《FIFTEEN SHADES》Chapter Forty: Villa


Aissssh this book is coming to an end!!!!! I'm going to miss my babies 🥺

And I'm sorry I won't be doing a book two to this. Once this is done I'm going to continue with FSOCR and book two of FSD because I only write two books at once.

all the while KT is narrating some story about how he dressed causally to a grocery store and some woman making a racist comment next to him and stopped when she recognized him.

"Fücking bïtch called the woman's child a dirty mokey horse! Who does that? We are so done with the racist era for fûck sakes this is 2030. I will beat a bïtch if i was a female, she better be glad i am not"

"Uh uhn, so what did you do?" I tape the labels, measure it down, then jot down on my airpad.

"Told her, her attitude has more shït than her actual sewer and all her five white kids are going to marry black persons, or be a baby mama to some black mothersfucker and i'd like to see the same racist energy on her mixed grand babies. Also told her to buy a fücking condom and stop at her recent seventh pregnancy"

"Bold of you"

"She said she wasn't pregnant cursing at me. Apparently all her hate remarks bloated her up, and made her look seven months pregnant. I told her so. She wasn't too happy about it." He sigh "Such a rude creature. A sexy MILT though if you ignore the suspended pregnancy, but still a crack head motherfucking babymama!"

"You're always in people business KT" I laugh shaking head

"I live for moments like that. And I'm really calling to know about your recent bed activities with a certain Russian dïck head"

I blush, I still spoke with Lucy this morning to confirm if he was still coming and other things!

"You need to get laid KT, keep your nose out of my business"

"I am getting laid, unlike Luce I actually have game"

I roll my eyes "Of course. Bye KT"

"What the fûck! No don't you fücking hang....."

I do just that, shaking my head at him. I out all the logos and organize them, before i put them in dates.

When I turn around I bump into a very hard chest, specially Lucy's hard chest because I would know that scent anywhere.

"Jesus fûck! Don't sneak up on me like that" I glare at him, then forget my almost shocked heart when i see his face, i bury my own face into his chest immediately, pushing my hand into his coat and circling his waist.

He's so warm, and he tenses again.

He presses a kiss to my head but he doesn't hug me back

"Wait you're early" I say pulling back

"I wanted to see you, and see your warehouse, i see you like the flowers I sent" He says framing my face, and pecking my nose, and because it's so out of character of him i wrinkle my nose blushing.

And he sent me dozens of boxed roses yesterday morning, they nearly filled my living room and it took a few more security teams to bring everything in.

There are roses everywhere in my house now.

So I brought some here, so I could look at it and grin like an idiot.

"I love them, a lot" I nod biting my lip. "I also got you something" I take one of his hand off my face to look at his wrist making me grin.


He looks at me weirdly, confused by my action, especially because I'm giggling like an idiot

"You did?" He lifts a brow in question

"Yes, wait here" I pull away and disappear into my office space here.

When i come back out, he's taking a look at racks after racks of untagged clothes.


He turn around and faces me.

"Here" I hold out the box to him. He pulls it open staring at me.

"Hair ties?" He lets out a chest chuckles as if he's holding back a laugh.

"Yes, there's a new one on your wrist" I shake my head at him, so he understands what i was doing earlier. "There's a dozens in there so you don't have to steal them anymore"

"Very thoughtful of you" He grins, before crushing me to his chest and kissing me, i frame his face arching against him, humming against his mouth when i feel his hand down my ass, to knead the flesh i blush again.

We pull apart, then I blink my eyes open "Wait how did you get in?"

"Hacked into your system"

"You're joking right?"

"Your Agent let me in"

"Jer? I just know you guys are going to get along pretty soon"

"I doubt it" He grumbles

We head out, and i see his wrangler parked, it's matte black, with gold wheels and it's a different one this time.

He has a thing for wranglers.

He pulls open the door for me, helping me in, i see a few bags in the back seat and it smells kind of nice in here. Like nicer then usual because he always smells yummy and his car smells just like him.

