《FIFTEEN SHADES》Chapter Twenty Six: Nothing


I had too much to do. I didn't edit this.

precise on my body. He spins me around and presses him body hard against mine, making the dish washer control fall from my hand and my heart pound hard in my chest.

He move his hand to my thighs, to the hem of the my sweater. The air conditioning hits my skin and I'm back in my just my lingerie again, my hair falls to my back.

His eyes skim down my body, I've now been accustomed to his appreciative glint in his eyes. It makes my body hot and my head whirl.

I feel his hand grip on my thighs and squeezes, then he presses his body to mine, his hot breath in my ear.

"I want to fûck your püssy with my mouth Foxie, hard." He proceeds to hoist me up on the sink counter.

Because its marble glass like the island, I almost feel like I'm sinking inside. Lucy words makes my head whirl, and when he kisses my head spins.

The world melts to such a misconception that I'm so drunk on this man and how he makes me feel. I feel his hand skim up my thighs to my hip, then he slids my panties to side and rubs on my clit, making body strain against his for more.

I want more.

The Gun!

Shut up!

He pulls his lips away, down my throat and the swells of my breast, each kisses are wet and hot and feels so so good on my skin.

I'm panting my chest is heaving. I feel his lip on my stomach, and he continues to look at me, watching me with dark passionate eyes like he wants to devour me.

He still has that wicked look in his eyes when i feel his mouth cover my clït, my ass lift off the counter, grabbing a fistful of his hair and press his head in between my thighs for more.

My moan is loud and unapologetic and i feel that heat spread all through my body. His tongue darts out and presses into my channel, then he sucks on my clit through the lace making me strain against him.

He kisses up my thighs, then looks at me again "Do you want the Foxie?" He demanded inching his hand to my clit and rubbing me, is pressing motions.

I nod yes, biting my lips, my face red to my chest.

"I want to hear you say it, do you want me to fûck your püssy with my mouth?" I feel him, shift my panties to side and plunge a finger inside of my channel making my moan energetic.

"Fûck Lucy, yes please" I'm almost panting with need.

His smirk is triumphant, furtive and wolfish. His fingers are on my hips, rolling down my panties and I eagerly lift my ass off counter for him.

He pulls it all the way down, tucking it into his pockets. He look at my püssy, no doubt wet all because of him. He pulls his bottom lip in between his lips, then strokes my püssy with a finger in appreciation.

Making my body arch off the counter.

"Look at you soaking wet for me, it literally drives me nuts knowing how responsive you are to me, for me Foxie, me!"

He covers my clit with his mouth, then run his tongue on my fold, he flattens it then plunges his tongue into my heat.

The feeling is so foreign but i yell out in pleasure, my arms straining against the counter and clutch hard into his hair.


He lifts my legs over his shoulder, as his tongue strain inside of me. He runs his tongue out my fold, suck hard on my clit, his tongue twist in a figure eight around my bundle of nerves, then he sucks hard again on my clït, before plunging his tongue inside of me again, this time in fast mostion.

I throw my head back, press the heel of my foot into his back and moan out.

"Oh God, Fûck Lucy that feel so good God!"

He hum against me, and it vibrates through my body making my toes curl and me clutching hard on his hair.

He inserts a finger inside me and my breathe rushes out, my stomach muscles clenching. I feel his thumb on my swollen clit and I nearly burst.

Then his fingers and tongue start thrusting hard and fast inside of me, his thumb working my clït, so good, so so good and delicious. My breast bounces from the force.

I shut my eyes tight, and curse a thousand as the unbelievable pleasure plunging into my body, i rock hard against him, meeting his rythm that never breaks.

My head spinning so fast and my whole body shaking, I don't think i can stay on the counter for long without falling.

Something burst from my stomach to my clit, it's so powerful and strong I scream out in pleasure.

"Shit shit shit! Lucy!"

Then it happened, he pulls away and lifts one of my legs and my head feels so full like i might pop a vien, my clit exploding with the sensation, that powerful heat comes in fireworks and an avalanche and it sprays the counter and the floor.

D-did i just pee?

Oh my God! This is humiliating

My fücking legs won't stop shaking!

My whole body is still trembling so hard.

When i pull my eyes open. My cheeks feel like they're on fire.

"I-I'm so sorry, I don't know what happened"

I feel tears in my eyes and I start to pull away from him to get off the counter on my rubbery legs..

"Wait. Why are you apologizing?" He gets in my face and stop my movements, his hand frame my face and he fits himself in between my legs.

"I just messed up, I'm literally sitting in my own pee. I don't know what's wrong with me?"

"You squirted Foxie, and it's normal if you had an intense orgasm or you're just a skirter"

"What?" Is he fücking crazy.

"You just had an orgasm, it's still the same. Did it or did it not feel so fücking good?" His tilt my head upward as he whispers against my mouth, he presses his very hard bulge against my püssy and grinds.

"I-it did" I stutter idiot!

"Exactly, so let me make you feel so fücking good Foxie, just relax and feel." He presses his lips to my mine and plunge his tongue in my mouth

I suddenly feel him naked length at my entrance and I panic because it was so unexpected. But he strokes his hard length against my püssy to my clït that it feels so so good, i close my eyes in bliss.

My body charging like its being plugged

My heart pound hard and loud, and i feel his hand on my clit, making my whole body tremble.

I bite my lips hard, and stroke his back feeling the scarred skin.

I can feel millions of emotions barricaded me, then gunfire at me in mass, making my heart beat ten times faster and goosebumps fill my skin.


