《FIFTEEN SHADES》Chapter Twenty: Want


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a strawberry, my body is still humming from the aftermath of what just happened.

He keep looking at me like that.

I can't explain it, like he doesn't see anyone else but me. It's scary and unsettling because this man can have anyone he wants.

I don't think this is going to lead into anything that i can fully comprehend.

But my chest is pumping so hard, and my body is begging for more.

His hand move to push my hair away from my face, the clips holding them earlier are nowhere to be found.

His touch send a vibration through my body that makes me shiver.

I'm so lost into the dark green sea of his eyes.

"I like this" He murmurs tracing my laid intricate edges, then moves to cup my face and kisses me slow yet so deeply. My blush spread through my body.

My chest literally start trembling! He keep fücking with my head, and messing my coordinations up.

"Let me fûck you Foxie" He whispers, it sounds like a dream, a sweet promise.

But there's chaos! There's going to be so much i just know it.

"Say yes" He demands but softly.

I sigh breaking our gaze, he has mind control I know it. I can never focus around him only on him and only him.

"What is this anyway Lucy? What do you want from me" I shrug then look back at him.

He looks absolutely in control and dominating. Like he can raise and fall the clouds.

How does he it.

"What do you mean"

"I'm asking you what you want from me? Is it just to fûck me like every other guy?" I say more like a dare a challenge to him tucking my hair behind my ear.


It doesn't change the fact that my heart is fighting with m ribcage.

"Don't say it like that" He lift his brows, shaking his head. His thumb brush against my lips and i shiver.

"It's... fûck it's just the truth. Just tell me what you really want from me."

He stares at me forever the pushes up to a sitting position, his hand on my back pressing me to him. Winding me.

His hard body against mind feels so good.

He smells like heaven.

"I want you. Isn't that enough"

He say with such culminations I nearly lose my breathe. His eyes they do things to me.

"It's not" I breathe wanting to touch him, so i do holding on to his wrist of his hand still on my face. I watch his eyes cloud and darken from my touch.

So he's affected too.

It's not just me.

"You're not the only man that want me. So it's not enough if there's no difference"

"Foxie, i will kill any man that want you! Only I should want you" He presses his lips hard to mine then pull his head back before i can react.

"Nikolai" I breathe more like a warning.

"How did i end up in 'what are we' conversation with you?" I feel his hand move and cup my breast.

My breathe hitches and i squeeze on his wrist trembling.

"Foxie, just let me...."

"Aya! Aya! Open the fücking door i know you're in there" Jerry voice booms startling me.


"I hate your agent" Lucy say to me

"He hates you too!"

"I'm going to kill him"

"There will be no killing!" I stand and start to fix my dress.

"Aya! I know you're in there! Your clips are on the floor! So open the fücking door!"


"Shit!" I fix myself and hair and breathe before pulling the door open.

Jerry charges in his fists immediately flies towards Lucy's face, before i can blink.

"Jerry what the fu...,!"

Lucy retaliates too and I quickly fly in between them!

"Fücking stop it you too! I'll talk to you later Lucy! Jerry we're leaving" I start to drag him from his and Lucy's eye to eye chest to chest testosterones.

"What the fûck Aya! What was all that! What happened to your dress"

"Please not now!" I start to flee through the back.

Wanting to get the hell out of there.

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