
She saw it all.

And she won.

I hate to admit it but it's the reality check that she won.

How can she do this when she is a woman herself?

I know that I am not her child and she didn't even give me precise information about my real parents but she is a woman too.

When that psychopath left I noticed that she was there all the time.

Watching everything as if it was a freaking show.

I felt pain all over my body and the area between my legs was burning. It was my first time and I wanted it to have it with a person I love. But it was just a fantasy now.

When I just layed there on the bed in my own pool of blood I had time to reflect on what can happen.

What will the world say after this?

Mostly in these kind of cases girls are considered as the guilty one?

Will ha-ri still be my best friend after knowing this?

Will taehyung leave me?

Of course.

He will feel disgusted of me.

I am impure and no one will accept me. What's the point of living in this world anyway?

My life was already a living hell hole and I am already tired of dealing with those daily beatings I got and most importantly I am tired of life.

I don't have that much courage to show my face to aunt soojae leave taehyung.

My body was burning in pain and it felt impossible to even move.

I was already untied but it was of no help. My body and mind already gave up.

I roamed my face to the room and spotted a gate on the other side. It was opened and I could clearly see that it was a bathroom.


Using the last ounce of energy I had I got up and planted my feet on the ground.

The deep cut he made on my stomach was hurting but the bleeding was already stopped.

I tried to get up on my feet but ended up on the floor with a loud thud but looked like no body seemed to care

More tears left my eyes when I felt myself weak. This much weak that I was not able to protect my pride.

You are such a failure Song Y/N.

"Pfft. I knew it that you are a weak link."

"You are just the same as your mother. Weak and stupid."

You couldn't even protect your dignity.

You don't deserve to live.

Just die.


With shaking body I tried to get up once again but eventually failed again. I hated this.

Being vulnerable.

"Y/N!" I just opened my eyes a bit and saw her. The snake.

"You better get your betraying ass out of here before my mind snaps." seeing her made me feel rage. It was unknown that from where I got the energy to say this to her but she looked unbothered.

She took quick steps towards me and crouched down to my level.

"Let me he__"

"Don't even dare to open that Fucking mouth of yours and shove that fake concern up your ass."

"Y/n please just __"

"Is there any hearing pr__ahhh." I winced when I felt my stomach wet.

The wound opened again.

"Y/n please just this once__"

"You wa-nt to he-lp me?" she nodded in hope with teary eyes.

Pfft crocodile tears.

"Then get lost." my voice was low but I made sure she heard it. She was crying again and with her head hung low she exited the room.


I was still on the floor but I tried once again. I was able to stand on my feet at least. I tried to ignore the stinging pain all over my body and covered myself with the blanket.

With slow and limping steps I entered the bathroom and locked the door.

The first thing I saw, was my reflection. I felt a strange feeling of disgust crawling Upto my spine.

My long hair were a mess and dried blood was stuck onto the ends. My eyelids had dried blood and my eyes were bloodshot. My arms, legs and the whole body was covered in small cuts and bruises .

But the most evident one was the one that he made. It stared from the valley of my breasts and ended on my upper thigh.

It was bleeding.

And my body was bathed in my own blood. It was horrible.

I can't face taehyung, aunt soojae, soobin, Hari.

Not like this.

Its just better if I end this pain.

I opened the mirror cupboard and spotted a razor. I took out the blade from inside and placed it on my wrist.

It will not hurt that much.

Just some minutes and everything will be alright.

I will be free.

From everything.

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