
"What are you planning to do with her ?" I heard a faint voice. It was near me but due to the extreme head ache I wasn't able to focus nor move my body.

"This place is not safe anymore and I can't let her go outside again." this voice is familiar. But are they talking about me?

"so are you planning to flee?"

"No. It's just a matter of some days. After she turns nineteen I will get my work done and she will be of no use." Now if they are even talking about me I am scared to death.

"What do you mean that? Are you going to kill her?"

"Tsk. No firstly she is going to pay for what she did then I am going to get rid of her in my own way." at this point I was sweating even In my slumber and I started to struggle for waking up.

After so much tries I was able to squint my eyes and move my hands but there was a cold feeling on my wrists and I was not on a mattress.

"Looks like the kitten woke up."

Yu na bi.

Now I recognize her voice. As I opened my eyes I found myself on...

A table...

With half clothes...


Fuck my dream was coming true.

I was welcomed with a blinding light that hung just above me.

I turned my head to the side and found nabi and mom standing on either sides of the table.

I am done this time.

My head was spinning and my body ached terribly.

They both had smiles on their faces and that's when I noticed my surroundings.

It was the red room with all sorts of tools. I am so dead now.


Please God .

Please God.

"Hmm then with what should I start ?"mom and nabi nityaami started to roam their hands on the wall where the tools were hanging.

"Let's start with something easy." I watched in horror when nabi picked up a knife and came towards me.

"Why are you doing this? I thought we were friends."

"Friends my foot. You should have never date taehyung. You knew I liked him and as soon as I was out of sight you both started dating? " she scoffed in disbelief.

" He officially broke up with you and we both know this that he never liked yo__ Ahhh."I screamed when she stabbed be directely on my thighs.

"I never asked for your opinion. I still love him and I know that he likes me too. " she said and again stabbed me on the other thigh and I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"Is it painful? " she was looking like a complete psycho right now and I never saw this side of her.

She roamed the knife on my body and stopped just above my heart.

"Should I just take this out?" she stretched her hand up in the air to stab me but mom stopped her.

"We need her alive. " she said throgh gritted teeth.

This was it. I was raging in anger now. Is she even a Human being?

"How can you do this to your own daughter? " it's the first time I asked her this question and she smirked at me.

"I never said that I was your real mom."

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