
The girl stood in the front of the door while digging her nails in her skin due to nervousness.

She was nervous after all.

Meeting your super famous idol ex best friend whom you betrayed 5 years ago wasn't something one would do daily.

Taking a deep breath in she knocked on the wooden door twice which was followed by the sound of approaching foot steps.

The gate opened revealing a drop dead handsome guy whom she knew. Not so close that she would talk casually but also not that much unfamiliar that she would forget.

"Soobin."she whispered with a smile and the boy eyed her from head to toe before realization hit him and a frown made its way to his face.

"What do you want now? After all these years?" his voice was a bit loud but he was maintaining his cool thinking about the guests that he had inside. He didn't wanted to be rude to her as she was his first crush afterall but the things she did. It just made him feel that he has to stay away from her.

His family hated her and also probably never going to forgive her.


"I just want to apologize." she whispered in a low voice while fiddling with her fingers.

"Let me ask her about this. But wait. How come you know that she is here today? Are you stalking her or something? " he said with a hint of anger as he eyed her suspiciously.

He was trying his best not to melt in her beautiful eyes. She was just so beautiful.

"No no I went to their house as well but they said that she was here so.." she said while raising her hands defensively.

"OK let m__"

"Soobin oppa!!" his words were cut when a small girl nearly 5 years old came running towards him and hugged his leg.

She stopped her actions when her eyes fell on the girl standing on the door.

"Who is this pretty unnie?" she innocently asked while eyeing her.

"Yeoriahh she is a friend of Y/N unnie."

"Wow! That's why you are so pretty because my Y/n unnie is also pretty! But what's you name?" she tilted her head to a side to which the girl chuckled.

She crouched down in front of her and cupped her delicate cheeks.


"Yu nabi."

"Woww unnie your name is also pretty just like you. Eomma told me once that nabi means a butterfly."

She couldn't help but squish the little girl's cheeks.

Soobin was admiring yu nabi with softness that didn't go unnoticed by the younger one.

She slyly smiled to herself before asking," unnie are you married?"

"What no!"she chuckled at her own reply.

"You know what unnie? Soobin oppa is also getting old day by day but he won't even show us a sign of getting married." she humped while sticking her lower lip out. But due to her evil plan her eyes shone confusing the two grown ups.

While soobin was busy in blushing nabi couldn't help but admire how handsome he had grown over years.

She last saw him in high school once when all that shit happened but now seeing him In a totally different situations was something new to her.

"As you two are unmarried why don't you marry each other? " the younger one squealed at her idea while both of them just choked on their saliva.

"Yayyy!! Oppa is getting married! " ignoring the audible loud coughs of the two she jumped towards the living room shouting proudly.

The two ran after her before making an awkward eye contact but it was too late already.

Everyone In the room were already shocked at the news.

"See I told you. Unnie is so pretty!!" everyone watched the girl who just came In the room.

Well yeah every one was not expecting her after all but after sending yeori back to her room after so much whining she was finally asked the reason of her unannounced arrival.

"I just wanted to apologize Y/N. All these years I have bubbled up my guilt inside but I can't anymore. I was just manipulated because of her but you were my true friend and I always thought of you as someone to rely on. I am so sorry. Please forgive me." was all that she said before she was engulfed in a warm hug.

For sure Y/N was a kind hearted girl and she noticed at that time when she was raped that how she informed taehyung and the boys.

She forgave her at last and now they were sitting on the dining table as yn insisted on having lunch.


"Soo what was all that marriage thingy huh? " yn asked while raising her eyebrows a bit.

"No no it was just a misunderstanding yn." nabi felt sad when he just dryly commented that but of course what was she even expecting.

Shrugging the sensitive topic aside they started to have a normal conversation and soobin couldn't help but stare at nabi. Indeed she was beautiful.

Even though she did all those things in past but he can't deny the fact that if she hadn't called them at that time yn might had lost her life.

She was beautiful. A sophisticated face with sharp features and not to mention her curvy body that was visible in the white mid thigh frock that she wore.

He regretted being rude to her but after seeing her apologizing and the change of her attitude his feelings just grew more stronger.

Well same goes, for her side too.

Like of course.

Oh soobin. Son of one of the most successful lawyer Mrs oh soo jae.

An ambitious entrepreneur of a, publishing company. Good looks and a kind nature.

OK he wasn't kind to her just some hours ago but she didn't fail to notice the tone of politeness in his voice after she apologized.

"Unnie!!! Please play with me na!!" yeori. The daughter of Mrs Kim Yuri and Mr yeonjun.

She was determined to make the two fall in love and as per her unnie yn. She had already gotten a green flag when she discussed the matter with her just some minutes ago.

Nabi couldn't deny the little girl and ended up falling in her trap.

Precisely it was Y/N's plan too. If course she was also fed up of the 28 year old man being single.

Making sure that soobin was coming from the other side of the hallway Y/N showed a thumbs up to the younger one who was dragging nabi with her.

But at last she accidentally tripped over a non existent thing while pushing nabi to the front and as a result nabi ended up landing on soobin.

The aunt and niece high fived each other before making their way to the man who shot them a look of confusion while sitting on table. Of course taehyung was confused of his wife's actions but shortly he shut his mouth after listening to the whole story.

On the other hand two of them were still on each other refusing to make the first move and that area was sealed by the aunt niece duo to give them some privacy.

While looking into nabi's eyes soobin felt that sudden tingling sensation in his stomach whereas nabi was controlling hard to hide her blushing cheeks.

Soobin was sure that he liked her from the first sight and so was nabi. She was his first crush when he saw her for the first time with Y/N.

The situation wasn't explainable as one can't tell that if it was their immensely erotic position or the atmosphere that made soobin loose his mind for a minute.

His gaze landed on her lips and he wasn't even in his senses to understand his actions as in a swift movement he smashed his lips on hers in a deep kiss.

The girl was too stunned to speak.

Her mouth was frozen and her mind refused to move a muscle. She just layed there on top of him while he placed his lips on hers without moving.

"Why don't you two get married already?" a deep voice from the side startled the couple as they separated in a lightning speed only to see a frowning taehyung staring at them with disbelief.

The pair was blushing like hell as taehyung approached them with his annoyed expression.

"Just get married already! Because of you two my wife isn't giving attention to me!" and with that he walked away stomping his feet on the floor leaving the two being awkward.

Both stood like they were glued to their places blushing like a tomato.

"So... Umm.. Actually... It's just... " soobin sighed as he realized that the situation was getting more awkward.

"Hey! Love birds! We are going to watch a Movie! If you are done with whatever you were doing you can join us too." Y/N chirped out and giggled at their blushing faces.

In an instant she moved out of the scene to give them space.

"Lete join them." nabi whispered in a low voice and walked away while soobin smiled like an idiot following her.

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