
As soon as she opened the door her eyes widened and her heart beat accelerated. She least expected this to happen.

"Mr-s S-ong?" she whispered when she saw her standing in front of her with a dangerous look on her face.

She smirked and came closer to her. The tick sound of her heels echoed on the cement floor where as the frightened girl just moved back.

"Have you taken me as an idiot?" the low tone in her voice was making the girl more scared but rather than that she was worried that she had already sent taehyung to the airport.

"Do you think that the hard work I did all these 19 years so that I can make that thousand billion property mine was a joke?" the roads were empty as it was already getting dark and the convenience store was in a deserted area.

"Do you think that a good for nothing girl like you can spoil everything huh!!" she yelled and suddenly grabbed her throat.

Lifting her in the air with her hand she digged her nails more in her neck to choke her hard.

"You are a nobody remember that just like your little friend" she paused and moved her head from side to side while smiling ," Gosh I feel bad for her."

The intesity she was applying on choking her was making her eyes to pop out and her face was turning blue with the lack of oxygen.

"I knew it that I could never trust you." she released her in a sudden manner that made her fall on the ground.

She groaned in pain but the woman in front of her was unbothered by the fact. She scoffed in annoyance.

After all this nabi only thought of one thing that how did she come here and where was Y/N?


"Wh-er-e i-s Y/n?" it was hard for her to speak as her throat was burning badly.

"Ohh she? " she stepped forward as her eyes caught the glimpse of her injury.

"Probably a better place." shrugging her shoulders she crouched down to her level and squeezed her cheeks hard.

"Poor girl. I don't think you love your parents that much? Isn't it?" this made, her heart drop. Dragging her parents in this crisis was the last, thing she wanted.

"Please don't drag them in between." her voice came out more like a whisper and she coiled her arms around her legs.

"Ohh look at how pathetic you became." she can bear with the insults but she can't risk her parents life.

"You want your parents alive right? " nabi nodded her head vigorously and the woman just chuckled.

"Then I am afraid poor girl that you have to die." nabi couldn't believe her ears she just looked at the cruel woman In shock but she was desperate.

She has lost the will to live.

"Ok." Mrs song was amazed, by her reply. She forwarded her ear to listen again if she heard wrong.

"What did you just say? "


Mrs song clasped her hands together and pulled out the gun from her back.

"It will only pain a little don't worry." she said while adjusting the gun.

"So OK let's do it fast..




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