《FIFTEEN SHADES》Forty Four: Kingdom Cum


ur breathing has slowed, our heart beat isn't steady but thumping against each other.

His semi hard erection is still inside of me, the thought is making my head whirl. I feel his hand cup my exposed breast, making me bite my bottom lip, a soft tiny moan escapes me despite my struggles.

"You know what? If I didn't take your innocence I would have been very concerned about how fücking good you just rode my cöck" He says making me blush, and i feel him getting hard inside me again.

He tugs on my nipple and pinches on it, i roll my hip moaning, my face is hot and he's fully hard now making a repressed loud moan escape.

"Or should I actually be concerned because damn Baby!?" He ask after thinking it through. He unbuttons my shirt fully then sucks on my other breast kneading the first one and playing with my nipples.

"No" I giggle my face is still so hot. "You uhnn, oh my God yes.....f-forgot I'm a dancer? I can twerk while laying flat on a flat surface, the bed so...... Jesus fûck lucy!"

His hand tightened on my hair, thrust up so deep inside me.

"Hmmm, that leaves a very thirsty imagination in my head. I'm not sure I only want it just in my head" He growls, pushing up then literally flipping us over and i feel his cum drip down my anus, making me bite my lips.

I clench around him, getting more wet from the feeling.

His eyes run down my body, taking in my already ravaged state by him. He looks absolutely wolfish with that chasmire grin, clearly satisfies with where he has me.

A blush spreads all the way down my chest and my püssy.

He cups both my knees spreading my legs open and making me hold my breath, or lose it.

He looks down to where our body is still connected, and how deep he's buried inside of me. His eyes darkens, and i feel him twitch inside of me, getting more excited making my heart thump faster.

He pulls out making his earlier cum drip out then thrust back inside of me.

My mouth falls open and a broken gasp leaves my throat and i have to cover my mouth and throw my head back.

My breast bounce from his asssult, my püssy throbbing for more. I grab at his throat with both shaking hands, pulling his face down to mine, whimpering and moaning into the deep kiss with each deep pounding thrust, i cross one legs around him taking him deeper and breathing through my nose.

He squeezes on my breast, tugging my nipple and pinching the sensitive points making my eyes blur.

His deep strokes and the loud smacking of our flesh fills the room, I'm so glad the bed is study with how intense he's fücking me so good, I would hate to feel the bed move.

I tug on his hair, feeling more of his cum drip down my anus making me buck as he ravages my body.

"Oh fûck Lucy, don't f-uck-ing stop please! Yes fûck " I whisper through clench teeth, feeling my breast bounce.

"I need you to cum for me baby" He groans pinching my nippls and thrust hard and deep inside me.

I close my eyes, throwing my head back finally reaching my peak. Then I feel him bury his cock so deep and release his hot cum inside of me. Making body buck.

He keeps his face buried into my neck as he grinds inside of me, emptying his semen inside me.


We stay like that, heavy breathing, thumping heart beat and covered in our cum.

My face once again flames at the action, i suck on my lips at the thought of what we just did.

I'm so happy he's okay, I literally want to buy a banner and celebrate it. And to think we were doomed this morning.

God i love him so much, i feel tears in my eyes again, I quickly blink them away content with what we have.

I hear light barely there snoring!

And it's official this man has a kink of staying buried inside me when he falls asleep.

I smile lazily running my hand through his hair, feeling thoroughly satisfied and used in a good way. Once again I'm wishing we could live in a 'we' bubble for a long time.

I love how soft yet thick his curls are, and how my fingers just glides through and how easy it is to make him fall asleep.

I love him, it hurts but i do love him, too much.

And even though I know there were other women before me, including that bïtch from yesterday, and I know he kept it from me, But it doesn't matter now.

After struggling to sleep too and being unsuccessful, I gently push him to his back, God he weighs like a train engine. I ease out of him and grab some medicated wipes from the table and clean up his cöck.

Bitting my lips and my face is hot with all the mess we made. I pull up the sheets to cover him when i hear the door being opened.

