《FIFTEEN SHADES》Chapter Thirty Nine: My Name


for hours but i hear someone groan behind me.

I pull back and look at Lucy, not breaking eye contact, because I'm not ready to look.

"Is he dead?" I whisper

"Unfortunately" He says framing my face "You prevented that"

He looks different now, calm, in control nothing like what he looked like shooting at Damien

I still have no idea why that is.

He pulls back and starts to make calls, talking and barking orders

My eyes travel down to Damien, he's already unconscious, I can't properly see where he was shot but there's bullet wounds on his shoulder and his thigh. I feel nauseous, theres so much blood and I personally think it is dead.

Then the police arrive, and medics but for some reason they look lined. That same doctor that treated Lucy when he hurt himself and his red head brother are here too. He checks me when he's done with Damien, attends to my bruises and my ankle but I'll live

They're having an argument now that the police is done with him. Lucy and this Shawn person are arguing. The doctor seems unfazed like it's a natural occurrence.

"Why the fûck are you always making messes! You didn't have to shoot the kid." Shawn glares at him

"He was going to rape her!"

"Then handle it, knock him out with a punch not multiple bullet wounds! Not you letting it happen!"

"You would have done the same for little Grey"

"And make her terrified of me NO! You could have handled this properly"

"Well be glad you have control!" Lucy snap making my brows lift at the way he says the words, he storms to me tugging my wrist and leading me out of there and into my room.

He leaves me to get changed and take a shower and despite the large bathroom, i can hear him pacing back and forth in my room.

What did his Shawn brother mean by Not you letting it happen?

Letting what happen? His anger get the best of him?

Sometimes i feel like I don't know Lucy at all. And I sometimes i feel like I know him so well.

Is he capable of killing someone?

That is a very stupid question!

He fired a bullet from that kind of distance with a fücking island barrier and still made three clean shots in a row! He walks around with a fuvking gun in HIS SLEEVE!

Oh God!

But, I know he's an asshole but he's so sweet, I could never imagine him killing someone! That's impossible

You looked into his eyes while holding that gun and you think it's impossible?

I- you're right.

And i need answers!

But the last time i asked.... he told me he wanted to just fûck me.

Well I asked him questions in his car today and he didn't explode on me. I'd like to think our dynamics has changed and improve a great deal.

The cops didn't even say much to him, just a statement of what happened, not to mention they look-


Yes they looked intimidated.

I didn't hear sirens either, it like they came in a regular car.

And the medics too.

I step out in my robe, tugging the towel through my hair, he's by my separate skincare vanity, he has his finger in my jar of my favorite deodorant body lotion.

Why does look like he got caught pilfering.

"I was curious" His starts, his cheeks tinted pink "I wanted to know what made you smell so good"

See? He look adorable and sexy! Nothing like a muderer


" Of course" I nod moving toward my vanity "You look cute with a blush"

"I do not blush! Don't say shït like that again"

I laugh.

"Are you staying over? If you want i have some of Jer clothes here you can borrow. Or KT but I'm sure his won't fit"

"I'm not staying over, i just needed to make sure you were safe" He tells me handling me the bottle "And I would not be caught dead in KT clothes. He dresses like a stripper"

"I think you would look good too, if your shirts only had two bottons" I grin sitting on a round cushion pulling out my legs to start scenting up.

"So you're telling me you want me dress like a stripper for you"

"I wouldn't mind"

"Foxie?" He says sounding serious. He crouches to my level so he can look at my face, preferably into my eyes. " As he ever been like that with you?"

When he places his palm on the back of mine, i feel him shaking.

"Not to this point, he's never insinuated forcing himself on me. I- I don't know- I don't know Lucy. That's not really the Damien I know. What happened to him though is he going to be okay?"

"He should be. How's your ankle?"

"Your Doctor the hot one he took care of it, and some pain pills so I'm fine"

"I asked him to! And isn't he too old for you"

I shrug "So are you. But did they take Damien to the hospital"

"He's being taken care off stop worrying"

"Those weren't real cops" I look down at his hand on mine and look back to him.

