《FIFTEEN SHADES》Chapter Thirty Eight: I Love You


decided to skyrocket under his scrutinizing gaze. I want to throw my phone across the room so it stops ringing

"Answer the phone Diayhana"


"Right of course" I nod and do just that "Damien?"

"Hi Hobi Aya, did you get my flowers?" Why does he sound so energized, like he's about to win a huge prize or he got praised for having a huge dïck.

(My love- in Arabic)

"Yes, they're lovely thanks. Why are you calling me?"

"Because I'm at your place right now, can you access entry to your security. I miss you baby i need to see you"

I almost slap my hand across my face and also slap across the face from here.

"Damien, I'm not even home. You can tell me whatever you want to say right now."

"I'll wait for you. I'm not leaving till i see you"

"I'm not coming home tonight, what the hell is wrong with you? I'm with someone right now,"

"I do not care Diayhana, either i see you or I stay here and wait till you get back"

"Why can't you fücking tell me now!"

"Because it's important and i have to see you. I have to because you need to hear this."

"Well I'm sorry I can't see you tonight"

"I told you I'll wait"

"What the fûck is your problem Damien!"

"I'm waiting here for you Bonbonayet Alby"

(My hear's bonbon sweet)


And he just hung up.

Oh I'm going to kill you Damien fücking Malik, grab you by your balls and make you eat it until you visible cum and make babies yourself! For fuvk sa....


I look up to meet green smoldering eyes except I can't fully tell if he's angry.

"Uhnnn..... i want ummm some chocolate yes yes, yes i do" I stand dusting invincible dust ready to bolt towards the breakfast bar.

He grabs my wrist "бабочек нет необходимости спешить. We're leaving" He says calmly

(No need to rush butterfly)

"What! We are! But the date isn't even over! You're beating my ass in this card game and we still aren't done yet"

"We are now" He stands, then goes to fetch both our jackets

"Why? Lucy I don't want to leave yet"

"Well i do! I especially want to know what that fûcker wants" He say, helping me into my jacket.

"But, I wanted more pasta, and some chocolate"

"You're only stalling"

"I am not. How dare you?" I gasp. But he ignores me tugging on my wrist as we head out.

Atleast he grabbed the spongebob and hands it over to me. I take forever to put into the back seat of his car on purpose. Raising my ass and being extra slow, not to mention this dress is dangerous.

I hear him grunt, right before he press his crotch against my ass, his arm circle my midriff, bringing me out of the car and flushing me against him. He grinds against me making my breathe rush out.

"Черт побери, женщины, даже если я трахну твою милую маленькую киску прямо сейчас мы все еще собираемся."

He whispers hotly in my hear, i have no idea what he said but my püssy glistens at his words.

"W-what.... what did you say?"

"Let's go Foxie"

He stirs me towards the passenger door pulling it open and deposits me inside.

I really thought he was going to fuvk me in the backseat of his car or against the door.

He comes in and starts driving, he doesn't say anything, just places his palm on my thighs and drives, while i stare at him.


"Something on your mind liybimaya?"

"Yes! First what did you say to me back there"

I glare at him.

He smirks without looking at me "I said- Damn it women, even if i fûck your sweet little püssy right now we're still going"

I blink, still blushing even though i knew it was going to be dirty.

Well you should have still fûcked me before we left. Bitvh!

His hand squeezes on my thighs, he looks at me still smirking "You're thinking out loud бабочек"


I quickly look away blushing a full red. "Why do you insist we go see Damien is it because of what i told you?"

"Why avoid him? It's pointless unless you have something to hide" He glances at me

I lift a brow "Of course not, no"


"Do you plan on breaking his face and stapling his cock to his nipple"

"The last on is a little disturbing. But as long as he doesn't say anything i don't like! Disrespect you, then his face is fine"

"Well Damien has a habit of saying dirty shït to me, please tell me you're not going to beat in his cöck until he prefers to own a vàgina"

"Sounds tempting"


"I make no promises Foxie"

I shake my head at him. I hope for Damien sake he has something reasonable to say. What the hell is so important that he couldn't talk about it on the phone?

Seeing the familiar light of my estate makes my chest burp in panic. I spot Damien's Ferrari before we're even close

I grant us access and we go in while my security scan him and do their usual procedures.