He gets in and starts driving and i pull out my phone wanting to get some work done here.

"So do you have any news from Damien? Yunno does he want to press charges I already know he's recovering fine"

"Trust me, he does not want to press charges" He says apathetically confusing me.

I watch him for a bit, so many questions running through my mind but I don't want to mess up today.

"Have you seen the new front view for the checklist of us. El sent it to me, it was number two on the hot list right next to you and your boyfriend Shawn for his news line release. I have doubts you both haven't tried each other before" I roll my eyes.

"Jealous? Because Shawn is obsessed with me, you can see it in his eyes when he looked at me" He grins grazing his hand up my thighs and staring at me before glancing back at the road "And you were gorgeous in the checklist baby"

"You both are hot, yes maybe i am Jealous you guys are- family it's good, I'm glad you have that"

He looks at me briefly but i look away, but he takes my hand pressing his lips to the back of my palm. "I'm here Foxie, and I'm here for you"

I nod, not knowing what to say "Thank you for saying that, only Jer has ever said that to me"

He smiles at me "Maybe he's not such an asswipe after all. And El seems so happy, he better not screw up"

I laugh at him

"El is pretty proud of the projects, she loves you Foxie, not to mention little Grey did so good with the line" He grin proudly.

I don't know why i feel some emotions bubble inside of me the way he talks about her. Although i get it, I've seen it from her part, and I would know as a woman would know she's clearly in love with Shawn, and Shawn adores her. And I don't see anything like that when she's around Lucy, so i know she doesn't have any type of those feelings for him.


I wish Lucy and i were as in tune as they both are, it makes me extremely jealous seeing how easy both of them are together.

But there's just something in his tone when Lucy mentioned her. Maybe I'm imagining things because I'm such a jealous bïtch but still, i just feel- I don't even know.

I stare at him, he looks happy I wonder what he's thinking about.

"Lucy" I call out softly

"Yes baby?"

Oh my God

I wet my lips, thinking maybe I should just completely forget the stupid question "This girl, Shawn's girl, yes I'm asking again about her. I know that she's clearly head over heel for Shawn, and she doesn't see you like that. But what about you?"

"Me? You're really serious about Shawn and i being gay?"

"No you idiot. Did you ever have feelings for her, please tell me?"

I feel him tense, his squeezes on my thigh and lets go of the wheel to run his hand through his hair "God Foxie i- "

His phone rings and i was literally holding my breathe for his answer.

He look at his phone like he's going to ignore it, but then he sees the caller ID and answers it.

He talks for a little bit, when he's done he places his hand on my thighs and squeezes "We're going to make a little detour, i need to pick something up. I hope that's okay with you"

I nod "Sure, I hope everything is okay?"

"Don't worry Foxie"

He drives for a bit, I'm sure it only took him ten minutes and he got there. But it felt like an hour because i kept thinking and rethinking his expression when i asked.

Did he ever have feelings for her?

Maybe he was attracted to her once?

Does he still like her?

Am i over thinking again? He's probably stressed because I'm always asking all this unnecessary question. He already told me she's like a little sister to him.

And they relate well!

They have.....

What the fûck!

Some slutty fücking barbie just bumped into Nikolai, i can see their lips moving like she's making a fake apology while she rubs herself all over him.

That bumping into him was so fake and so not a thing anymore.

I place my hand on the touch pad opening the car door, just in time for her to pretend like she crouched to pick everything that fell from her hands on the floor up, Lucy doesn't help her by the way.

She stands fake tripping this time and flushes her tits all over his front because despite her heels she's still so small.

Thar stupid shirt V is so deep it's like covering only her nîpples, she put so much trust in that shirt, I'm about to put as much trust in my fist to throw it in her face.

"Panadol or what its called, you're doing a little too fücking much right now." Lucy pulls her away roughly "I'm late, and I'm considering firing you. Where the fûck is the bag?"