"What do you mean?"

"Exactly what i said? Those weren't real cops"

"There were Foxie, I might have them in acquiescence but they're actual cops."


"So nothing is going to happen to you right?" I murmur "Because y-you looked like you wanted to kill him"

"I was going to" He says in a beat without even flinching. He sounds like we're talking about pilfering fruit from the grocery store.

I bite my lip, my heart thudding "Have you- yunno killed someone before?"

"Do you want me to answer that?"

I flip my hand over and hold his, even if my heart feels like it's about to tear into two.

He looks down at our hands, and i feel him wanting to pull away, there's literal panic in his eyes and it's not even about what he's about to tell me. He's panicking because I'm holding his hand.

But I don't let him. I put down the jar and frame his face with my other hand. I can't stop looking into his eyes, I press my lips softly to his "I do, so please tell me"

"Then yes, i have"

Oh God!

I don't say anything for long minutes, this time my heart is jackhammering.

He stands up, starting to pull away, making my hand fall from his face. "You're okay" He states " I have to go"

"No!" I stand clutching on his shirt, "No, don't leave"

"Foxie you're getting too much, and I'm breaking my own rules" He protests sighing, i feel him tensing

"And what is wrong with that? I'm breaking my own rules too, for you. And i never do that so please stay" I hear the firmness yet the quivering desperation in my tone.

But I need him to stay! Because i know how easy it is for him to push me away.


I wait and he doesn't respond. He seems uneasy like he wants to bolt out fast.

"Please. Just take a shower and you don't have to tell me anything you're not comfortable with. But just stay a bit longer, I know you don't like staying over."

He never has. He never stays over, he tries to be subtle about it but it still hurts when he just leaves after he's fucked me.

He just stares at me like he's going to go through my windows but he wet his lip with a small nod.

"Okay, only because I'm curious about your shower set"

I smile " Okay, as long as you're staying then okay"

He just looks at me, and his stares unnerve me, he shakes his head running his hand through his hair like he can't believe he's complying to my wants.

He leaves.

I sigh wetting my lips and leave to go get him Jerry's clothes, i set it out on the bed then i go downstairs to go get some snacks.

I open the smaller pantry and grab some chocolates chip cookies. Then I open the fridge to get some drinks and frozen chocolate.

I wonder if he's hungry.

I can't cook and today is my cleaning and cooking staff off day. But I know Lilian my head of cook probably left something for me to heat up.

I'm just not sure if he's hungry.

I open the twix from the wrap and start to pour them in a glass bowl leaning on the island.

A flash of Damien pressing me to the edge of the island flashes before my eyes, yelling with how dilate his pupils were.

Is he okay?

He tried to rape you.

Yes but still.

I can't get that image of him lying on the floor with a pool of blood around him. Lucy didn't seem to care.

He really wanted to kill him and I don't know how to feel about that.

I carry everything once I'm done, going back up.

He's already done. Jerry clothes surprisingly fit him, considering Jerry is taller but Lucy is more buffer. But he's on the phone talking with I don't know who.

"How long...? Do you have him....? Don't bullshit me i have eyes everywhere..... Estimation?.... unacceptable! How fücking many are there! Shut it you're useless i need KT on it now. I want her covered always! ALWAYS! Three codes one lotus that's it" He hangs up and tosses his phone on the bed.

His body looks so tense.

I don't have the slightest idea what he was talking about. But it worries me.

I put everything down on the side table "Everything alright?" I move him, pulling my arm on his back and sliding to his face.

His eyes find mine, and he looks at me with relief. He looks from my eyes to my nose then back again and I feel my heart stutter "No. But you're okay so it's better?"

"Want to tell me what's got you worked up?"

"No, I can't" He says shaking his head moving to tuck my hair behind my ear.

I know i can be nosy sometimes and my curiosity gets the best of me, it still doesn't change the fact that I don't like my nose in people business especially important one.

But it hurts that he's not willing to share.

Although I understand, especially because I can't say i can also share everything with him. I would be a hypocrite if I said it did.

