
"Where are you Y/N?" I sighed. We were at the airport for 1 hour straight and there was not even a single trace.

According to the schedule there was not even a flight to Egypt at 7:30.

"That bitch tricked us. She lied." I don't think that. She was terrified. She spoke the truth but looks like someone found it.

"Where is she right now?"

"She escaped." that caught me off guard. Keeping her condition In mind I can't think that she escaped.

"Any CCTV? "

"Yeah I am just wat-- woahh wait!! See this." my head shot up and I was met with the sight of the back side of the shop.

"Where were our body guards at that time?" the question is evident. I appointed them so that they can follow my orders.

"They were all at the front door."

"Freaking idiots."

Indeed they were.

I eyed the CCTV footage with keen eyes as I saw everything.

From the very start when that psycho woman attacked yu nabi to their departure. I saw how worn out Y/N looked. Her body was covered in wounds and she looked weak.

How much I wished to protect her but it was too late.

"Dont you think that we should check that so called haunted house?" just then my phone rang gathering everyone's attention in the room.

I sighed at the sight. Lazily I picked up the call waiting for the other person to speak but I just heard some heavy breathings.

The heck.

"Hello? " this caused every one to look at me with eagle eyes.

"Ta-ehyu-ng its m-e yu na bi." my eyes widen as I adjusted the phone on ear.

"Where are you? And what about Y/N?" she didn't reply for some seconds but later spoke.


"Tae-hyung Y-N, sh-e." and with that she started crying. This made me worried. As for now everyone was listening to the conversation.

"Just tell us where are you and calm down for God sake." I tried to comfort her but of course after whatever she did my tone was aggressive.

"Th-e Ol-d man-sion."

"The one you told us about? " she hummed in response and every one looked happy.


"How is Y/N? I swear if that fake mother of hers did anything I will throw her dead body to the vultures."

Shin ha-ri came out of nowhere.

"Were you here all the time?" I asked being surprised.

"Of course aunt soojae accompanied me here and it's not the right time for that. We need to take some action."she balled her hands in fists and I rolled my eyes.

"We will be there in 10 just make sure that old woman doesn't pulls of a stunt." with that I hung up the call and looked at everyone.

"Guys I have a plan." namjoon chimed out and every one watched him in curiosity. He narrated the plan and that instantly made us agree with the leader's smart Brain. Time for weapons now.

We all moved to the weapons room as it was my mansion. Soobin again tagged along and it's not like I care.

I called for our men and ordered them to assemble in the hall while we were choosing our weapons.

After we were done we made our way to hall where I saw all my men.

"Just one thing. We have to rescue Y/N and capture everyone else alive. I repeat ALIVE. Is that understood to all? " and every one nodded their head. Then namjoon narrated the plan to everyone to which they again nodded like an obedient child.


Its time to go.

I can't delay anymore. After seeing her condition and how yu nabi was crying I was not getting a good feeling about this.

Please be safe love.

With that we marched towards our vehicles.

"Are you sure you can handle this." I heard jimin smugly asking this to Hari. He sure has something for her.

"Of course I can you moron." she spat and tried to load the gun in her hands. She was not even able to handle it properly let alone shoot someone.

"Here let me show you." with that jimin intentionally brushed his hands on hers.

Damn he is so obvious.

On top of that they have to do this when Y/N is probably fighting for her life.

Leaving the couple alone I peered my gaze towards the window.

I just hope that she holds on for some time. She is a strong girl of course she can. But why was I getting an uneasy feeling about this?

Not soon enough we reached the mansion aka the haunted house.

All of us quietly climbed down the car with some distance. There were not so many men. Actually no one. She let her gurds down or is planning something?

I will go with the first one.

She is most probably free about this issue.

"Guys are you ready to show those assholes the real meaning of ghosts?"

"Of course its a fucking haunted house. What's the fun when there is no ghost? "

"Ok guys time for some action."

whispering* SMUT😏👁👄👁👅🌚


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