
I was in a deep sleep when the ringtone of my phone rang. It was not disturbing but it was soothing to my ears.

The voice of Y/N.

I recorded this when we were on a date saying that I wanted to listen it all day.

I smiled thinking about the moments we spent while my eyes were closed.

The phone rang again and this time I picked it up.



This made my eyes pop out of my sockets.

No no I can't let anything happen to her.

Without even changing into my clothes I ran to my car and drove with full speed to the hospital.

Ignoring the curses of all the people I fled to the hospital .

While running through the hallways I could already listen to her screams. I ran as fast as I could and barged into the room.

There she was.

Crying and screaming again and again.


I can't see her like this. I was feeling sad but at the same time I felt angry.

She never thought of me or her aunt before coming to this decision but I can't blame her. Whatever happened to her wasn't her fault at all and she deserves to live a happy life.

I took a deep breath and marched towards her. Ha-ri and jimin were holding her both hands carefully but they moved to a side when they saw me.

I held her shoulders firmly but she refused to make an eye contact. I knew the reason.

"Baby." I called her softly but she still refused to look at me.

"Baby please listen to__"




I was loosing my cool. How can she think of dying?

Her eyes filled with tears and she broke down. I regretted shouting at her but what am I supposed to do?

"Baby listen__baby? Y/N?" I called her when she rested her head on my chest but I soon realized that she has already passed out.

I sighed heavily while glancing down at her.

"I will be here until she wakes up." I said sternly and no one questioned this.

"And where are those two bastards?"I asked after I tugged her in the bed carefully.

"We have already caught both of them and right now they are at our special place." I smirked while thinking about the consequences they were going to face. For sure there will be no easy death for them.

"Starve them and don't even give them a drop of water and jimin have you called the special men I asked for?" he nodded in response and returned a sly smirk while ha-ri looked at us dumbfounded.

"Don't get confused sweetheart. You can witness it yourself later." jimin smugly said and I knew what he was thinking.

"Tae we are going to freshen up can you handle here for a bit?" I hummed In response and took a stool beside her bed.

All of them exited the room and here I was alone with her. Just for an hour maybe.

Her aunt already said that she will take her to their house and I didn't protest. She is her only family.

Thinking about this I never thought that Y/N's mom can step this much low.

While finding her location hoseok discovered that Y/n's birth parents were different people. And the woman was still unknown.

I know that Mrs Soojae is the cousin sister of that old dickhead's friend. She herself told us that she is not blood related to Y/n but once when she visited their house with her friend that was a common friend between those two she instantly grew close to Y/N.


I am glad that she at least had someone.

I glanced at her unconscious body. She looked so weak and pale. A drip was attached to her delicate hands and most of her body was covered in bandages.

I cursed myself for her state. I shouldn't have slept that day.

I should have dropped her home by myself.

But now I want her to understand that she is more than important to me and I am willing to do anything to make her the old Y/N.

I checked the time and it was already 10 pm at night.

She is not going to wake up soon.

But still I needed to keep an eye on her. I was awake until I felt my eyelids getting heavy and eventually I fell asleep.

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