《FIFTEEN SHADES》Chapter Fourteen: Forbid


I had a block with this, that's why i missed yesterday's update but here it is. Please vote

and stare at one my suitcase.

I hate packing.

But we leave today, and i feel really out of place and scattered.

Jerry storms in holding a few manila folders.


"What time do we leave?" I ask wanting to see how much time i had to procrastinate.

"In about seven hours I'm guessing" He nods "I need to talk to you"

"Okay" I swivel my chair around "What's up?"


I lift a single brow "What about him?"

"I need you to stay away from him, you're suppose to be ambassador partners, stictly business associates, keep things professional. Not sneaking him out of your suite and going off to his gym"

I flush, having no idea that he knew about that.

"What so wrong about it, getting involved with him?" I shrug


"I'm serious, i think maybe, i kind of, possibly, perhaps, percase, happen to maybe virtually teeny tiny like him. Oh God!"

"Aya" He looks absolutely furious by this, I'm so shocked I'm ready to take it back. "I forbid you from seeing him"

"You can't do that! It's a harmless crush it'll pass. I don't know why you're so bothered!" I frown at him raising a single brow.

"I've never ever heard such words from your mouth Aya. Crush??" He shakes his head in disbelief. "You're insane, I'm not going to let you keep doing this"

"What the hell Jer! You can't supposedly think you can control my personal life! You don't see me coming at you while you were banging Elaines personal assistant few hours ago do you ? Especially when we were supposed to be working" I'm literally about to tear my hair out and fling it at him.


"I'm an adult Aya, I don't need supervisions and i can handle my business. This isn't about me!"

"Don't give me that crap Jer, you in my business for no reason. I've been alone for way too long in my life. I really don't need your supervision when it comes to boys. The last thing i need right now is your advice. Get the hell out Jer"

"I'm trying to protect you Aya!"

"I said get out now!"

He does!

I fling the stupid élégance douce perfume in frustration and watch the bottle shatter.

I'm so unbelievably frustrated, I don't even have the slightest idea what Lucy wants from me.

And I know it's just sex, and if it's just sex I really don't want to have anything to do with him.

So Jer really has nothing to be worried about.

He doesn't need to come here and act like I'm incapable of taking care of myself when I've been doing it for a very long time now.

My parents left both me and my brother when i was what five, Nathaniel was ten.

And it was so confusing back then that one minute there were here and then they were gone. They left us in the hands of nannies, dropping a fat check every month.

Because that's what we need! That's all they could give nothing else! A roof over our head and money!

At least they still did that not leave us to suffer completely. But still it wasn't enough!

Of course i was jealous by what other kids had, it made me hurt over and over again. People made fun of me, for having a crack mum and a father who couldn't give a crap about me and couldn't handle it all. So he left.


It made me absolutely jealous and so bitter. It didn't help that i got a constant reminder from few people in our town who knew.

I was home schooled from when i was seven so i was three times ahead of my actual class.

I had nothing reasonably in my life, so i had to pour all my energy into my education.

I danced my whole life because it made me forget, I only decided i want to be a professional dancer when I turn twelve.

There's a knock on the door and i know it Jerry.

"Go away Jer, please just leave me the fûck alone"

"Aya please!"

I don't respond, I don't hear him knocking anymore.

I close my eyes in a sigh.

When Jerry first saw me dance, I was thirteen and i had won the dance local competition in again. I had done it so many times in a row. That's only how people know me, I didn't go to school with them, I didn't have friends, I just showed up for the competition won and left.

I was just like some mysterious 'dance bunny' half the town just thought I didn't live there.

Jerry was the first person that really made me feel like my dancing was more than just really good talent.

Imagine winning a competition every year, and only your driver was the person with you, no family or friends to congratulate you. Every year I didn't feel like a winner i didn't feel like a loser either, i felt empty, another lost cause they should have just been given up for adoption.

I remember the first time jerry talked to me, he said i watch you every year kid, I know you're going places, you make magic happen every single time you're on that stage, and you don't even know it

This isn't your place kid, you won't fit, your place is beyond here'

I burst into tears because that was the first real time compliments that felt good, that made me actually feel like a winner.

And less the shell i was.

And Jerry, he did that. I love him so much and all he's done for me.

When i got a contract from ADT I accepted it, i called jerry immediately and told him. I know he was in the business but i just knew I could trust him even though my contract forbade me.

Four month's later he became my agent because the one i had for over three month was so inept and just didn't fit me.

Jerry was there for me, he so much more a family to me than my actual blood.

There's another knock.

This time i sigh picking up the remote and going to answer it. I'm no longer mad at him just hurt.

The door pulls open and there's Lucy's in my face.


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