
For sure I was confused. And I didn't want anyone to sit with me on my bike because of my shoulder injury but seeing the situation of that matchbox I have to sacrifice . I sighed heavily as I finally looked at them who were eager to know the results.

"I would prefer to go alone." with that I walked away to my bike ignoring all the whines taehyung was giving me.

Dude I have a freaking bandage around my shoulder plus I wouldn't be able to concentrate if one of these flaming hot guys will be sitting behind me.

Don't judge me because I am already committed but appreciating a piece of art isn't some thing wrong.

And for sure ALL of them were drop dead handsome.

As I was about to ignite the engine of my bike I was startled by a grip on my waist. It was taehyung and yoongi followed him from behind.

"Baby please!!"

"Please Y/N!"


I was stuck between those three.

Gosh what am I supposed to do now .

Looks like I have to sacrifice my shoulder today.

"You two can hop on but I won't be able to handle that muscle pig."


why can't I say no.

"OK I think I can try to drive with three."

I thought so.

But it wasn't easy.

Literally having four people on your bike when your shoulder is injured is not a nice position.

Taehyung was clinging onto my like a panda while yoongi did the same with him and jungkook followed.

Even if taehyung was sitting behind me it was not that Romantic. And I felt too bad to leave those two while the rest of them followed us on that Cinderella carriage.

How did they find such a thing?

As I sped my bike I heard small complains of taehyung. It wasn't that much clear because of my helmet but still I managed to listen.

"Hey baby! Drive slow you might get hurt!"


My cute boyfriend.

How will I tell you that after my one month recovery I have droven my bike like a racer and also not to mention the Amount of accidents I got into.

Well the reason is that it made me feel alive. I know it's dangerous but it was just something that made me feel calm.

Back to the point I can't tell him that I got a slight injury on my shoulder and I was wrapped In a bandage.

Reason: I know he will scold me like a mom and I seriously don't want a lecture on vehicle safety.

I finally pulled over in front of my trumpet creepers entrance. The flowers looked so fresh.

Hana must have done that.

The 18 year old surely knew how to make my day.

I entered inside my home when I heard the sound of that Cinderella carriage. The way all of them were stuffed inside and how they popped out side one by one was so damn funny while taehyung and yoongi Helped them out.

"дорогая ты вернулась!!" (dorogaya ty vernulas) (Darling you are back!)

I heard a voice from behind only to find my aunt. Well she was my mom's friend so I preferred to call her aunt.

I smiled at her and she approached me while eyeing taehyung from head to toe.

"Разве он HE тот мальчик о котором ты ?" (Razve on ne tot mal'chik o kotorom ty vsegda govorish) ( she said while giving me a playful smile. I smiled back at her knowing that taehyung didn't understand anything.

"тот что на обоях твоего телефона?" (tot chto na oboyakh tvoyego telefona) (I couldn't help but blush a little at her words. She sure was right. I used to admire that wallpaper whenever I missed him.

"да он мой парень." (da on moy paren') (I replied being a little shy.

"кто-то краснеет." (kto to krasneyet) (nudging on my elbow slightly she teased me which made me even more shy.


She can be such a tease some times.

Then my gaze landed on the boys who were burning holes in me and aunt Roseline and I guess she sensed it to.

She smiled a bit before hugging me earning a small hiss from me because of my shoulder. Gladly only she heard that. She immediately eyed me with concern.

"твое плечо в порядке? врач посове

тoвал тебе отдохнуть." (tvoye plecho

V poryadke? Vrach posovetoval tebe otdokhnut) (

Oh shit I am dead. I totally forgot about aunt.

I looked at her with a sheepish smile but she just glared at me.

OK yn you got this in your bag.

Just show some aegyo.

But she is Russian she won't understand aegyo.

The heck what should I do.

The atmosphere was getting tense as the boys gathered near us taking some interest in a thing they should never get involved with.

"ты все еще катался на велосипеде." (ty vse yeshche katalsya na velosipede) ( still you rode the bike.) she said sternly and I nodded a little shamelessly. I can't lie to her she is just like my mother and she gave me that care which I unfortunately never received from that hoe.

Seeing my state her eyes softened a bit and she held my hands dearly.

"тебе нужно позаботиться o себе дорогая Твоя мама не обрадуется увидев тебя таким." (tebe nuzhno pozabotit'sya o sebe dorogaya. Tvoya Mama ne obraduyetsa uvidev Tebya takim) (you need to take care of yourself darling your mother won't be happy after seeing you like this)

Her words held affection and politeness and that made my eyes to fill up with tears but I quickly blinked them away. I can't be weak now. Not after all of this.

"Мне жаль." (Mne Zhal') (I am sorry) I said while my head hung low. She cupped my face softly and caressed my cheeks with her thumb. Her touch was so relaxing. It always gave me the feeling I always craved for.

Motherly love.

"все в порядке дочка просто позаботься o себе." (vse v poryadke


ochka prosto pozabot'sya o sebe) (she smiled sweetly while I returned her smile and kissed her hands gently to which she giggled.

"TBL знаешь как я тебя люблю." (ty znayesh kak sil'no ya Tebya lyublyu) (I said with a playful smile to which she glared at me a little playfully before hitting my shoulder lightly. I whimpered a little and she immediately mouthed me sorry.

She turned to the boys who were confused as hell and she decided to continue the saga.

"до свидания." (do svidaniya) (

She said and walked away like nothing happened before winking at me then taehyung. He sure was confused.

I just barged into my house Inviting all of them inside but as I was about to enter the cozy environment of my room I felt a sharp pain on my shoulder and that's, when I realized that I was being pinned on the door of my room.

I closed my eyes tightly because of the pain but I was able to control any sounds.

I felt hot breathing fanning my face and that's when I opened my eyes to find my one and only. My cute boyfriend.

His eyebrows were narrowed as he was eyeing me in a confused way.

"Is everything alright?" I nodded immediately but that made him more suspicious.

"Don't lie to me."

"I am not lying my Taeboo. I am totally fine see." I assured him as I tried to turn around but there was no space between us.

He was eyeing me in a weird manner while lifting his hand up. He gently placed his hand on my shoulder while my breath hitched at his touch. It had been a while since he touched me Like that.

Sliding his hand on my shoulder he pressed it a bit harshly which made me yelp in pain.


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