
"Don't you know how to speak Russian?"

"I always thought that they spoke English too."

Taehyung just gave namjoon a done look and turned around to the foreigner who was looking at them with confusion.

He sighed and bowed to the man before turning to some other group of people on the road.

"excuse me can you speak English?" the group of middle ladies turned to him and smiled sweetly. He smiled back too and a lady said," We can speak a little bit English." taehyung was overjoyed by the fact. He smiled widely and showed them a photo.

"Have you seen this girl?" he imitated by his hands and the lady seemed to notice it.

"Yes yes!" she said in an excited tone and turned towards the group of ladies while showing them the picture muttering something in Russian.

After some good two minutes she turned to him and flinched when she saw a whole group of boys. After staring at each and every one she turned back to taehyung.

"She." the lady pointed towards the picture ," she is a really sweet and kind girl." the group of boys smiled widely.

The lady turned back to the group and uttered some words while pointing towards taehyung and everyone nodded. The boys looked confuse as the group of ladies was smiling continuously while looking at taehyung.

To ease up the environment he decided to speak.

"Do you know anything more about her?" taehyung asked and the lady smiled.

"Of course she is a strong girl." this made everyone silent for a moment until the lady continued.

"She lives in the second street. Go straight and turn left. The fourth apartment is hers." she said with a beautiful smile and all the boys bowed at her before running to the direction.

"She said the fourth house right?" with that everyone stopped in front of a wooden door that was decorated with trumpet creepers. The door gave the vibes of a sweet home but it had no nameplate.


"Should we knock?"

"Is that even a question?" and then taehyung knocked on the door being an impatient person. After two rings they heard a faint 'coming' sound and approaching footsteps.

Soon the door was opened by a teenage girl who looked younger than them in an apron.

"Hey aren't you Shin Hana?" yoongi said as soon as he saw her.

The girl looked taken aback and it didn't take her much time to recognise the seven Demi Gods.

She tried to close the door in a hurry but common she was just a teenager in front of seven build up boys.

They barged inside the house but were met with silence. The house was empty and had no one except Hana.

"I will just ask you once. Where.Is.Y/N." taehyung emphasised on each word not to sound very angry but that surely made the girl scared a bit.

"Hey tae you are scaring her."

"Hey we are sorry on behalf of him. Just tell us where is Y/N. We are literally going crazy from the last three months."

Hana relaxed a bit and said," She will not come with you."


"Hey taehyunge let me talk."

Things were definitely getting heated up because of anger.

"Hey please just tell us where is she we will decide that later."

Hana seemed to buy namjoon's polite words as she started to rummage through a drawer and soon took out a card and handed it over to namjoon.

" ' Forever beautiful : the acid attack survivors organization' " namjoon read out loud for everyone to hear and it was surely a touching moment.

"Thank you so much Hana." namjoon gave her a dimpled smile to which she blushed a bit. And with that everyone was off to the organization's building.

All the way everyone talked about how she ended up In such a place but it was kinda impressive too.

When they reached the building through the taxi all of them saw a crowd in the middle of the garden.


All of them entered the garden and taehyung saw the person he craved for all these days. His pupils dilated as soon as he saw her sitting there on the stool with a guitar in her hands singing 'Love me like you do.'

His favorite song.

Their favorite song.

Her voice sounded so heavenly to his ears that he was frozen on his spot just admiring how she looked while being mesmerised in singing. How her hair moved in the air and how her eyelashes casted a shadow on her cheek bones.

She looked so beautiful in that simple white oversized tee with white skinny jeans and black pointed heeled boots.

She just looked like a goddess.

He was so lost in admiring her and all the boys were so into bringing him into the real world that they forgot to notice that the song was over and she was leaving.

It was yoongi who woke them up from their trance and that's when they saw her disappearing figure.

"Hey come on let's go!" they followed her but of course they were late as always as she wore her helmet and went off on her motorbike.

"I am so sorry taehyung but she looked freaking hot on that bike." well yoongi was not wrong. She had changed for good.

Taehyung gave him a death glare which made him shut his mouth.

"Don't you think that we should follo___" before jin can even complete his sentence he was dragged to a taxi that was small. Like really small. And all of them stuffed in like a burger stuffing.

"Please follow that bike!" they were lucky enough that the driver understood English and started to follow these bike.

She was fast. Extremely fast that it was hard for that matchbox sized taxi filled up with seven muscle pigs to keep up the pace.

She stopped in front of a garden and the match box stopped a little far before her.

All of them hid in the bushes ignoring the stares they got from the passerbys.

"What is she even doing here? "

"Looks like she is waiting for someone."

"But she dosen't even know anyone in Russia."

"And what makes you so sure about it."

"What do you mean yoongs just don't make puzzles."

"She chose Russia out of all countries and even got a well built home when it's just three months since she started living here on top of that she looked so familiar with all of this. Don't you think that it's suspicious? "

Yoongi sure was quite observing and he did catch a point.

After a few minutes they saw a handsome boy around their age approaching Y/N from front and as soon as she saw him she smiled widely.

For sure he was familiar to her and maybe even close.

That's what they thought.

Until he pecked her cheeks lightly to which she smiled but instantly smacked his forehead earning a whine from him. She looked so happy genuinely that It made taehyung to clench his fists till his knuckles turned white. He was burning holes into to the boy with his deadly gaze.

He wanted to empty his gun in his body so much and the desire was burning him deep down.

"Hey tae are you__"

"Stop it!" it was loud but not that much to earn the attention of the two people.

Soon the boy left leaving Y/N alone. She opened her phone and smiled shyly while looking at something and that was it taehyung was not able to hold it In anymore.

He came out of the bushes marching towards her with an angry face from the back ignoring the voices that called out for him from behind.

But was he going to listen?

Not at all.

She is his girlfriend and no one gets to kiss her cheek other than him.

As soon as he reached near her he.....

Who do you think that boy is ?

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