
"The heck you mean by that?" Mrs soojae yelled while I kept my head down.

"Oh God you were asleep AGAIN and didn't even realize that a person walked past you?" she scoffed and I felt nostalgic. The moment Y/N was kidnapped I was asleep and now when she disappeared out of the blue without any message I WAS ASLEEP AGAIN.

"I am sorry m__"

"Your dumb sorry won't bring back my Y/N!"

She was right. But wait is she forgetting about my back ground?

"I will make sure to find her miss." I was confident. Keeping her condition In mind she wouldn't have gone too far but It was already afternoon.

"Make sure to keep your words or else don't forget that I am a lawyer and you are a mafia. Usually the pair doesn't gets along well. Hope you know that?" she just threatened me.

What the heck. She just threatened me.

I kept my burning gaze on her until she exited the room.

Moving my hands through my hair I sighed heavily.

Not again Y/N.

Why do you always have to run away?

But trust me this time whenever I find you I will not let you go.

I exited the room with a loud thud of my door and started to pull of my strings to find her.

My love.

"CAN'T YOU EVEN FIND A GIRL!" I shouted. Things were really getting out of hand now.

1 month without her.

Without Y/N.

And I was totally going berserk.

"Sorry boss but we are trying__"


if you were really trying then we should have found her way before. IT HAS BEEN FREAKING 1 MONTH ALREADY AND YOU ARE STILL TRYING!!!!"

"Calm down tae they are trying their best."


"If they are trying then where is Y/N?"

I was breaking with each and every day without her. I longed for her presence. The last month was a total chaos.

Her aunt barging into our house without a notice and giving a full lecture on how she can legally trap us.


It was a disaster but I was not going to give up. I always thought that I will be with her even if it's her worst. She is my first ever true love and I am not planning a life without her.

Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months but still there was not even a single trace about Y/N. There were no signs of how had she disappeared other than the CCTV footage from of the hospital.

They had tried looking into every town of Korea but still anything they got was nothing.

"She can't do this alone." a familiar voice echoed in the living room as everyone else turned their heads towards him.

"What do you mean by that? "

"I mean that she can't do this alone. Like just see this she didn't even leave a trace and just disappeared like that when she was practically half dead. Don't you think that someone has helped her ?"

Yoongi had a point after all but saying this after three Months of her disappearance was not so much pleasing.

"Well you have a point here. So what are we supposed to do? "

"Her phone number has been changed right?" taehyung nodded his head lifelessly. He was for sure trying but he has lost a bit hope.

"Her phone was active the night she disappeared. So that means she has called someone for help." everyone bored their eyes on him as he spoke further.


"THATS IT!!" the sudden outburst of the mint haired guy made everyone flinch.


"Why haven't we checked the number she lastly dialled? "

"Ummm. __"

"Because her phone was practically dead Because of all that kidnapping shit and we didn't even bother to look cuz we all thought that it was useless."

Well everyone agreed to this as well. No one bothered to check the number she dialled lastly or even check her last call details because everyone thought that it was probably of no use.

Their biggest mistake.

"Dang it!! We need to check that!"

And with that the bangtan got a new target to chase. It took some hours to find the call history and to whom the number belonged to but it was worth it.


"Did you find about that person? "

"Of course I did!" yoongi beamed with excitement and that's when everyone saw another beam of hope.

"Who is that? " jin pointed out to the picture that showed on the laptop.

"It's someone named

"And who is she?" confusion was written all over their faces when yoongi sighed heavily.

"Y/N surely is a witty thing." he clicked his tongue and poked it in his cheek while gazing at his laptop.

Well she was. It's not easy to keep bangtan roaming around while you are hiding in a shell successfully without their knowledge.

"I know that my girlfriend is smart but what had happened can you please tell us." taehyung was desperate. Desperate to know where she was.

"She planned everything just in some mere minutes when her mental health was probably fucked up and she even managed to get away while we were finding her here in Korea like an idiot." yoongi was stunned by her presence of mind but what bothered him more was how this girl was the same to the one who tried to kill herself.

" Stop complimenting my girlfriend and spill the tea already!" he was anxious and surprised at the same time. There were surely a lot of things he didn't knew about her and that surely caused them a disadvantage.

"Well SHIN HANA is a really CLOSE friend of your girlfriend who was also their house maid and she was the person she last called." he emphasised on the words that made taehyung a bit pissed because of course it showed that he knew very little about his love buy every thing was coming into the right place by now.

"So we need to check on that maid __"

"Tsk tsk. I dont know how an idiot like you ended up with such a smart girl."

"Don't beat around the bush and tell us already!!" well everyone was getting desperate and anxious. 3 months of finding a mere 19 year old and still they were empty handed and on top of that their friend was complimenting her skills to run away.

Not a nice combination though.

"That maid is already gone with her and they are in Moscow, Russia."

And the next thing they knew they were off to Russia to find her and get her back.

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