the kiss because i feel him thrust inside of me, i hold my breath until he's fully sheathed and we both groan into the kiss.

I squeeze around him, feeling my own wetness smear my ass being so turned on by this. His hand inches up my sweater to cup my breast through the lace. He starts moving and fücking me to the hilt each time.

The squelching noise and the sound of skin smacking skin quickly fills the room, along with his groan and my moans.

He cup both my knees, spreading my legs and pressing it to the sides of my breast. He pulls out to his tip and plunges his cock inside me, i pull away from the kiss crying out his name and struggling to breathe.

Like i told him we would be fast because my orgasm was fast approaching, I throw my head back chanting his name when he drives into me to the hilt.

My nails claws the sheets tugging so hard on his hair that I'm sure I pulled some few strands, i squeeze around him, my leg going numb as i let go and my orgasm takes over.

He jerks inside of me, filling me with his cum, my body spasm and he kisses me slow as his thrust becomes sloopy.

"I'm going to die of excessive ejaculation someday because of you" He grunts into my neck.

I pant feeling him stir inside me, i run my fingers through his hair shaking my head and letting out a giggle "You weren't complaining a few minutes ago"

"You showed me your pussy, how could i?" He pulls out and goes to probably bring a wet warm rag.

I still blush when he spreads my legs and goes down to clean me up.

We finish up and head out.

He drove in his matte brown SGL Wrangler custom designed and he spent way too much on it, he's obsessed with wranglers and i do not get it.

But i love love loveee the interior it look like black heaven.

I notice how tense he is as we drive, i place my palm over his to calm him down and like kind of to reassure him.

I'm not going to lie I'm scared about what he's going to tell me but a big part of me feels so relieved, so important and so so happy that he finally wants to open up about his past to me.

Grey told me it took Shawn years to get him to open up to his therapist.

He brought me to the lake house, i had talked about him bringing me to some lake by the zoo and him fucking me under the stars and he did.

He bought a lake house two days after, brought me on a date here, fireflies light serenaded and he fucked me under the stars.

See I would box him to my grave and fuck him in my after life because I love him so fücking much and i even told him so today.

There's a large fur blanket spread by the tree, a large hamper is by it and there's little spongebob shaped lanterns lit.

I grin!

He's so fücking extra and so sweet to me. And it smells just like him here. I wonder why.

I let go of his hand and hug him, long and warm and he tenses but relaxes almost immediately, i smile into his chest repeating over and over again in my head that i love this man.

"I just Lucy....." I take his hand bringing it to my chest "There's too muvh here for it to just change by whatever you're going to tell me. You're not getting rid of me, I'm obsessed with your cock you know this"

He chuckles shaking his head at my attempts to lighten the mood.

But he sighs nodding looking up before looking directly into my eyes.

I don't know why I lose my breath.

He settles on the blanket taking me with him, so i look up at him wrapping one arm around his waist and his neck.

His heart thudding against mine.

"You're so perfect foxie and good i just can't let you go, no matter how bad for you i am"

"You're not bad for me" I shake my head immediately glaring at him. "And I'm not perfect"

"You're, you're perfection to me. Let me tell you a story" He says instead cupping my chin and staring at me like this is the last time he'll look at me this close.

I just nod urging him.

"This little Russian boy, he was tiny, he was barely five when his world took an upturn, his parents died right infront of him, murdered by wired bandits, they said it was a robbery gone wrong even though the house was set on fire.

He was put in the system after straying from home to home before this woman, she had red ginger curly hair that stopped at mid back, she looked like a pixie, a fairy God sent you know. He breathed fresh air for the first time in months

It got better, she had a little red head kid around his age, he looked just like the fairy and.... despite not knowing him the the little red head boy called him his brother.

Just like that, so easy. Then he met the father, the father hated the little Russian kid instantly, no matter how hard the fairy tried to protect him she couldn't. He would torture both brothers, knock them around and curse at them but the red head protected him especially from the most gruesome part of it.

But not for long because the father got tired of everyone taking the pain but him, the fairy died and the father blamned the two brothers, so he called social services and accused the little boy of stealing, of breaking objects, walking out at night and bringing the devil to their home.

