《FIFTEEN SHADES》Chapter Three: Roar Mr Big Shot


in both embarrassment and anger.

My face stings with humiliation at the words that just left his perfect mouth.

My bed time? Is he stupid!

Every single person that looked at me most definitely would not think I even have a bedtime.

He said it to me like I'm a little kid

Which you are.

You're a fourteen and you crashed a college party.

What exactly did you expect him to say?

Anything but that, anything but looking at me like I'm a child. Every single person that has seen me did not address me in such manner. Because i look nothing like a child.

So you want him to ogle you, maybe even fûck you like more than half of this horny bastards here want to.

My face flame.

No! I just urgh!!

"You're not my father!" I finally respond to him, my voice a little too loud which means he's affecting me.

Damn it!

Act like you don't care, keep calm, then smirk, that's how it goes

"And does your father know you're here?" He speaks dismissively like he couldn't care less to continue this conversation.

"What exactly is your problem? You're talking to me like I'm a child"

"You are" He smirks, he looks unbothered and unfazed

That's suppose to be my part.

"I am not!"

"You're what 10? 12? You should be in a stroller not that dress" He shakes his head at me, tucks both hands into his pockets.

My face flame some more.

His body is clad in a tailored suit without his jacket, its form fitting so that perfection of body is left to be imagined. His black shirt is rolled to his forearms exposing tattooed forearms.

I'm going to be drooling soon

He looks very out of place here.

Diamond dog tags, a single white gold wrist watch, expensive combat boots.

So a rich motherfûcker.

His smirk spreads, it's wicked and sly "You don't eye fûck strangers foxie, it's rather rude" He's taunting me.

Say something

"Go home princess, this is most definitely not a scene for kids"

He start to walk away.

Kid? kid!

I also start to march up to him, my anger finally taking over. I didn't even notice since that people were watching us.

"Hey hold it you fücking bîtch!" I shout at him.

I hear loud gasp, murmuring. People probably wondering if I'm try to get myself killed.

He doesn't wait up. I rush up to him and get right in his face, well his chest considering with my heels I'm barely at his shoulder level.

"You should sticks with conversing with fücking kangaroos if this how you talk to people. I doubt anyone would be able to tell the difference!" I jab a finger at his chest. I hear another chorus of loud gasp. "So you Mr Big shot need..,"


"Be quiet" He literally growls at me.

"I'm so not done speaking so no. You're are a mannerless clît sucking brute. You're not some kind of god, with your shoulders raise up to your ears blocking our common sense so you need to work on that shitty attitude... uh ohmph"

The whole world spins upside down and i now have a clear view of his ass. He tossed me over his shoulder like I weighed nothing.

And i trust me i kind of do.

He's walking in powerful strides making my heart thud with each steps.

"Put me down! Put me down this instant" I toss fist after fist against his back, my hair getting into my mouth. "You are so dead as soon as my feet touch his the ground. I will use your tiny dîck to choke you until you nut you son of b!tch!"

"That smart mouth will only get you in trouble Foxie" He smacks my now exposed ass thank to my postion.

I yelp and feel heat pool between my thighs.

Oh God!

I elbow his head "Don't ever smack me like that! I swear to God i will kill you.. you fücking.....!"

I hear the sound of a door exploading open, suddenly startling me. Did he just break the door open?

I hear screaming and the sound of flesh hitting flesh then louder higher screams.

"Get out!" He thunders and i see upside down naked girls with strap on cöcks running out.

"What do you think you're doing! Answer me right now!" I maneuver myself until I'm standing against him, the world spins and i feel like i could touch heaven if not for Zachs high ceilings.

I grab a fistful of his hair, then push my body so we fall backwards.

"Fücking Christ!" He cuss as he land on a bed instead of the hardwood floor. "Are you a ninja too"

"You're so dead Mr Big shot." I move to throw my ringed fist against his face but he catches it effortlessly.

"You" He says calmly but it sounds so deadly and lethal. He climb full ontop of me and his hand suddenly circles my throat " Are lucky I'm in a good mood, or else I wouldn't think twice about snapping your pretty little neck"

Those eyes, they're deadly!

"You're the one who kidnapped me, you fücking asshat! You should be the one lucky I'm in a good mood, because..."

