
I was shocked.

It's hard and unbelievable that the person whom you thought of as a mom ( probably only on papers) was not your real mom.

"Wh-at do yo-u me-an Ahhh." I groaned when she squeezed my thighs. The wound was bleeding and it was painful.

"You are not my real daughter sweetheart." at this time I can't thank God enough that I was not the daughter of such a horrible creature.

"I still remember your mother." she scoffed as she mentioned it and my heart dropped. I just continued to stare at her to complete her words.

"Always acting so kind and playing the victim card. Pfft. Such a loser."

"Don't you dare say anything about her." I saw her with rage.

"Ooo looks like the cat got her tongue." she said sarcastically and punched my stomach. I coughed out blood and the pain was suffocating me.

"You are just like your mother. Weak and always a loser." I saw anger evident in her eyes as she fetched the whipper and roamed it all over my body.

"Aren't you curious how I killed her? " she smirked and I got a hurricane of emotions. Anger, fear, rage.

"Well it was not even that interesting. You know why? " she smiled like a psycho and I made a mental note to call the mental asylum whenever I get free.

"Because I just poisoned both of your parents." she whispered in my ear and I felt a sharp pain on my stomach. She whipped me.

"Wh-y di-d yo-u d-o thi-s? " I spoke with the, last ounce of energy I had. At this point my body was giving up and the pain was turning numb but I needed to know about my real parents.


"Oh honey. You are so naive. Don't you know this world runs on money and your parents were loaded. But to my disappointment your parents named their property on your name and if you were dead too the property would have gone to an orphanage." I watched in horror as she laughed like a maniac and suddenly pull on a straight face.

" Raising you was not a bad choice as you were a good toy and as soon as you turn 19 the property will be officially yours and I will snatch it." she smiled creepily and now I started to connect all the links.

"You know how? " she asked and squeezed my cheeks roughly and whispered again," Firstly I thought that I will just kill you in a car accident but after the brave stunt you pulled," she looked straight into my eyes and I started shaking. The pain wasn't helping much and she said again, " I am going to give you the most painful death I gave ever to anyone else."

I looked at her in confusion. Anyone else?

Was she a murderer or a psycho?

How many lives has she taken so far?

" I understand your confusion honey. So now you are here already then why not tell you about your Real mother? "

Taehyung POV

"Hyung what's her location?" I asked hesitantly.

Everyone was tensed and it has been a day since she went missing. I can't help but think anything negative.

What if her mother did something to her?

What if she got kidnapped?

If anything like this happens I will never be able to forgive myself.

" Its showing the location of a convenient store."

"What? But if she was just going to a convenience store then why hasn't she told anyone? "

"What if the person in the GPS is not Y/n?" namjoon clicked his finger on the computer screen and zoomed the location.

"Maybe the person here on the screen can give us information about Y/n."

I nodded vigorously as soon as I understood the plan.

" We should leave right now." everyone nodded and I called my men for security.

I am coming my love.

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