《FIFTEEN SHADES》Chapter Seven: Control Freak



fücking mad cause I fücking enjoyed it and I want him to actually fûck me!

But why!

Jesus lord what is wrong with me.

The lights blind my eyes as soon as i make it out, and I'm unable to quickly adjust to it.

I bolt out of there blindly not minding one bit if i trip.


I bump into a chest.

"Where the fûck have you been Aya, i-you" Jerry steadies me, then he look behind me and spots him, his whole demeanor changes.

"What is wrong with you?" He ask me quietly this time concern lacing his tone.

"Nothing we need...."

"And what the fûck happened to your clothes?" Jerry grabs both my upper arms and assesses me.

I wet my lips, feeling my body shaking and those heated gaze on my back.

"We need to leave now" I say instead

"That's a why i came to get you. You really had me worried. Where did you wonder off to?"

I don't respond to him and start to walk up to where my security teams are.

I don't even pay attention to half the things Jerry was saying or ranting about as we make it back to the Jeep. I don't even pay attention to the screaming crowd, blinding lights and the concoction of reporters.

Everything is such a daze.

"Are you going to tell me what happened?" Jerry ask now that we're in a private suite, specially booked for us by Mrs Fordster or Elaine.


"Don't play dumb Aya, you almost collide into me, your clothes looking like that, the mid section thingy gone, you look flusters and he has a red cheek like you hit him."

I've forgotten how observant and how much of a fatherbear Jerry can turn into, because my biological father couldn't give a shît about me.


"I had no idea you took note of my wardrobe" I say calmly trying to hide how affected I still am. But really not wanting to talk about it.

"Did he try to force himself on you!" He shouts suddenly

"No, Jerry you need to calm down. He didn't okay. I knew him before all the way back from my childhood house" I twist my neck really hating to have this conversation and grab a glass of pineapple juice.

"You have a bruise on your neck"

"I do!" I ask panicked slapping a hand on it, feeling the small sting and realizing that i do indeed have a hickey.


"How exactly do you know this guy?" He folds his arms glaring at me

"I met him at a college party"

"A college party? You just started as a freshman in online college Aya"

"I know that, i crashed the party. Then i met him, that's it. I was already signed and i was leaving for LA the next day"

"So you know him, you just don't know of him?"


"God i hate how you can read a whole text book, in under two hours, and be able to explain in details, clearly, but you're so unbothered about social strata, and barely know about important public figures"

"Is that a bad thing? Never mind who is he?" I finish my juice, and reach for the tray of chocolate walnut cookie. Trying to hide the heavy interest in my tone.

I pour myself another glass of juice.

"Nikolai Udinov"

I lift a brow in zero recognition

" A pro basketball player, the youngest and highest paid and as of two years ago the richest player, also the youngest player accepted into the NBA. He had his masters degree at seventeen, and a MBA degree. He's the heir to his late fathers empire so he's involve in a lot of old money"



"He's also bad news, really bad news"

"Why? Is he in the mafia or something?"

"It's actually worse than that and I don't really know for sure. He's regard in some sort of satanic term, like he's the head of some type of cult, for riches and fame"

"Like illuminatic ?" I ask unimpressed

"Yes, but this one is worse"

"And you believe that?"

"Why not? I've heard rumors that he kills without flinching and some times he can't control himself, likes he's activated to some type of killing machine. He's bloody brutal in every sense and nobody crosses him"

I chew avidly suddenly entertain "Sure jerry, he's probably a fire bender too, a Sym-Bionic Titan with wings and eats girls for breakfast"

"I honestly think he bats for the other team because he doesn't have scandals with women, at least not that i know of. People started to call him gay"

I flush "Trust me, he isn't"

"Just promise me you'll be careful" He sighs "If anything goes wrong we can terminate this contract and you come to me Aya. You come to me"

"I'll be fine, Jerry those stuffs are just rumors"

"Diayhana promise me"

He used my full name uh oh.

"Fine Goddamn I promise okay"

Finally he leaves or rather i chased him out because I really just want to be alone now. After a mini scream battle, Jerry goes to his own suit.

I run myself a bathe and order room service early. Because I don't want any disturbance.

Gathered in bubbles, soap sud, inside of the large tub. I sigh as the face steamer warms my face.

I deserve this treatment, this sweet, essence of paradises.

The door monitor security system goes off, and i see all my order has arrived. I take the connected phone and tell them to leave it by the door, that I've already signed in payments for my extra request by the door.

They ask for my number and i give one to them through the phone

I still have a nasty headache, although i feel better now my mind refuses to calm down.

Nikolai Udinov.

So he's Russian, he really hides his accent well or he just doesn't have one. But he said something to me in Russian that night.

I don't know what he meant but still.

Goddamn I'm so stupid!

He called me a slutty nuisance and i prove exactly that to him be letting him do what he did to my body.

What is wrong with me?

A lot of things is wrong with you, to be honest.

The question is what is wrong with you around him?

I just lost absolute control today, and I'm a control freak but I don't know what is wrong with me, I don't know what happened to me today.

Staggering clips of what we did today plays in my mind, leaving me frustrated and bothered.

I finally stand cleaning up then i grab my robe. I open my door and bring everything inside.

However there are long stem whites roses, a big round box of pink roses next to it.

What the hell!

They're huge and a little heavy.

I bring everything in and shut the door and pick the card. It's not signed.

'Because i made you run away'

That's all it say.

What the hell.

There's a knock on my door and I instantly panic, then I remember i took boxing lessons and did a little bit of wrestling so I'm good.

I pull the door open and it's Nikolai

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