
"Gosh I seriously look like a fucking ghost." jimin's voice echoed In the street as every one covered them selves with a white sheet while some just applied black paint on their face.

"Of course we have to look like a ghost." jungkook whispered softly. Everyone was ready with the plan to scare the shit out of the assholes and then keep them hostage.

"On count of three hoseok will cut the power supply and we will enter the house from the windows. Everyone has their torch right?" all of them nodded.

"Gosh babe you are going to be the reason of my death today." jimin breathed out when he saw ha ri. She was wearing an all black baggy outfit while her face was covered with light foundation and dark red lipstick.

Taehyung just scoffed.

"We need to move." and with that everyone took their positions on the windows.

"Fifty men will be outside only giving us the cover while the remaining twenty will come with us. Understood? " everyone agreed and then started the real game.

Taehyung adjusted his ear piece again and whispered," Hoseok we are ready what about you? "

"I am ready as always."

"Good to listen. On the count of 3..2..and 1." as soon as he counted till 1 the area was met with complete darkness as it was already evening and it was dark already.

"Good job hoseok. Everyone in the house. Now." everyone jumped inside the house from different windows and they were met with gasping sounds of God knows who.

"Start your Oscar winning acting every one. I will find Y/N."

"Yeah let's just put the stage on fire."

They searched where they can get people together. And there it was.


The dining table. There she was. The woman he despised the most right at that instant sitting with a man taehyung didn't recognize but he was surely someone important.

"Oh God what happened to the lights. Can't you even afford the electricity bill? " the lady in the black dress snarled. She can get frustrated or angry but it was not showing off In her Voice. She was smiling at him. Like a maniac. And that confused him at what kind of relationship they had.

"Oh honeys it's just some random power cut. It will be back again until then don't you think that we should take advantage of the darkness?" this sentence only made everyone scoff.

The man didn't look old. Most probably 30 or 31. And the lady was an old hag. What was even happening?

"I wish that God just pulled me over before my virgin ears heard these unholy shits."

"Stop overreacting Kook. We need to find Y/n."

But their conversation surely made the group of friends interested.

"Seriously you just had five rounds with a virgin and still your horny as isn't calming down." she chuckled to her sentence but the invaders were hella confused.

"Aishh pleaseee." the man whined while the others who were hiding behind the pillars In the dark just rolled their eyes.

It was dark In the mansion and surely their guards were no where to be seen. Maybe they were somewhere else where they needed protection.

The lady also rolled her eyes playfully whille the man whined again.

"You know na honey your daughter can't satisfy me the way you do."

This surely made everyone's ears stand up like wolves.

"Practically she isn't my daughter and you were also her step father."

Oh now they understand. Step father. But wasn't he too young for that.


And on top of that what did he mean to satisfy.

"Ya Ya I know. But she felt really amazing. You know I have a kink for virgins. Specially teens." he winked at her and now everything was coming to place. Taehyung tried to deny the fact that he was listening while the others were stunned.

"Yes I am aware of that. And I myself witnessed how good of a punishment you gave her. She must be broken from inside as I always wanted." she sighed dramatically and smirked towards the man which he returned.

A sudden rage engulfed taehyung when they continued their conversation.

"I made sure to break her In every way with my every thrust."he smirked while licking his lips.

"Yeah now I just want to make that property mine and get rid of that piece of shit."

" Oh God I want to fuck her again."

"Calm your horny ass down. We need her to sign the property papers."

Taehyung wasn't able to handle it. His eyes were red and veins were popping out of his neck showing how much furious he was. He was going to charge on the nasty couple but jimin caught him on the right time. It wasn't the right time to do it.

"Please let me do it once more." the middle aged man was whining and to that Mrs song gave in.

He started to March towards a room which of course they didn't knew about.

"Taehyung we should follow him." and he gave in. It was still dark and the man in front of them was walking with a candle. They were taking cautious steps and tried to make less sound.

As the four of them followed him he stopped and started to turn around as he sensed someone but fortunately they were quick enough to hide.

Others were in the second section of the mansion dealing with the bodyguards so that they won't have problems further.

His steps halted in front of a room and he opened it In a swift motion and locked it from inside even before they could get in.

"shit." jimin cursed under his breath but taehyuung was desperate.

"I won't let anyone hurt you now." he Whispered and opened the gate to another room.

"Hey tae what are you doing." but he was too serious to answer. He just opened the window of the room and climbed out without any equipment.

"Hey dumb head it's dangerous." but did he care? All he wanted was to make sure that y/n was fine.

But she wasn't.

He didn't knew what has happened to her in the time gap.

How much broken she was from inside.

He gripped onto the wall and placed his foot on the branch of the nearby tree. He could see the window of the other room and the noises coming from there.

With fast actions he moved his leg further and further until his body finally stopped in front of the window.

There he saw her.

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