
There he saw her.

But not in the way he wanted to.

His blood boiled but his heart broke at the sight.

The unwanted man was squeezing her wounded body parts and was going to insert his dick inside her again as she was naked.

He tried to control himself and make himself strong for Y/N but just at the mere thought of what had happened with her made his soul leave his body.

He wanted to ignore the fact that her body was bleeding from every possible corner he could lay his eyes on and that made him realize how late he was.

Not wasting any time he jumped inside and shot the penis of the psycho before he could do anything.

The man screamed horribly and fell onto the ground. Taehyung approached him with a dead look and then shot the door lock so that the others can come inside.

He squeezed his injured part with his pointerd shoes that made the man loose his control as he cried miserably for his life.

"Y/N!!" the sound of ha-ri echoed in the room as the others entered inside too but all of them turned their faces when they saw her lying there lifelessly with a wrist cut. Of course they can't see her naked.

Ha-ri rushed to her and covered her with the duvet.

"Jimin taehyung please do something." she whimpered as she noticed how short and sharp breaths she was taking.

"Taehyung we need to rush her to the hospital." jimin said in a rush as he started to rummage through the room to find anything for help.

This made taehyung snap out of his rage and his eyes soften when he saw her.

He made her head rest on his lap and whispered.

"Ba-by ple-ase." he was stuttering because he was afraid.

Afraid to loose her

She was closing her eyes because of the weakness. Her body was already giving up and she just wanted to leave the world but after seeing taehyung she broke. She finally closed her eyes engulfing herself in the darkness.


"Taehyung she tried to commit suicide." his eyes shot open and his gaze landed on her wrist.

"Wh-y lo-ve? Why? " he was a total mess but he tried to keep his calm as much as he could. He was shaking her to keep her conscious but she had already passed out.

"Hyung have yo__ NOONA!!! " jungkook rushed towards them and bent down tapping her cheek again and again.

"FOR GOD SAKE WE NEED TO TAKE HER TO THE HOSPITAL YOU IDIOTS!!!" indeed ha-ri was the only one who was thinking straight at this moment. She needed to be treated but every one was too emotional to understand this.

Every one agreed because Y/N's life was at stake.

In a swift motion taehyung wrapped her body inside the duvet like a cocoon and scooped her up in bridal style running all the way down to their car.

In between he saw her fake mom. Tied up. But he will deal with that later. Right now he wanted to focus on Y/N.

All of them drove to the hospital in full speed and created a chaos.

"Doctor please save her!!" all of them shouted in unison. None of them was In the right place of mind but no one wanted to scare others.

All nine of them sat on the benches kept in the slightly busy hallway waiting for the doctor to come out side.

"She will be fine right?" taehyung whispered and everyone's heart broke at the sight. He was loosing hope. He was blaming himself for whatever happened but he wanted Y/N to be safe and fine.

He wanted to tell her that everything will be fine and he will be there for her even in her worst situations.

"Of course she will be fine hyung she is a strong girl." she was strong.

She WAS strong.


They knew what had happened to her from the outside but no one knew that she completely lost herself.

She completely broke down from inside and her dignity and soul was shattered into pieces.

They didn't knew about the storm of emotions, the fear of society, the fear of being abandoned by loved ones that was going on in her mind.

Finally after two hours or sitting straight and nail biting the doctor finally opened the door and grabbed everyone's attention.

The sight of blood on his gloves and dress made everyone anxious and scared.

"We have stitched the wounds on her stomach, thigh and wrist because they were very deep and apart from that she." he paused and thought again of he should continue or not but the burning gazes of the boys around him made him gulp.

"Apart from that she has been raped and tortured in a brutal way she also tried to commit suicide as you as all know. The wound on her thing is pretty much deep too and the drugs are working. We don't have an idea when will she wake up and she already lost a large amount of blood. The upcoming 24 hours are really crucial for her. I will not give you fake hopes but she can loose her__"

"Don't you dare complete that sentence. She will live. She has to live for me and for all of us. Stop it with your shitty assumptions and get lost!!!" taehyung yelled. Of course he can't digest the fact of Y/n being taken away from him.

He couldn't imagine a life without her.

"Tae calm down she will be fine. OK?" the comforting words of namjoon weren't helping much at the moment but the weakness was evident in his eyes.

"Tae you should sleep. The doctor said that she will gain consciousness after 24 hours. You can't show yourself to her in this situation." this made him agree with that. He wanted to show her that he was strong and he will protect her from everything.

He hummed in response and layer down on the bench in the hallway.

"Hey hey hey. You should go home and freshen up a bit. Hari and jimin will be here for her."

"I can't trust these two."

"Why? "

"What would happen if they are busy in making out and Y/N needs something?" this made Hari a little bit embarrassed. Indeed those two liked each other but this wasn't the right time.

"OK OK. You can go home with yoongi and hoseok while I, jungkook and Jin will take all the responsibility. Is that fine to you?" taehyung sighed heavily. He wanted to see her so bad but the doctors refused. Of course he threw a tantrum but rules were rules.

He finally gave in and left the hospital with a heavy heart sulking all the way to home.

As soon as he entered the mansion he, was met with worried faces of his mother, sister and Mrs. Kang.

Wait. What was she even doing here?

He thought because he sent her to her home town with her family for her safety.

"Tae how is Y/N?" her face looked like she was about to cry but he was too tired and lost to answer.

"She is fine." yonngi said from behind and taehyung just walked to his room. After changing his clothes he plopped himself on the bed and instantly fell asleep while thinking about her.

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