《FIFTEEN SHADES》Chapter Thirty Four: Category


Forgive my mistakes 😭

minutes and i hear light snoring making me grin. My feet feels a little numb.

Aya whatttt have you done!

Please shut up! Just shut up!

You just got laidddd, and you scream like a bïtch!


I wait a few more minutes before gently pushing him away and easing him out of me.

I wince, then look to my side to make sure I didn't wake him.

There's soft music playing I didn't even notice.

He looks so beautiful, so peaceful sleeping soundly.

His long lashes fans on his cheeks, and he has freekles and beauty spots on his chin

I inch toward him framing his face softly and kiss his perfect nose, then his lips softly tucking my hair behind my ear. He curls into my touch.

"Foxie" He mumbles sleepily, and my heart pounds louder.

I just keep staring at him and i feel tears in my eyes, yet I'm so happy that I'm here.

I pull away, tugging the cover on him.

I stand to my feet and nearly fall on my face, i grab onto the bed furniture before diving into the bathroom to take a piss and do my business. It took a while to work the door open.

I decided to take a shower too.

Suddenly walking is such hard work.

I step out, half in a towel, naked and see his discarded hoodie.

He's still very much knocked out.

I spot some shorts, it's big but my hips saved me from looking like I'm wearing a sack.

I brush my hand through my hair edging closer to bed and just watching him. I run the back of my top knuckles on my cupid bow, folding my arm under my breast watching him like a creep.

What did we do?

Y'all fûcked!

Oh my God! I run my hand through my hair.

What will he say when he wakes up? I know he doesn't want anything serious with me.

But what would he say?

Probably; Are you ready for round two Foxie?

Can you stopppp!

Sorry but it's the truth. Besides it's not even that bad, he cares about you, plus you both are adults.

And his dïck is gooddd! Bïtch you were screaming.

Shut up!

I sigh he cares about having a non complicated fûck buddy, not me.

I shake my head, gathering my things and straightening our mess. I fold his sweats neatly on a round cushion then i grab my stuffs to leave.

I make it to the door, my heart pounding loud. I just need to go somewhere and think.

The door won't open! What the fuvk!!!

I turn around, moving towards the bed and spot the touch pad remote above his head, I remember him grabbing something when we were uhn... fücking.


I grab it, i see sound proof mode is on.

Oh my God!

Well at least no body heard me screaming his name from coming.

My hand is shaking again.


I gasp, the remote falls from my hand startling me.

I glance at him, only to watch him stirring, his hand search under the covers for something then he tugs a pillow to his chest.

"Foxie," He hums in satisfaction


Something just melted in my chest.

I grab the remote and quickly head to the door before I change my mind, I managed to work it open and put sound proof on off.

I close the door gently and come face to face with his red head brother.

His hair is wet like he just took a shower.

"Why wasn't he answering his phone?" He ask me straight forwardly, like I'm his notifications or something.

"We were busy" I respond crossing my arms, tilting my head to stare at him. I might break my neck but I'll be damned if i let him make me feel like he has a hand over me.

He eyes me dryly, disinterestedly. Like my response is of zero importance.

I realize he just wants to know if he's okay, not whatever activities we did.

Urghh I'm an idiot!


Someone calls behind him and his whole demeanor softens. In fact he looks like a kid that just found his favorite candy, smiling and turning around.

At least I know he has a different expression aside the deep scowl and constant apathetic expression.

I spot the Russian girl, in an oversized shirt and her hair is wet too.

"Yes baby"

"Is Nik okay? Do you know if he has eaten and taken his drugs?"

"You told me you were going to sleep Grey. I'll check on him, if he hasn't eaten I'll eat it!"

"No! I made it for him. You know he's hasn't been eating and you're not helping always ready to morph down his left over."

"Alright I'll go check on him"

Why am I always listening on their conversations?

I quickly start to leave, using this to escape.

"Wait" The Russian girl calls when I'm close to the door.

I don't want KT to see me or worst of all Lucy to wake up.

"Yes?" I turn around.

"Does he know you're leaving?"

"He's asleep" I nod looking at my feet then back at her.

"So he doesn't know. And he would want to see only you when he's awake"

"I'll come back?" I say as a question.

"Please" Fûck, is she some sort of witch with those puppy eyes i suddenly want to stay.

