
blood so if you are not comfortable just skip the parts.


"Don't you dare take her name with that filthy mouth of yours." I spat on her face. This witch was continuously blabbering about my real mom saying that how kind hearted she was but not even once she told me about her name.

I swear she is taking my patience test.

"Oh why? I thought you would like to listen about your dear mother but looks like you are not in a mood. But you know what?" the way she spoke that it made me shiver and it was not giving me good vibes.

"Some of my friends wanted to have fun with you." I gaped at her in confusion but deep down I knew something bad was coming. I was already tied up In chains like a mental asylum patient and my wounds were stinging badly.

It has just been a day and my body is already giving up.

She smirked and clapped her hands to order and not soon enough some very muscular men with black coats walked in.

Just a glance and I could already tell that they were ruthless.

That witch gestured them and they all surrounded me. They were four in each side and I was fighting to keep my eyes open.

My eyes closed with a sigh leaving my mouth and I thought atleast for a while I can rest but I heard unbuckling of belts and my eyes shot open. But soon my back was met with a sharp pain. All four of them started hitting me with belts but my throat couldn't even produce sounds.

The villainess just stood there watching the show and my body went numb after they flogged me non stop for an hour. My eyes closed automatically as my body gave up.


Taehyung POV

"Hyung are you sure that it's the same convenience store? "

" Are you questioning my skills now?"

"It's not like that but can't you see that it's closed? " yes the store was closed. I was standing in front of the closed gate with yoongi and hoseok hyung while the others were In the car.

"Hey I heard something." hoseok hyung whisper yelled and I furrowed my eyebrows but not soon enough I heard light sounds from inside.

"Hey everyone it's time for some action." yoongi hyung said through the ear piece immediately and I looked at him amazed by the quick decision . Everyone came out of the car and stood in front of the the door In a line.

We all made a circle to make a group plan.

"Jungkook and jimin you two cover the building from the right side. Namjoon hyung, Jin hyung and soobin stay In front of the door and come inside when I say OK? " yes soobin tagged along too because he thought that we were not good enough to save my girlfriend.

They all nodded and we three Waled slowly to the back door. It was slightly open and muffled sounds could be heard. All three of us has our guns and i pushed the door really slowly to avoid any sounds.

We tip toed to the store inside and saw.......

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