

As I open my eyes from my deep slumber I witness one of the most heart melting sight in front of me.


I never thought the person I hated the most will be my boyfriend.

He looks like a baby while sleeping and he is clutching onto me like a precious treasure.

This is what I like about him.

He cherishes me with all his heart. Even when it's just 3 days we started dating I feel like I know him from an eternity.

I slowly get up and check the time.

Holy heck.

It's 2 : 30 pm.

Aunt soojae is gonna eat me alive.

I quickly get up and write a note for taehyung as I think it will be the biggest crime if I wake up this sleeping angel who is In deep sleep.

Maybe because of the medicines and fever.

I checked his forehead and the fever has gone down. I sigh in relief and stick the note on his forehead.

Making my way towards the lobby I spot jungkook and seokjin playing games on TV. As they feel my presence they pass me a sweet smile and I bid them goodbye while running.

Of course I have to run. I need to live.

As soon as I step out of the mansion the scorching heat of the sun burns me alive.

It's burning.

I started to walk to the bus station when I sensed a presence behind me. I shrug it off and continued to walk. When I reached the station I witnessed that there is no one. Not even on the road.

Of course its afternoon and who is a maniac like me to roam around In this dangerous sunlight.

As I was about to sit I felt a hand on my shoulder and my body jerks up.


Turning around I saw the most unexpected person.

"Yu Na-Bi?" she smiles sweetly at me and nods.

"But weren't you leaving for the US?" at my question her expression changes and I felt something wrong.

"Yes I went there but the college gave us a week holiday so I thought to come here besides I needed some of my old certificates." I nod In agreement but something catches my eyesight.

"But are you going to collect certificates with that box?" her expression changes, again and this time it's creeping me out.

"It's nothing." she replies blankly.

"But I never asked what's inside." her head shot up and suddenly she moves, her head from side to side in dissapointement and out of nowhere she gives me a creepy smirk.

OK I am scared now.

"You surely are quick witted song Y/n." the smirk never leaves her face and she comes more close to me.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I still maintain my cool. What harm she can cause?

Practically there is not even a dog around in this time.

So if she wants she can murder me and bury me here and no one will even know.

The thought itself creeps me out.

"You know how much worried your mother was all this time? You shouldn't behave like this to your parents Y/nah." I freeze, at my spot. Even her name is able to make me scared. And the tone in which she is speaking is telling me that something wrong is going to happen for sure.

The woman who destroyed my childhood. My mom.

I just stare at her with confusion and then she opens the doctor type toolkit box and the sight of it makes me gasp.

It's full of syringes. Maybe sedatives.


She is here to take me back.

At this time I don't care if she was my friend or not. I am not going back to that hell hole.

I take a deep breath and watch her every move. She is checking the syringe.

I am not that weak as you think nabiya.

And what exactly does she think about me? Huh? That I will just stand there like a statue and let her do that.

No no no. Not so easily sweetie.

She approaches me with that smirk and I smirk back this time. I am not going to back off.

She gets confused but still stretches her hand up in the air in an attempt to inject me but I grab her wrist harshly and twist it around her back In a swift moment.

She yelps and I whisper in her ear.

"You should have gained some muscle strength nabiya. Even though I am weak but atleast I know how to protect myself from fake people like you." I dig my nails in her wrist and she whimpers.

"Y/nahh pl-eas-e le-ave me it hu-rts. Yo-u are no-t li-ke yo-ur mo-th-er. " my grip loosens around her.

Of course I am not like her.

She is a monster and I am not a monster.

She escapes my grip and again attempts to inject me but I only see red.

I kick her stomach and she immediately bents down. As a chance I take the syringe from her hand.

"Pfft. My coward mother sent this underdog to kidnap me. How unique." I scoff and pull her hair harshly.

It's enough now. I won't go back there even though if it's nabi.

"Look nabi I am not in a mood to go back so tell my coward mother to accept her defeat." she smirks suddenly and it confused me.

"Why don't you tell her this by yourself?" I furrow my eyebrows but a voice from behind makes me freeze.

"Long time no see sweetheart."

mature content.

Mature content(・´з'・)


mature content NOT smut

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