"Okay, I promise I'll come back"

"Thank you"

I nod and quickly escape before I'm caught in 3D by KT.



but I'm back in my estate and bolting to my room.

I can't get that Russian girls word out of my head. He would want to see only you when he wakes up.

That didn't put my heart in a good place. It sparked up my hopes and makes me feel like he's capable of giving me what i want.

And I know he can't

And it's okay because i want to accept that. If it's the only way i can be with him.

I walk into my room and nearly fall on my face when i spot a very angry Jerry in my room sitting across my vanity.

"What happened to your phone?" He says straight forwardly immediately. And I know that tone, it means he already knows what happened

I just don't know how much he knows.

Oh God! My chest is going to explode!

"I uh..." I pull it out and see tons of missed calls from him.

"Do you know how worried i was"


"What exactly were you doing in a Russian restaurant, unguarded, unprotected, and fücking almost assaulted? You don't eat Russian food!"

"I just..."

"Where the fuck were you Aya! Can you fuvking answer because aside almost having a full search team looking for you and driving me out of my mind! You put yourself through this why? Where the fûck were you?"

"I went to see someone"

"Does this someone not have a name?"

"Please can you just back off?"

"What the fûck are you wearing???

"Clothes! What has gotten into you Jer!"

"Aya, it might be impossible for me to knows every fücking attire in your wardrobe but i most definitely know your scent." He stands to his feet and i watch the anger completely start to take over in mass.

"Where were you?"

"A friend. I already told you"

He steps closer to me, and grabs my shoulders gently pushing my hair aside "This-

He breathes stepping back and rubbing his face. "This friend of yours happens to leave marks on your neck, loves Russian food and smells like a man cologne! Aya!"

"Okay so what!! What Jerry i am not a kid!"

"Did you fûck him or not!"

"I don't have to answer that!"

"You do Aya! For fûck sakes you don't even know him! And I know you're smart enough to know he can't offer you anything other than to fûck you! Is that what you want?! To be his fuckdog??? After months of being a numb hard working zoombie because or him! You go right ahead to spread your legs for him! You're a fücking idiot Aya!"

I feel tears pool in my eyes as the tears fall down my cheeks in mass from his words. I look away from the disappointment in his eyes.

It's already bad enough that i feel like I'm only his personal whore but I don't need him slapping it across my face.

Especially not from Jer, that his approval matters so much to me and he's like my father. He's nothing but proud of me.

I suddenly feel so little and inept.

"I know that!" I sob

"Do you Aya! Do you really??? Because you know nothing of his secrets before getting involved with him! Before letting him fûck you! You do realize you've only fallen into a category not a coherence. And most definitely not a stability. What the fûck is wrong with you? You're not blind but you're a fool to have walked into this purposely closing your eyes. You're going to get hurt! He is going to hurt you!"


"I warned you Aya...!"

My security com emit.

"Ma'am Mr Udinov is here, he's requesting entry, he's rather enraged"

I close my eyes, the tears falling some more.

Oh My God!

I can't breathe!


"Let the fucker in!" Jerry says.

"Ma'am" He persist waiting on my response

"Okay" I nod like he can see me.

Jerry watches me as i run my hand through my hair, suddenly feeling dizzy.

"Jer please" I start to plead with him

"Don't give me those eyes Aya! He has no fuvking right to lead you on! What the fuvk is wrong with you anyway! You were never this way!"

What way! I want to ask him.

The whore way?

He looks so disappointed and disgusted and i feel my chest tighten some more. I look away from him the tears still falling.

"Fücking look at me Aya! Tell me what the fûck is wrong with you! Why are you acting like this???? Why the fûck did you decide to make yourself so easy??"

My bottom lip trembles and the tears continue to fall. I don't look at him, my head pounding so hard.

"Diayhana! Foxie! What the fûck... where...?"

Lucy come through the door, tearing through the door actually and immediately grabs for me.

He looks so chaotic and out of place like he came out of bed and came straight here.

His hand runs over my body, he's shaking so hard. He frames my face, pressing a kiss to my forehead, my nose then he kisses me hard.

I grab on my biceps, completely intoxicated from his taste, his lip ring cold against my lips. I feel the fear emitting from his body.

"Foxie..." He breathe again harshly running his thumb on my cheeks with his trembling hands.

His hair is a tousled mess on his head.

"Why are you crying Foxie? D-did i hurt you when we....."

He is suddenly yanked away from me before he can finish his sentence.

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