"Uhn I'm sorry sir, and it's Penelope i- "

"I don't care, that's useless. Where is the bag?"

"I'll go get it" She scurries off, looking less confindent now.

Lucy sighs scratch the side of his fade.

I was so about to beat a bïtch, he already saved her sending her off.

He straighten the folders she purposely littered around bumping into him, then he sees me a few feet away.

"How long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough to know you employees dresses inappropriately"

"I would agree if I noticed" He nods then moves to tug my on my wrist

This panadol person shows up, running like a mad woman in six inches heel, she glares when she notices me, then flushes when she recognizes me.

"Sir" She hold out the bag, and I accept it instead, leaning closer to Lucy i press my lips to his. I hear his slight chuckles when i pull away.

"That will be all sweetheart" I call saccharinely "Right Baby"

"Of course" He agrees rubbing on my back

She looks very uncomfortable, bowing her head to glance down at her feet.

Lucy steers me back to his car.

"Do all your employee dress like they want to sun bathe"

"I don't really care, I'm hardly in this chamber. I do think you make a very sexy jealous Wonder Woman"

He chuckles, referring to my red and blue, sweater and jeans, paired with red ankle boots, gold hair clips holding down my hair.

"That's not the point, she was all over you, she's very unprofessional. This cannot be the first time she's thrown herself at you, she was all over you" I repeat grumbling

"And I wasn't, i can talk to the head of my accounting, and tech department to reenstat a proffessional dress code because I think that's where she works, I'm pretty sure KT hired her, he does shït like this, the only argument is that he's brilliant and he knows his stuff, they're always good at what they do." He laugh again.

Making me more annoyed because what is so funny.

I turn away from him not wanting to say anything anymore.

I pull out my phone, checking the emails my assistant just sent me. A part of me feels guilty maybe I should have gotten more work done last night, even though I barely got enough sleep.

I feel his palm on my thighs squeeze, and he strokes softly, fireworks and goosebumps exploding, my püssy clenches in my pants.

"Do you want me to fire her? I could call KT right now and have him do it? Or have her moved to another chamber. Don't stay quiet and mad at me baby?"

Yay now i feel like an idiot, a whiny bïtch and like i overreacted

"No no, don't fire her. I'm mad because you're a woman magnet not because she was trying to seize the opportunity thinking you're available. It's your damn fault for being hot as balls. And I really wanted to punch a bïtch"

"Well after seeing how you wrecked Malik's face I'm not too thrill about that sight. You should have told me all it took was to make you jealous so you can call me baby"

"You're annoying!" I look away hidding my blush

We bicker over such random shït till we get there. Lucy can be sweetly weird sometimes. He most definitely look weird dressed formally, dress shirt, slack, his overall coat and my fücking hairtie wrapped around his wrist.

I shake my head.

We've been driving for about an hour twenty minutes, we're away from the city too.

I'm not sure where he brought me but it looks like a mini villa, over looking a large lake, dominated with high tree.

This place is beautiful.

I wonder if he owns it.

"It's Veks, they thrashed mine last week and my penthouse so it was only right to take this." He comes out and pulls open the door for me.

He takes my hand, but hurls me against his chest startling me.

"Lucy" I gasp

But he chuckles at me.

Some guys come over and start to take out bag and a few boxes.

"Why are there bags asin plural, how long are we staying here?"

"Two maybe three days" He says like it's nothing, entering the codes.

"What the - you said a whole day"

"Yes, a whole day and two more whole days, there really isn't much difference"

"You're joking and Jerry will kill us both. I have a schedule to meet up- Lucy listen to me" I drag his face to me as we're about to enter into a room.

"Relax Baby, i talked with El, who helped me convince Jerry so your work is covered. I brought your laptop and everything you can work from here if you want"

"Then why didn't just tell me. And Jer agreed to this? How!"