Not to mention we aren't even anything together. We're not actually together the way that i want but the way he wants it.

No label we're just sleeping together.

But it's okay

It's not!

I nod, musing for so long.

I want to pull away from him and go grab my chocolates. But he doesn't let me. He frames my face, his touch ignites my whole body and his thumb brush under my bottom lip, tugging it out between my teeth.

"You still aren't dressed" He murmurs

Why do i feel like I'm being drugged.

"I enjoy sleeping naked" I whisper

"Every night?"

"Every night?" I assure him.

"You are a bad girl Foxie" He breathe inching his face closer glancing on my lips.

His lashes are so long

"I never said i was a good girl"

"A sin" He decides then presses his lips to mine. The ring in his lip is cold despite his shower.

I fist onto his shirt, standing on my tippy toes and straining against him. My head whirls with how his taste quickly drug and jolt my system warming my whole body.

I feel his hand dive into my robe grabbing on my ass cheek, making wetness trace down my thighs. His plunge his tongue into my mouth, as he hums in approval kneading on my ass cheek making me acrh against him trembling and wanting more.

He pulls his lips away, then traces the outline of my neck, pressing hot kisses and steering us towards the bed.

"You smell like me" I whisper as he settles on the bed and moves me to straddle him.

"I love your scent" He says grinding up against me, tugging my robe down my shoulder and press a kiss to my shoulder blade, making my body quiver "I obsess about it, wonder what the hell makes you smell do good. Like sin and flowers"

"You're crazy" I laugh then moan rolling my hip, when i feel him brush on my nipple and cover it with his mouth.

My hand move round his neck, my finger diving into his hair, pressing him to keep sucking just like that.

I feel his hardness on my püssy, and squirm against him, moving till i rock on his bulge.

"I told you, you drive me nuts" He hums Kissing the side curve of my breast.

"You make me crazy too" I breathe cupping his chin and inching his face to mine, our gaze holds, drugging me, dragging me in. My lashes flutter close and i press my lips softly to his "I feel like I know you so much then i feel like I don't at all"

I whisper blinking my eyes open, so he can see because I didn't close off.

And he looks like he understands. So many questions and doubt run through his eyes. And I just stare at him.

He's so beautiful, so ethereal.

"What is my name?" He whispers, catching me off guard, he grip on my hip and grind against me.

His question confuses me, his methods putting my body into heat.


"My name Foxie, what is it!"

"Nikolai?" I murmurs like a dream, my thumb brushing the side of his face.

He grunts, and i feel his throbbing hardness press more against my püssy

"The other one" He breathe


"In full butterfly"

"Uhn... shit...." He tugs on my nîpple. I've actually never thought of his full name "LOUKIAN?"

"No Butterfly?"

"Well I don't know, LUBOMIR?"



"Fuck no, think Foxie"

"What Lucifer? Lub-"



"You heard me" He says cupping my breast.

I moan both in disbelief and pleasure.

I feel his hand trace my thighs and squeeze making me rock against him so he could touch me where i need him the most.

"You're Lucifer" I gasp.

My mouth drop open as his mouth closes over my breâšt. He nips on it lightly with his teeth and i feel fire dust in my vein pumping blood faster in my brain and my cheeks.

My face is scarlet.

His other hand kneads my other breášt tugging on my errect nîpple until my whimper turn to loud throaty moans

"That's right foxie" He breathes against my breast, sending goosebumps everywhere. His eyes will end me. "And you've been very very bad. Do you know what i do to sinners?"

His voice is so dark like sex and it sends an electric bolt straight to my core.

I swallow hard my breath hitching "What?" I whisper

"I fuck them, hard" He growls right before he thruśt his fingers into my dripping cöre.

"Fuvk!" I pant, clutching a fistful of his shirt, i feel his thumb brush on my clit, making my head whirls. My püssy clutches on his fingers as he strives to milk out my orgasm.

And he watches me, staring deep into my eyes until my chest constrict with butterflies and I explode on his fingers.

His eyes?

They do so many things to me!