Completely startled with my heart in my throat I move and turn to my side to find a very hot faced Grey, when she sees my state and a naked covered Lucy and i can see her putting it together in her head

She waves her hand, mouthing a 'I'm sorry' then rolls a finger to say I'll come back later

"Wait" I say softly wishing my cheeks too to cool "I uhn actually want to talk to you"

"Okay" she nod keeping her eyes on my face "Well I'd prefer we do that without your tits in my face"

My face turns hotter and i hear her chuckle softly before gently shutting the door.


Well better her than anyone else.

I quickly stand then i go into his bag and grab him some sweats, I don't know if it's the meds or the sex but he's more deeply asleep than usual.

And it's difficult to tug on some sweats to a deep sleeping, large man. Just his legs feel like i was lifting a house. But if she comes back to check on him, I definitely don't want her seeing his dïck or his prints.

I clean up, grab his shirt and some black sweats too, i spray some of his cologne on myself and in the room because I smell like him and sex and I'd just rather smell of him.

I press a soft kiss to his lips, pushing his hair from his face and he curls into my touch.

I head out to look for her, she's at the inner curve fountain, she's a holding a child and Shawn is with her. She's seated on his lap while he's holding her and I think she's crying.

I'm about to just turn around and come back to look for her later but she catches my eyes.

She stands turning her back to me and says something to Shawn, i can hear his disapproval and reluctance. I don't know what she says to him but he calms down he still glares at me though.


Which is fine, I drive joy watching him in my head through a fork anyway.

His look completely changes when he crushes her to him kisses her deeply then whispers something to her.

She's walking up to me with the child and I almost panic. Despite her puffy eyes, she schools her features and smiles at me, making me wonder how many times she has to put on the facade that it looks so perfect.

"This way?" She nods leading me into the kitchen.

I follow behind her, a part of me wishing she left the child with Shawn.

Something smells absolutely delicious and I basically forget the reason i actually asked to see her and start to salivate.

We get into the kitchen and i notice immediately that someone has been cooking a lot in here, there are three pots currently on the electric stove and she goes to open the oven.

She serves some stuff in two bowls, and a smaller bowl then goes to sit by the island.

"Here, what did you want to talk about?" She ask handing a bowl to me, and plating some round chocolate balls thing for the kid.

He is literally a carbon copy of her, except he has the most gorgeous green baby blue eyes, like literally this people just have the prettiest eyes ever.

"Umm, thank you. Its uhn about Lucy" I accept the fork and actually dig in then I have to cover my mouth and cough a bit, then moan.

"This is so good!" I nod

She smiles softly "I figured it'll be about him, what do you want to know that you can't ask him"

"I- well, he really doesn't open up to me, and he told me you guys really relate well, so i do assume you have a sensitive subject in common. You seem really close so I'm hoping you can help me out, because i made a mistake yesterday arguing with him and not noticing something was wrong. I swear i never meant to hurt him, I didn't mean to push him so hard with all my questions, please understand....."

"Listen, I know you heard what Shawn was saying. Trust me he's not blaming you intentionally, he's just used to taking care of Nik, this isn't your fault. It isn't. This is his health and not your doing okay? He wouldn't blame you either because you're not to blame" She speaks softly and honestly and it seriously warms me.

I nod "Can you tell me what's wrong with him, it's one of the worst things to be with him and something like this happening yet i have no clue"

"I can't tell you what wrong him, respectfully i think when he's ready he should be the one to tell you that, but i can tell you what caused his episode"

I nod again ready to take whatever she offers. "He's taking anti-psychotics" I say mumbling.

"He not crazy, he.... well he forgot his meds, he was so excited to bring you here, didn't stop me talking about it. I pack it with the bag of things he request for you I don't know how he lost them. But the thing is if he misses his meds, he ends up having a motor syndrome."


"such as withdrawal dyskinesias, parkinsonian symptoms, dystonias, and neuroleptic malignant syndrome even..."


"Spells okay? extreme vigor, lightheadedness, mood swings, nausea, extreme headache, dizziness but the worst are the nightmares, they are really bad and he can... be kind of dangerous. So he mostly opts for staying awake and staying away...."