I grab my spongebob heading inside with Lucy.

"Do you want something to drink maybe?"

I ask him my hands shaking a bit.

"Why are you nervous?" He ask stepping closer to me.

"I just don't want to witness any verbal attacks is all"

"Trust me I don't plan to talk....."

My phone notification goes off, i see it's Damien. I grant him access in.

"Amirti!" He shouts, then literally drags me away from Lucy and into a tight hug, his hand going down to my ass.

(My princess")

"Damien! Fûck get off..." I say muffled into his chest.

" اللعنة ، أنت تبدو عصير في هذا الفستان ، أنا لا حتى....." He whispers into my ear before i can smack him, he's being dragged off and under Nikolai's nose his zara shirt in a fist full.

(Damn, you look juicy in that dress I don't even...."

" You Perhot' podzalupnaya I was going to say a few words, but I'm about to do that with my gun instead."

(Pee hole dandruff )

"A gun?? No no no, you need to chill she's my girlfriend, i just need to...... oh shït!"

Oh my fücking God Lucy just pulled out a gun!

"Hasbona Allah Wa Ne'm Al Wakeel.......let's just talk like....... shit shit shit!!"

He pulled the trigger and honestly my chest triggered in panic!

"Lucy, wait wait...." I go to him to grab his hand and get in his face but he ignores me!

What the fuck! Does he just carry a gun every fücking where! Oh God!

"Zhopu porvu margala vikoliu" Lucy says starkly, nodding his head, his eyes look like glass. "I want to so bad, you Zalupa konskaya" He nods enthusiastically.

(I'll rip your ass and poke out your eyes)

(Horse pee hole)

What the hell is he saying!

"LUCY!" I grab onto his wrist gingerly and he lets me. Thank God.


"Please calm down I think he got your point!"

"Yes Absolutely Baraka Allahou Feek!" Damien pipes

"Pizdobol, Pizdoon!"

(Fücking liar)

"Lucy" I get in his face again

"What do you want Damien? It's pretty late" I face him.

Damien blinks back into focus from looking at Lucy then looking at me, he has this weird look like he's piecing something together. But he actually looks terrified and I know it's not because of the gun but I don't know why.

"It's actually about your parents" He calls slowly

My arms drop, and i stare at him dumbfounded. My what!

What does he want to say? Did anyone of them die?


"Hobi Yes" He glances at Lucy as if to say, should i say it with him here?

"Lucy I'm going to take him to the kitchen upstairs and....."

"I'm not leaving you alone with him! I just watch him grope your ass without being able to shoot his balls until all the dandruff came out!" He interjects tugging me closer and grabbing my elbow to flush me against him.

"I promise i can handle Damien, I think it'll be better if I'm the one that gives him a black eyes"

"Just let me shoot this Govniuk Hooy morzhovy!"

(Shithead Walrus dick!)

"Hellooo! I'm right here" Damien calls, we ignore him.

"It won't take long I promise" I tell Lucy and start to move away.

But he tugs on my elbow flushing me to him and kissing me hard, a mewl escapes me at the suddeness but i moan against his mouth.

Damien follows me into kitchen, I rummage through the fridge and pull out frozen chocolates.

"So tell me," I pause my head over working "About my parents.." I whisper

"Why are you with him Aya?" He ask instead as if he can't believe it.

"How does it affect what i came in here for you to talk to me about?" I arch a brow, turning to him as i stuff a line of kitkat in my mouth

"Answer the question Aya"

"I don't need to" I tell him sitting on the island

"Are you fücking him?"

"Yes! Now tell me about the sperm donor and her"

"You're joking! You have to be joking! Two years! I spent two years chasing you and you gave me nothing!" He explodes out of nowhere confusing me.

"I was a child and I didn't feel that way about you. Would you have proposed i lead you on and lied to you?" I think about shouting back at him and telling him to get out if he has nothing to say about my parents but I settle my anger and try to understand him.

"I would prefer you loved me back! That you love me as much as i love you"

"I'm sorry I can't give you that, it's not..,,"

"BULLSHIT! Do you love him? DO YOU..,?"


I feel a blush rush to my face and my head.


I've never been inlove before!

And inlove with Lucy!


