
Author's POV

All the boys were sitting around yu nabi while she was sitting on the floor. They were burning holes in her and soon enough she spoke.

"She had kept her in the old mansion which is on the outskirts of the city."

"You mean the one people believe that it's haunted?" the girl nodded in agreement and everyone started to digest the news.

"And also... "she paused on her sentence as she was still unsure if she should open her mouth or not.

"Listen you little girl if you are hiding anything from us then believe me I am not that kind to give an easy death."

"Yeah that's a new dialogue." jungkook chimed out after yoongi's remark but sealed his mouth again because of the situation.

On the other side nabi was totally scared and she was praying God to save her. She gulped hard after picturising the outcomes yoongi stated.

At last she finally decided to tell them.

"Mrs. Song tol__"

"Don't give so much respect to that witch."

"Kookie she is still older than us."

"It doesn't change the fact that she is a freaking monster." an awkward silence was observed but the injured girl thought to break it.

"She is leaving to Egypt with Y/n."

"WHATTT!! when?? "

"Umm today at 7:30."

"You little piece of __"

"Jimin mind your language she is still a girl and we should respect women no matter what." namjoon stated sternly. He was right after all.

Jimin mumbled a quick sorry and then again all eyes were focused on nabi.

"It's already 6!!!" jin shouted while checking out the time and the air was filled with tension.

The tension was thicker than jimins thighs.

Now that's something thicc.


"WE SHOULD LEAVEE!!!!!" Jin shouted again.

"What about her?" jungkook pointed over yu nabi who was sighing in relief but it was short lived.

"Our men are outside they will take care of her now let's go we are getting late."

"Yayy!! finally time for some action." everyone eyes jungkook with a done look on their face.

"Let's go guys." they were ready to go but stopped after hearing someone's voice.

"Please let me go with you I can turn out to be of help." she looked at them with desperate eyes which failed to gain anyone's sympathy.

"A person who can betray their family, best friend and even their master can never turn out to be of any help." taehyung stated with a cold tone and everyone agreed.

Yu nabi was regretting everything she did. She never stole Y/n's homework it was just a misunderstanding. She genuinely thought of her as a friend and even refused when Y/n's mother offered them money. It was Y/n's mother who created this scene to make her transfer.

Nabi was crying continuously whilst clutching her injured foot and watching the boys entering the car.

Guilt was rushing in her body but it was too late for her to prove herself as an innocent.

"I am sorry Y/n." she whispered to herself again and again.

She was just bothered by the fact that taehyung used Her as a toy while she was still stuck with her feelings. And even after that Y/n dated him. But at this time she didn't bother if she still felt something for him.

She just wanted her friend back.

And it was too late for that.

The ringtone of her phone bought her back to the reality. Her phone was lying underneath the counter. She dragged herself to the, position and eyed the caller ID.


"Mrs. Song"

She sighed and wiped her tears harshly.

"Have you done the task I gave you?"

"Yes madam."

"Then what are you waiting for? Come back with the food we need to leave!"

"Actually the car got punctured in between so we are at a garage."

"Aghh how much time will it take?"

"Maybe 30 minutes."

"Whattt! Whatever just bring it to the airport."

"But Mrs song isn't the flight leaving on 7:30 and what about Y/n ? How is she__"

"Shut up! Just shut up and mind your own business and bring the stuff."

With that she hung up before she could reply.

She wanted to inform this to the boys but she was too scared to call anyone so she decided to message taehyung. She had his number from the start so she messaged him.

"Taehyung. I know you don't want to believe me but please just consider this once.

I received a call from Mrs song

She stopped and remembered their statement about that word. She erased it and typed it again.

"I received a call from that witch and she told me that she is leaving right now for the hotel. She refused to tell anything about Y/n.

Please save her. "

She clicked the send button and felt a burden being lifted off her shoulders.

She glanced outside and noticed taehyung's men talking about something.

They will be there in no time to get her. She thought and slowly limped towards the back door. As soon as she opened it she saw........


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