"Shut up Foxie!" He snaps "Before i use my d!ck to gag you!"

It's that heat between my thighs again, making my skin hot and my body tingle

What the fuck is that!?


"Get off of me" I thrust my body up against him try to free myself from his hold.

He suddenly freezes and i watch those goosebumps gorgeous hypnotic eyes turn to the darkest shades of green. Almost black.

"Stop that" He groans his hands tighten around my neck but not hard. His breathe fanning my face, heating up my cheek. He smells so so good.

"What?" I lift both brows confused trying to still push him away.

"Fûck stop moving Babochka" His hand move from my neck banding both my wrist above my head. What the heck did he just say? That accent was so hot!


"Will you fücking stay still" He grunts moving to press my hand hands into the bed and hold my body still.

I completely freeze when i feel a large bulge right on my exposed vagina

Jesus fücking Christmas i just turned him on.

My face flames in full and i feel it spreads to my chest. My body starts shaking, there's heat between my thighs and blood rushing to my head.

He needs to get off me now!

I start to struggle against him but instead i rub against him and I swear i feel it harden.

"Stay fücking still or else I'm going have to bruise my côck in your fücking pûssy Foxie" He threatens thrusts this bulges against my naked core.

My breathing completely malfunction out of my lungs and a whimper leaves my mouth and I quickly clamp my teeth against my bottom lip.

Oh God!

Guys have tossed crude remarks my way before and it only makes me disgusted.

But he says something like that and my clît pulse in depression, my body going into a frenzy.

I feel like some type of breed going into heat.

His brows raise at my reaction, my chest is heaving hard and his eyes rakes my body with dedication no holds bar. Stopping extra long on my brèàst and my now exposed vaigina.

"Hmmm" His eyes settle back to mine and i feel something gun fire my chest from his simple gaze. His hand move to my now bare hip, star dust follow the trail.

"A fire cracker and a filthy little Fox" He whispers in that deep voice dripping with sex and sin. His fingers suddenly brush very wet fold.

I'm so sensitive my hot harsh breathe release from my throat.

He strokes my slit with the pad of his finger, then to my bundle of nerves. Back again spreading me open then massaging in the most delicious way.

My eyes explode with fireworks and i don't think i can breathe. My stomach muscles clenches with a foreign feeling and i arch up against his skillfull hands. I'm on the verge of telling him never to stop.

But then he does

"You're lucky you're just a kid" He rumble his words hot against my face. My body is still tingling, my pûssy pulsing and my brain blurry from what he'd just done to me.

He pulls away from me, stands in all his glory. His hand goes through his hair and his run his eyes over my body.

I suddenly feel so vulnerable, more vulnerable than i did when i found out Justin has been cheating on me.

"Get the fûck out Foxie!"

My mouth drops open in shook, my eyes stinging in tears. I don't know why that just triggers something already closed up inside of me. Making me feel so bare.

I'm about to stand to my feet and throw my fist at him, and spit out a long ass profanities.

We suddenly hear a staggering loud crash.

It's completely jolts me, i hear screaming, yelling and a whole hubbub of choas.

He suddenly gets in my face, hauling me to my feet "You need to get the fuck out now!" He tugs off his shirt.

And my throat dries up. What the fuck is he doing?

O God, again my mouth parts in awe. This man is a fücking god!

Tattoos decorated his skin, his body was carved in perfection. I badly want reach out my hand to trace those sculptured chest and delicious abs.

"This is not the time to eye fuck me Foxie. You need to get the fûck out here!" He snaps making the blush in my face spread.

He throws his shirt at me and start draging me "Wear that, I don't know who the fuck allow a ten year old to dress like a slut!"

"I'm fourteen!" I yell absolutely infuriated. My whole body starts trembling in humiliation. I tug on his shirt and if I wasn't so angry I would have swoon at his scent.

I don't know why his words affect me like that. I mean justin called me just that and it didn't even matter.

"That doesn't sound any better" He slides the large window "Get the hell out"

"Why here?"

"Are you stupid? Do you not hear all that noise? You're fücking underage so get the fuck out"

I glare at him, eyeing him in whole again before taking off my heels and jumping down.

I'm never going to see any of them ever again anyway!

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