Said the little boy was cursed and they needed to take him to division. The brother begged them not to take him away, not take to hurt him, not to take the little Russian kid to divsion but to take him instead. So the father agreed and they took the red head brother instead.

They took the little boy to a church as a reconsideration, he needed deliverance, he need cleansing he need to be brought back right and he was.

He spent four years in a Catholic Church, where the six sisters, they would tie him on the this sacred stones naked, they would whip his skin, playing and sucking on his little cock chanting confess confess confess! Thy devil lives within! 'And Jesus rebuked him, and the demon came out of him, and the boy was cured at once.' Mathew 17:18

They would hold the ritual every day, stuff a candle cross in his ass, tie him and spread him open like a sacrificial lamp, tear at his skin, draw out his blood, chanting their rosary and praying the same prayer!

Because he was cursed, he was marred he was the devil, he needed to repent to confess and everyday he did.

Everyday he confesseed over and over again holding on to his rosary and begging God to forgive him, to change him from the devil. He begged and begged in his tiny cage, he would starve for days, chained in his box cage, a tiny window that could barely fit a shoe was all he had to gaze out from.

He couldn't see the world. He forgot what the sun looked like, what day felt like just darkness and only darkness.

They trained him to steal around the church, to pray and to kill, to slaughter and to speak in tongues, to torture and to chant his rosary.

He killed a little girl that tried to escape, he killed her because the sisters asked him to and it was right, but she didn't die. The girl didn't die because she was also a devil, the sister took care of her.

But the fat priest that was constantly sleeping with little six year old girls, was going to run away with their embezzled money. The sister gave him his full first kill, the little Russian kidwas just nine years old the little boy, and he killed a man.

He kills a man begging for his life, pissing on himself with his fingers cut off, his swollen mouth begging him and telling him he has a little girl she was only two, but the boy still pulled the trigger and shot him in the head.

It went on like that and he became the best trained child assassin, he carved each slice into his skin for every kill because he was confessing, he was the devil.

He no longer remember his sources but what the sisters gave him, his world was nothing but darkness, but the killing anytime he held a gun and his devil roared cold in his head he thrived, he lived on the nicotine or such drive. But he always returned to his cage a meek solider.

He saw the sun once, when he went to steal at some local dance competition tournament. But she was a person, a little girl with fox eyes that messsed up his darkness.

When he saw the red head boy again he was bringing him food to his cage, he would do that every night because the sister only fed him two nights a week.

But he was a monter, the devil and they don't feed on food, they fed on sins, he needed to confess, to chant his rosary so he could be free.

And when all hell broke loose and they pulled him out of that dark hole, red head and some men in suit coming to his aid, too much had already been consumed, too much had been adapted to and the real world was such a counterfeit, a fluke.

What kind or world didn't sleep in cages but big king side bed? What kind of world didn't carve their skin at night then chanted their roseary but took showers and listened to music? What kind of world didn't feel the need to kill, but went about their way and had their own lives? What kind of world ate day and night, had jobs, had sunlights not candles light and darkness? What kind of world had people getting hair cuts, wearing clothes, talking to people! Fuvk what kind of world held hands to walk down the street, what kind of world.... fell inlove Foxie!


He was diagnosed with severe multi personality disorder, Impulse Control Disorders, eating disorder, Intermittent Explosive Disorder!

Disorder disorder disorder! They just kepts saying poking and proding. It was more than a nightmare, it wasn't even hell because he was already hell!

Took months to just be stable, to do simple things like nod in yes and no.

Shawn taught him to do this, to do his hair, to take his bathe, to eat, to read, to spell everything like he was a toddler!

He still couldn't settle on one world, on one right, on one personality, he would get triggered and those demons would charge in his head, gun felt like a phone you press whatever button and shoot a random person in the foot because it felt right, because he wanted them to confess.

But he got better, it took years but seeing the sun no longer scared him, big beds finally felt right to sleep in, wearing clothes weren't even so bad.

They might have been little changes but they were so much to him, and people stood by him.

But he saw this fox eye girl again and he wanted more better, he wanted good he wanted best just so he could have her just so maybe his devil wasn't so fifteen shades dark!

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