He tilts my face up, until i open my eyes, and he's staring at me in an intense green apozem, that butterflies fills my chest.



We both whisper darkly.

Then i hear a gunshot! Ice graces my face, and I jump against him startled as millions of assumptions whirls in my head.

"What the fûck was that?" I ask shaking like a stray cold dog.

His arm circle around me, flushing me against him "It's probably fireworks Foxie, you're shaking so much"

"It was a gunshot, it sounded like a gunshot" I counter latching on to him for dear life

He sighs but lifts me off the counter, then moves towards the floor to ceiling glass wall, i look up and see fireworks go off.


"Why did you think it was a gunshot?"

"I just...." My head keep conjuring ugly scenes, and I'm tossed into a tornado of images that sting in my head and hurt my chest.

Those harsh whispers in distorted conversations, they always put me in a box and say the same words over and over.

They're memories.

I suck in a harsh breathe.

"Foxie.. what the hell? Where did you go?"

"Where did you go earlier today?" I stare into space for a while before looking at him.

However when i do, his eyes has that cold look, the one he use with Jason or is Justin years ago. The same one that melts bones and makes me feel so cold.

"Why are you asking me that?"

"I just want to know" I whisper.

He set me down to my feet, and i start to feel my heart crumbling to my feet i open my mouth to challenge him but it's stupid in my head so i just don't. I lean against the glass, my chest still tight.

I cross my arm over my half naked self realizing our state.

"You don't need to ask me that." He says coldly like an ice of vicious slap.

"Why not?" I whisper carefully just staring at him in the exact opposite of his death harsh stare and rough tone.

"Foxie," He shakes his head fustrated then runs his hand through his hair "This has nothing to do with the conversation in the first place"

"I just want to know" I whisper suddenly feeling so so tired.

"No you don't, we're just fücking Foxie, I just want to to fûck you, not explain myself to you like i need to!" He shouts then hits a fist at the glass "Fück!"

"Just!" I don't even blink, my words sounds so small and i wonder if he heard.

I feel myself recoil and flinch at his words, my throat feels so tight and for the first time in a long time I want to hide in hole and not face whatever is to come.

"I don't need your nose in my business, i want to fûck you right now and that's it"

Just like the rest

That's just what he wants

Did I really project myself that way to him. A simple fûck? I keep forgetting the impression i left to him from that night

I keep forgetting and forgetting and it keeps biting me in the ass.

I nod acknowledging him, it's funny he's saying that to me with his penis exposed and me so so exposed. It would be funny if he didn't make me feel this way.

I would just laugh at him and let it go.

I turn around heading towards the counter to grab my phone. I can feel my chest in a fist, being squeeze so it's hard to breathe.

But that doesn't matter.

I'll breathe later

I just need to get away from here.

I grab my purse and phone and i feel his hand on my mine.

"What are you doing?"

"Going home" I respond blinking rapidly and cursing my shaking body.

"The fûck you are. What is this Foxie? What the fûck?" He demands whirling me around

"Exactly what it is Nikolai, just fücking. It however doesn't not contain me in it. For all i care you can just fück yourself"

"What the fûck does that mean? Why the fuck are so mad and bothered about my business?"

"I just asked you a question. You didn't have to make feel like an object, or a slüt about it" I say calmly and i can feel myself ready to blow. "They're so many ways you could have dismissed the topic without hurting me"

"That wasn't my intention"

"Then I suppose 'just fücking' 'I only want to fûck you' means what exactly?"

"Exactly how it sounds. Two adults wanting a causal fûck?"

I laugh so loud throwing my head up and feel my tears drop into my ears "Just like the rest, always wanting my body and nothing more. You shouldn't have gone this far Nikolai"

"Foxie" His voice suddenly loses the harshness when he sees my face.

"No, you shouldn't have gone this far. The date, the ice-cream, the hair clip" I pull at the clips and toss it "The fücking spongebob Nikolai that is not causal! I do not do causal. That should have been you first sentences to me before i got this far, not Foxie, not you drive me crazy. Just nothing You should have given me nothing Nikolai not this"

I know the tears are falling and he's the absolute first man I'll let him see me like, be the reason for this and still break me like this.

I'll hate myself forever for it.

I look away from him.

I turn on my phone, and order a CarLax.

I push my hair out of my face, and stir around him. I pick his sweater and tug it on, fishing my way out of there.

"Foxie, foxie stop." He grabs my elbow and spins me around.

"What? Please I'll be lying to you if i said I wasn't exhausted, just..."

"Foxie please...." He pulls me to him framing my face and melting my already broken heart "D-Don't don't do this. Let's just talk about this"

"Talk about what Nik....? Please it's late honestly I'm dead on my feet"

"Foxie no...."

There's a loud knock on the door.

I turn around heading straight for the door and moving out of the way of whoever is by the door. I grab my coat and tug it on, i grab my jumpsuit and get on a space lift immediately.

I don't hear him follow me and it's fine.

My phone notification come on, with a CarLax and one of my nearest bodyguards.

It's until I'm on the walkway that i let the tears fully drop.

"Foxie, foxie fuck Woman just wait" He's here again in my face.

"What is Nikolai what?" I turn around and look at him

He stops, then , he just stands there uselessly not saying a word.

And i wait and wait and wait.

We just stare at each other, it's like a whole heart break commemoration, a fücking celebrations of the fuckening, with a poisonous heart choke for comfort.

And nothing else to it, nothing.

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