I pant into his shoulder, trying to calm down and breathe evenly. But he flips us suddenly, making squeal and push my hair out of my face.

I feel him tug my robe open, exposing me to him. His eyes rake my body, littering goosebumps until my face flush and i feel like he's marking me with his eyes

He looks at me like... awe? Like I'm unreal. I don't know how to put it but it's unnerving. Desire clouds his eyes and adoration.

And it feels so good having his eyes worshipping me like that.

"You're so beautiful Foxie," He whispers, his thumb brush on my nipples. "So soft, and i need to taste you"

Colour rushes to face, he moves until he settles his face between my legs, pairing at me through his lashes. He uses a finger to swipe on my wetness, making my thighs shake, then licks it humming making me even wetter.

I bite my lips wanting him to lick me as good as he's licking his fingers and he does so, swiping his tongue to taste me.

I buck from the sensitivity, my body shaking as I seriously try to not squirm. Fuck that feels good.

He swirls his tongue around my clït, sucking it into his mouth then plunge his fingers inside me.

"Lucy!" I moan, curving my foot over his shoulder and pressing the heel of my feet into his back. The cold ring in his lips adds to the pleasure and I tremble underneath him.

My stomach muscles clenching. He curves his finger inside of me finding my spot, my thighs start to shake so hard. He adds a finger, biting lightly on my clit then suck it hard into his mouth.

That knot, tightens and i throw my head back my body spamimg, as i clutch around his fingers and exploding into his mouth. He suck me clean, in open mouth kisses, plunging his tongue inside me until the orgasm nearly blinds me.

I feel him press a kiss into the inside of my thighs, before be moves up and presses a soft kiss to my sensitive clït.

Then he moves up to my face, staring at me deeply before pressing a kiss to my lips until i taste myself.

He cups my breast tugging on my nipples, making me arch against him and kiss him back much more intensely.

His hand grab my thighs, spreading it open for him and i feel him sink inside me, it's so sudden because i had no idea he had taken off the sweats.

I stretch around him accommodating his size, my breathe rush through my nose as pleasure course through my veins.

I throw my head into the bed, breaking the kiss to breathe, he presses a kiss to my neck as he pulls out and slams back inside of me, making my thighs shake, and me arch like a bow against him.

Each thrust bubble in my eyes and shake me so hard, hearing the sound of flesh hit flesh.

He peppers kisses down my throat, tug on my nipples then pulls out to the tip, he slams back inside of me, stroking my walls so good, then rolls his hip making my own eyes roll back too.

His grip on my thighs firms, as he thrust faster making me grip hard on his hair, as my body continues to takes this delicious assault

"Fûck Lucy- i-i-i close, fuck" I whisper hotly my nail scraping down his back.

He kisses me silencing my moans, tugging on my nipples until starflames engulf me. I squeeze around him, clutching hard on his hair as he jerks inside me.

My body spams, and shakes so hard that I can't even breathe. He swells inside of me spill his hot cum until it drip out of me

My arm fall loosely to my side as he collapsed on top me.

"Lucifer?" I whisper panting, mulling weakly over the thought

"Yes baby that's my name" He breathe into my neck pressing a soft kiss there.

I feel him twitch inside of me before he pulls out, making me wince and feel so empty.

He leaves and I'm too tired to watch his movements to knows where he's heading to. But he's back in no time.

He presses a kiss to my inner thighs, I'm still sensitive so I buck a bit.

"Easy" He rasp, " I want to take care of you" He tell me, i feel him swipe at his cum dripping out of me with a finger, before pressing a warm rag to clean me up.

Making me blush hard.

I'm so glad he can't see my face right now. But he moves up and presses a kiss to my lips, softly deep, making me sigh and close my eyes.

I put my arms around him, tugging his hair and arching up against him pressing my body to his.

"I have to go baby"' He murmurs against my chin, trailing his hands up my body.

My heart drowns in chaos.

"Stay" I whisper, almost ready to beg

"You know I can't" He says softly, and even though he's never said it out loud I know it's in one of his rule book, because he never stays over, he tried to be subtle about it.

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