《FIFTEEN SHADES》Chapter Five: Forgotten Cold


Couldn't just hold a video conference meeting, and why the fûck i have to be jet lagged?" I whisper getting into the private elevator, with my security team, the company's , Jerry and Elaine Fordster personal assistant.

"Because Elaine wants to meet you in person" Jerry whisper snaps

"Why? she's old. She'll probably be like eighty or something." I pull out my Airpod and tuck it in.

"God Aya, for a public figure you know nothing. She's mostly definitely not old, she's 46 now stay quiet"

"That's mostly definitely old, and I hate you"

"I got you ice-cream" He takes out his black card for super important meetings.

"I love you"

The elevator dings, we all step on the air boards.

We're taken into some type of fairytale office, with floor to ceiling glass walls, and all white funiture. I'm so afraid to touch anything.

"Really beautiful right? It was requested by Mr Udinov" The PA announces, I don't know who the fûck she's talking about so I don't say anything but offer a small smile.

"I can believe i just met you, you're way prettier in person and so so nice" She gushes, pushing professionalism aside again.

I am most definitely not nice, I'm just polite.

"My daughter is going to love this!" Okay, can she not yell so loud, I should be use to it since i get screamed at almost everyday now, but i still hate it.

She hold out the rubber bracelet that has my picture in it. She ask me for it when she came to pick us up from the airport.

I smile again in response and nod politely.

"And this too, you're so nice and comfortable looking. I really thought you'ld be stuck up and a bitch"

I'm still a bitch

She hold out my face towel that was tucked in my pant pocket.

I also think what she meant by comfortable looking, no make up and my baggy clothes.

I'm so glad Jerry isn't like my first Agent that put me in dresses all the time and tons of makeup for stuffs like this.

"I deeply apologize for keeping you" Someone calls out from the doorway.


I turn around to see a woman dress in a sophisticated nude channel suit, her platinum blond bob hair, is neatly cut so sharp I'm sure it can slit throats. Her makeup is immaculate, deep plum red, Louboutin heels.

She look to be in her late twenties.

Security by her side.

"It's an honor to Finally meet you Miss Rhodes, Elaine Fordster" She steps towards me in precise cart walk as she introduces herself.

She carries herself with such confidence and yet humbleness.

This is her?? I thought Jerry said she was forty sixty she's a freaking gorgeous.

"Likewise Mrs Fordster" I say polite without any recognition.

"Please Elaine, and...."

She's cut off, by the double glass door opening and a few security teams walking, then he steps out as the securities part.

Everything in that moment stills as i stare at him. I feel something compress my lungs and tosses out all the air, taking out the oxygen in the room too

Because I can't fücking breathe

My whole being tenses then starts shaking and I'm completely convinced a seismograph is going to be needed for the earthquake wrecking in my body.

My brain can't even put anything together and my heart is thudding with the shake of the earthquake.

What in the world!

What the fuck is he doing here? Why is he here? Maybe he's Elaine boyfriend or something!

Jesus fücking Christmas!!!

Oh God.

Remember some articles you read about yourself; Gracefully, sassy, witty, confident, candor.

Right now you look nothing like that with your mouth hung open, right now you look like a fool, so about about you close your fücking mouth you shrimp!

Oh God.

My face burn

Idiota idiota idiota!

But Goddamn he look so good, more muscular, his hair in a wet man bun, side shaved with those side slits. It's wet like he just had a shower or something.

He's still dressed in suit, no tie, shirt partly unbuttoned, tattooed chest, there's tattoos in his neck now he didn't have those before. A thin cuban and that diamond dog tags from years ago. His coat is parted, one hand tucked into his pockets.


Making me see how well the black suit is doing justice to his body and making my own body miserable with need.

He just encompasses everything power, grace and authority. Like he was created for this, like it's his destiny to me sovereign.

I mean he already looks like a fucking god.

"Aya" Jerry calls, it still doesn't snap me from the nonplus and his voice sounds so dim.

I blink my eyes a few time to clear my head. It doesn't work.

Nothing absolutely nothing and no one affects me like this.

"What ?" I breathe looking at Jerry

"What's wrongs you look like you're about to faint, you need to sit down" Even jerry looks worried

"No, I'm fine. Let's all have a seat" so someone can tell me exactly what the fûck he's doing here.

Elaine moves toward him and this time I don't look at them.

"Sweetheart you look Good, and I absolutely love the new cover with Shawn"

They sound anything but professional, so they know each other. But what exactly is their relationship?

"Thanks El, you still have to make it up to me with this shit you pulled"

Oh God, that voice. It will alway cause havoc in my body

"I didn't even know you'll agree. But enough with the chit chat"

They both sit, next to each other and a little too closely.

I swallow hard.

They start talking and i can barely pay attention. We're both co Ambassador partners, he agreed to some terms that Jerry refused for me. So I think he's getting paid more than i am.

I'm not sure I really don't care, I can't focus.

He and Elaine talk like they've known each other for years.

Elaine congratulates me on my recent awards, and said something about my outfit for the Met Gala something about best dress and setting a trend.

I seriously can't focus, my nerves is skittering.

He hasn't once glanced at me through out this very painful conversation. And i keep trying so hard to be surreptitious.

He smells so fücking good. There are tattoos on his fingers now, and his exposed socked ankle, which he placed over one knee. He looks too confident and comfortable, gesturing with one hand and holding his glass of scotch in his other hand, leaning backward in his seat talking animated with Elaine, with a deep, smooth rasp.

His voice oh God!

Fûck I don't even think he remembers me. I mean why would he remember a slutty fourteen year old from years ago. I feel something squeeze so fücking hard in my chest and my eys sting with tears

What the hell is wrong with me?

My phone rings jolting me, it's him again.

This time I don't mind, I'll do anything to get the fuck out of here.

"Excuse me" I mumble then walk out, i try so hard not to bolt out of there so it wouldn't look like I can't stand being there anymore.

Which I can't.

"Damien?" I breathe "What do you want?"

"Finally fücking Christ! She answer the damn phone, girlfriend of the year" He say dryly but he's still too loud so i had to remove the air pods and put it back.

"The fûck! Are you calling the wrong number? Since when did you have a girlfriend?" I look around and move to the door that has 'changing room' written on it, there's no one in sight so i lean against the door. Finally i try to get my breath back.

"Not this again. How many times Diayhan? Did you even get my flowers.

Yeah they're in the trash considering I'm allergic to them.

"Why are you calling me Damien?"

"Dinner with me tomorrow night?"

"Are you crazy? i have practice."

"You are suppose to be inlove with me, stop being in denial. How about Friday night?"

God I can't take him serious I would laugh if my mood wasn't in the gutter. My head is throbbing and this nonexistent relationship the public seems to think i having with Damien Malik is making it worse.

"You're right i love you so much" I say sarcastically "And knowing you, you literally just want a hard fuck so...."


Oh my Jesus fücking Christmas!

He is right here right in front on me!

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