(Allah knows I deserve an answer)

"I- fûck Damien لا تفعل هذا من فضلك توقف فقط "

(Don't do this, please just stop)

"So he spends a few months with you and you give him everything I've had to beg you for"

"Damien stop! That's enough, you're going to have to lose that fücking tone or I'm kicking you out it's late" And my head is stressing with that question

Am I inlove with Lucy.

I did even notice Damien behind until he turns me around. He looks furious, he looks at my body from head to toe. "Did you fûck him tonight too?" He ask with disdain "Let him worship him your body like you should have let me! Did you? You're the worst woman I've ever encountered Ya Shar-Moo-Ta"

(You bitch!)

What! What the hell!

He cup my face roughly and say each word to my face harshly

I slap his hand away "Don't touch me, I'm sorry i hurt you, but if you're mad and you need to let off some steam go to the fücking gym! Kol Khara, Ya Ibn el Sharmouta! But don't put your hands on me again!"

(Eat shit! You son of a bïtch)

"I deserve you! I do!" He shouts grabbing my arms with force and pressing me hard to the island.

"Let go! Do you want me to fücking emasculate you!"

I can feel him bruising my arm with his roughness as he's grabbing me and he won't bulge.

"Well you deserve it!" He spits, branding my hand behind my back as I struggle against him, his other hand hiking up my dress until cups my naked fold!

I start to see red!

"So you walked around for him like this! I DESERVE THIS TOO! I lOVE YOU!"

I pry my hand off from his grip ignoring the burn, I shoved him harshly and he grab me to hold me down but my hand strikes across his check hard! My ring knuckles fist then going to his eyes!

He groans in pain stumbling!

I start to curse for not going to the kitchen downstairs, as this on is so far and leaving my bag and phone in the foyer.

I suddenly feel myself being tackled, I fall flat on my stomach, my ankle twist and i hear the sound of my heel breaking. He flips me around and i stab my fingers in his eyes!

"You're so dead! Damien!"

"You're crazy it you think I'd let you go" He groans in pain before circling my throat and hitting my head on the marble floor. My eyes are forming black dots and I can feel my face getting hot as i struggle to breathe as he strangles me.

I hear the dim sound of my dress material ripping and him cupping my breast before as we both struggle on the floor! My knee connects with his groin.

He falls off of me, i take two seconds to breathe before standing to my feet and feeling the burn in my other ankle.

I take of my other heel, and watch him doubling over kicking his feet on my floors in pain! I kick on his rib, three times then i drag him by his hair and throw my fist into his face.

He raise a hand to block my next punch and i fist his fingers backward until i hear the sound of it breaking!

He screamed like a virgin banshee!

"You fuvking scream like a bïtch" I slap him, cupping his chin and shove him roughly to the ground.

His face is bloodied and I regret wearing less rings today.

"I would have... given you anything!"

"You would have given me STD you disgusting horse stench!"

"I'm going to kill you Aya!" He shouts starting to stand again

Whatever i was going to do in reaction falls dim as i hear a gunshot and Damien falling limply to the floor.

I watch Lucy walk in, a hard look graces his features but he doesn't even look at me, he's so tense and his movements is so precise and calculated. Like an assignment, a mission, a target?

His gun is still aimed and he fires again and again!

Making me scream!

I move to him and grab his wrist much like before, he doesn't flinch and he pulls his hand from my wrist and fires again! Like it's nothing! Like he's flicking off a piece of paper!

"Lucy!! Lucy!! That's a enough Lucy please stop!" His eyes move and focus on me, they look so... dead? So dark, so lethal, his features are in such hard lines. He look like he want to tear something anything apart to shreds then start all over again.

He looks like that first night i saw him only more deadly, more dangerous! More dark!

"Please please gimme the gun please"

I frame his face so he can look at me, I slowly watch the color drift into his eyes, it scares me watching the green appear much clearer and life filling his face.

"Foxie?" He whispers, but he sounds like he's testing something "Are you okay?"

I nod.

"You are... you're okay!" He nods as if assuring himself then he crushes me in a hug. Despite a probably dying Damien on the floor, my heart quiver and pumps blood to my head. Butterflies fill me and I'm in absolute shock.

Lucy is hugging me!

For the first time!!!

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