"Oh God"

It makes sense now, the way he was trembling, he looked sick and i just thought it was because of lack of sleep. God he was carrying me and i felt like we were going to fall until he sat down. He was so dizzy yet he was carrying me to comfort me because i was being a bitch just because he didn't want to sleep in the same bed with me.

What the hell is wrong with me!

"What is it?"

"That was what started off the argument, he told me he was looking for something, he couldn't find it and then he said he was going to sleep in another room. I thought he just didn't want to sleep in the bed with me"

Her eyes soften "He is really sensitive, and he recoils from physical touch, which is understandable so even if he did that, it had nothing to do with you and everything to with him. He was trying to keep you safe not hurt you, a lot of things has changed about him and it's all because of you"

"I honestly don't deserve him" I say my eye welling up "Like i know it hurts and confuses me when something and as simple as a hug is not reciprocated by him. But I should have just talked to him not thrown a tantrum like some brat. I was so cruel to him"

"They're your emotions, I think they're justified. Better that than keeping it locked inside, he really cares about you"

"I know, i just wish I understood why touching him sets him off so much. I- I feel like an idiot, I don't really understand the man I'm sleeping with. Like it drives me crazy the way he recoils from me when i hold his hand i- "

"It's not intentional, it's just long lived. You're ummm... How do i say this"

"What- wh- what is it?" I inch closer to her blinking now so I don't miss any change in her expression.

"You're his first" She nods "That's why all of this new to him"

"New to him?" I scrunch up my brows in confusion "What do you mean by first?"

"I mean that he has never been with a woman before, intimately, you pops his cherry, his pink cranberry, puntured his honey pot and exposed him to what being inside of woman is" She starts laughing when my whole face turns red.

So does the little boy.

Oh my God! I really hope she's messing with me.

"But- b-but how? A virgin he was a virgin. I am the first woman he was with but that's impossible. That man doesn't fûck like a saint! Oh God! Virgins don't fûck like that their first time and make an orgasm feel like gold. He- h-he Jesus fûck...,"

"Maybe a little less cursing" She nods, running her hand through the boys hair.

"I'm so sorry" I whisper blushing.

"You're fine"

"Be he has past girlfriends or flings doesn't he, even that bitc... i mean that corn bread that brought the bag! She's his ex isn't she?"

"I don't know who's you're talking about. He doesn't. His brothers were convinced he was gay at some point"

"I knew he had a thing for Shawn i just knew it" I say and she laughs

"They do scare me sometimes with their bromance"

"You're telling me. But seriously i was going insane for nothing comparing myself to all the women he's been with"

"There were none, i can assure you that. And it had to have been obvious at some point, I mean he blushes a handful of times, he's so sweet compare to rest, he has a lot of shyness in him he covers up by talking. Detached yes, sweet definitely. Thank you by the way we thought he was going join the convent you actually saved his life and his parts. Now he is released and free, and he shall cum till thy kingdom cum"

"Oh God" I cover my face in embarrassment and she laughs at me.

Kingdom come really? I'm some sort of sexual savior now.

I hear the little boy offers me the chocolates ball he was happily munching.


"Uhn thanks" I accept it awkwardly, like he's going to bite me when he's really just grinning at me like I possess a magic wand for candies.

She smiles softly at me, like trying to ease me "So now you understand why he was a little rusty in the relationship department. He almost didn't know what he was doing, he just wanted to be with you"

"I do understand to some degree. But he's just so private, he doesn't want to take me to his house or go to functions together. I understand his reasons i just thought I'd be more you know"

"Hey, someday, probably really soon I'm sure he'll explain it all to you. He loves you I know he does. He just doesn't know what it is yet. You don't know what it feel like to live in a confused world. For simple things to sound and seem so foreign and archaic. Just give him time to fully open up because I know he will"

"I hope he does" I murmur blinking back tears.

"And uhn just incase he want to know who exposed his convent boxed virgin secrets. It wasn't me who told you, blame it on Shawn okay, he told you, hell you could even say Jackson...."

"Batt acccksooon!" The boy squeals making her giggle and kiss him.

I smile despite myself

"I did not expose his secret okay?"

"Shawn did it! Got it!"

"And baaatt acksonnnnnn!" He points at himself and we both laugh

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