"El can be pretty convincing. Some camera crews, and project agents will here tomorrow. We are still going to be working, just a few hours shots they send it for approval. And I'll still have you to myself it's a win win"

I roll my eyes "Just run it by me next time, Mr Udinov you might just-"

He shuts me up, kissing me until i forget whatever I wanted to say.


After being thoroughly fûcked and spent against kitchen island, i was fed like a queen and I passed out in a about five hours nap.

I woke up to some fruit and chocolates, and a feet massage by Mr Udinov

He pulls out a bag, the bag which he collects from that Panadol girl.

Apparently it contains some dresses and bathing suit for me courtesy of Little Miss Grey.


I'm such a bïtch what is wrong with me!

She's even super talented and if I didn't feel so threatened by her, I would actually like her. I think it's because i had zero female friends growing up, they were always problems with them.

I let the thought go and grab a green tyedye set two pieces bathing suit.

I don't know, i might be wrong but I think she purposely put a small size, for me. My large breast look rather ribald as the holding line draws to my belly button and to my crotch. My breast is literally fighting the confinement, spilling out from the sides and under.

The bottom are those that pull up to the sides and meets the strings in the middle. Making my hips look even wider, my ample curves more pronounced.

I know i have added weight since I've been eating much better now, but this bathing suit whew!

The circle in the middle shows off my belly button piercings.

I grab the sheer matching robe. I walk to the bag to see the skincare products she packed and grab a light weight lotion and some massaging lip gloss.

Lucy steps out of the walk in closet, his delicious secent that for some reasons makes me wet floats the air. He always smell so good

I turn to face him.

Then nearly trip on my feet, we both just stare at each other, me a little too flushed. I know that look he's giving me, it's the same one he had when he kissed me pressed to the island in the kitchen and fûcked me until I blacked out for a bit and he had to carry me upstairs.

But him!

Jesus fuvk, that swim suit with his matching robe, parted open, his chest on display those delicious tattoos begging me to stroke them, he left his hair down just the way I like and it's slightly damp his curls more pronounced.

I was tugging those perfect curls with his head in between my thighs as he ate me out, on the island few hours ago.

I squeeze my thighs together, gulping. My breast feel heavy in these fücking strings of a top.

His eyes raking over my body as if he hasn't seen me naked nearly hours ago, making me melt.

I feel like he can make me cum it he keep watching me like that

"What the fûck are you wearing, Jesus fûck Foxie" He presses the bottom of his palm on his eyes pushing his hair back.

"This little Grey person, wants you pregnant before we leave this place" I say bitting my lips, my eyes stay extra long on his now visible bulge

He laughs, shaking his head at me.

"Besides you bought this"

"Still, I didn't think she would uhn- fuvk you have the most gorgeous tits"

My face flames, "Well she trying to get me pregnant or unable to walk with all she packed"

He visibly stiffens, making me confused and then I realize it's the pregnancy talk "Relax Lucy, I don't even wants kids. I know what we're doing, so it's fine can we go now before i find out if your dïck taste as nice as you smell"

I start to walk out, grabbing on his wrist but he grabs my elbow flushing me to him, my body presses against him, my aching breast begging for attention.

"You're not my Fuvk buddy Foxie or my personal whore you know that right?" His brand my hip, stroking up to my back, making my body heat up.

I look into his eyes, his eyes are warm. I'm over thinking again.

I nod wordlessly and he presses his lips to mine. My heart flutter and I move my hand around his neck, moving on my tippy toes to deepen the kiss.

We pull apart and he hurls me against his chest staring to walk out.

"It's a good thing I didn't book us at a resort, I don't think i want to shoot anybody today"

"Do you always carry a gun on you?"

"If I'm going to seen with you more often then it's necessary." Although he says it jokingly i hear some truth in his words.

"I do have a question" He says, making me lift my brow.

"Ask me?"

"I had no idea you speak Arabic? I thought you were Black Latina"

"My father is Black Mexican, he built up his empire and estranged himself from his parents I think because they didn't respect his decision of not wanting to take over their own company, he also changed his last name, like wanting a clean slate.

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