
Taehyung POV

"The heck are you doing here?" I yelled as soon as I saw her.

Yu nabi.

My ex girlfriend with whom I broke up with just after a few days. I admit I was a literal playboy back then but now I don't think of any other girl except for Y/N.

"Tae oppa!" her eyes sparkled but soon it disappeared when she realized what was her position.

She was holding all of the staff of the convenient store as hostage and some men in black with guns were surrounding them while some were filling up the trolley bags with stuff.

"What the hell is going on here?" I asked again but she was frozen on here spot.

"It's not like that oppa." she tried to approach me but I yanked her away.

"First of all don't call me that and secondly weren't you transferred to other city because you were caught stealing Y/n's homework from her locker?" she looked stunned but it was replaced by a smirk.

Why are all the women around me turning so scary?

"I think you guessed it right oppa_"

"Stop calling me that for fuck's sake!"

"But taehyung shouldn't we find Y/n's phone?"

"Hyung she is the one having her phone and she is going.to. tell. Us. Everything about Y/n." I emphasised my words with gritted teeth and saw her with rage.

"And why do you think so tae OPPA?"

"If you call me that one more time I swear I will forget that you are a girl."

She smirked again and something inside me just snapped. I shot her right on her foot and she screamed instantly.

"Pfft deserved." yoongi hyung commented and then I ordered everyone to come inside from the front because the muscular men were already charging towards us as soon as I shot their so-called-leader.


One of the man threw a punch on me but I ducked it and kicked him in his balls.

This always reminds me of Y/n .

The way she kicked me __stop it taehyung I am cringing on my own self damn.

Yoongi already shot two men and jungkook was fighting with the strongest.

When everyone was busy in action my eyes caught the limping figure who was trying to escape.

Not so fast gurl .

I marched towards her and yanked her forward by her hand. She looked horrified and this was my time to smirk at, her.

"Tell me where Is Y/n." I enlarged my eyes and said through gritted teeth.

"I will never tell__ahhh." she whimpered as I squeezed her foot.

"Tell me everything or else I will forget that you have a family too." saying this I squeezed her foot again and she started crying.

"Please leave me I will tell you everything." she looked so help less that my eyes softened but I maintained my cold image.

I can't forget that she is the one involved in my girlfriend's kidnapping.

"Hey tae we are done here."I turned around to the voice and saw all of the men tied up and the hostages were sent out.

"Is she telling us anything? "

"Yeah she has to tell us it's not like she has any other options."

"Hey you babi ,dabi or Tabi whatever your name is tell us everything or else we will forget that you are a girl__"

"I already said that dialogue hyung."

"It's different when you are listening that from world wide handsome." jin hyung can never stop and he even did a hair flip. Gosh who can call them a mafia?

We all surrounded her while she was sitting on the floor. Jin hyung already gave her a first aid after so much whining. She is a human afterall.

"Now tell us each and everything or else we will forget that you are a girl__"

"Hyung we already said that dialogue!!!"


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