
"Ahhh please stop!" the ear cutting scream of Mr song echoed in the empty room as Y/N was continuously kicking his stomach while he was tied up.

She scoffed loudly and bent down to his level.

"Did you stop when I was helplessly screaming for you to stop!" she spat and fisted his hair tightly earning a whimper from him.

"You don't even deserve to live but I thought that killing you so easily won't give justice to the high school girls you raped and then murdered." his eyes widened at the mention of his past crimes.

He wasn't expecting it to come back to him but they say Karma is a bitch.

A painful scream escaped his mouth when she started squeezing his penis under her pointed heels.

She was not enjoying this but the pain he gave her forbade her to feel sympathy towards him.

"Baby!" taegyung called out for her from the corner of the room. He was there all the time making sure that he doesn't miss even a single thing.

She hummed in response as he took slow steps towards her with his boxy smile.

"We have got a surprise for you. Or should I say for this fucker." Y/N frowned at the mention of surprise before glancing towards the glass window where all the boys were sitting with a popcorn bucket watching the free show.

"If you allow me your highness." he whispered as he took her hand in his and she nodded with a slight smile.

"COME IN GUYS!!" he shouted and clapped his hands up in the air indicating the audience that something interesting was going to happen.

The door opened revealing some middle aged men and women and even some young girls.

Y/N watched them in confusion before taehyung made it clear.

"They are the parents of the girls he raped and then murdered. Hopefully only two of them survived when they escaped. I talked to them if they wanted a revenge and surprisingly everyone agreed." he introduced them and Y/N watched them with softened gaze.

She knew how it felt when he snatched her dignity away from her so just after the night they both had sex she insisted on coming back to Korea to punish her criminals.

She was ready to even chop out the body parts of him but her heart was too delicate for that.


When she learned that after her disappearance the organization was under jae eun she was restless and then she finally claimed it as hers.

Leaving Moscow wasn't that much pleasant but she promised every one that she will visit the organization once in two months.

And now here she is finally taking her revenge from the person that topped her list of most despised people.

She nodded to taehyung and both of them stood in front of the glass door in such a manner that the audience sitting behind gets a clear view.

All the parents were so furious that they started to beat the shit out of that old hag while blabbering curses.

"You bastard she was my only daughter! She was sucha bright student and wanted to help me out with finances by getting a job but you just used her as a toy!!! You don't deserve to live!!!"

The middle aged man's eyes were teary as he punched him in his face.

"You asshole! She was my sister!!! She was going to get married in a month and you just killed her after using her!!!!!! " the boy looked young. Maybe around 25 or 26. Y/n was getting sensitive too. She felt bad for all of them.

That bastard hasn't only ruined her life but also he had destroyed whole families and hope of some people.

She saw how a lady in her early 30's stood aside while everyone were venting out their anger.

She approached her slowly and rested her hand on her shoulder gently to which the lady turned around.

"What did he do to you miss?"

"He tricked me by saying that he would marry me but on the day of registration of our marriage I found the dead body of my 12 year old daughter with a note 'Fuck you'. She was raped numerous times and even her body was in pieces." the lady broke down In her embrace and she patted her back slightly to calm her.

A sudden rage engulfed her when she Released the lady from her grip and took her hand guiding her to crowd.

Everyone stopped their actions and Yn grabbed a knife from the table before giving it to the woman.

"Think about your daughter. Think how much she had suffered when he raped her." this wasn't enough for her as she was a soft hearted woman but Y/N was determined.


"Think about her. The pain she had to take in such a young age. She would have called for your help so many times but you were not able to do that. This is the time to give her soul the peace she deserves." the woman faced and nodded.

"Don't kill him. Just aim for the spot you despise the most. You are getting what I am trying to say right?" she nodded and closed her eyes while stretching out the Knife in her hands and screamed at the top of her lungs.

" I AM SORRY AERA!! PLEASE FORGIVE YOUR MOM!! " and she stabbed him right between his legs. The room echoed with his scream as he continuously whimpered for help.

"Ju-st kill m-e alr-eady."

"she smirked while he gritted his teeth in anger when she spoke the words he spoke to her.

"Thank you so much for this. Please don't kill him that easily or else my daughter won't be able to rest in peace." she nodded and with that the room was empty again.

"Well did I tell you that I had another surprise too. " taehyung said while back hugging her and she chuckled at his cuteness.

"Care to tell me?"

"Well you should see it by yourself."

He tapped something on his phone and the door opened again revealing some girly looking but muscular men.

She immediately understood what were they are called for and faced taehyung who was giving her a playful smirk.

"An eye for an eye. Don't you think we should play fair sweetheart?"

She chuckled softly before facing the tied up man.

"You should feel that pain you have given to all of the girls." she spat and was going to walk off but stopped when she heard him whimper.

"Pl-ease don't d-o thi-s to m-e."

"Serves you right motherfucker." with that the couple walked to the glass room with the Audience.

"Hey baby you are fine right?" taehyung questioned me while I was standing on the roof top.

It was night time already and the Cold wind that was hitting my face was giving a calming feeling.

I was fine.

Much better than I was before.

I tuned to him with a smile on my face and caged him in my arms.

He did the same and rubbed my back.

"What about Jae eun?"

"She is in the mental asylum for now. She needs a brain transplant so I asked for a new brain but then I thought its better for her to rot in that hell." I laughed at his reply and broke the hug to stare at his deep and mesmerizing eyes.

I felt so happy after he came into my life.

"I love you so much."

"I love you more." I giggled at his words.

"I am so happy that you came into my life Y/N. And I am looking forward to it." I frowned at his words playfully and waited for him to complete his sentence.

"Ummm.... Soo...... Actually......I wa-nted t-o sa-y__"

"Tae. Speak In a language that I can understand."

"sorry but I am just getting nervous!"

"It's fine just say it."

"Y/N I know that it's very early to propose you for marriage and I am also not forcing you into this. I just want us to get engaged. You know that fiancé thingy." he scratched his nape and I smiled at him.

He was so adorable.

"I just don't want to loose you again. Please be with me. I am not telling you to get married right away but can we just get engaged. I want to call you as mine officially. " he shyly said and bent down on his knees taking out something from his pocket.

I gasped at his sudden action and covered my mouth in surprise.

He opened the box to reveal a beautiful bracelet that had a moon hanging on it.

"You are just like the moon Y/N. Even when you are alone you shine so bright that you take the attention on you. Just like the moon you have brightened my dark life. Please accept this and be my fiancé." he requested with puppy eyes and how could I say no.

I said yes!!!!

He was over the moon and lifted me up and spun me around.

The feeling was euphoric.

And that's when I realized that I made this play boy fall in love with me while I fell for him more by my each passing moment.

************THE END**************

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