

He pressed his lips on mine. His lips were so soft. But he was not moving as if he was asking for my permission.

I slowly put my hands on his shoulders and clutched on his shirt while he snaked his arm on my waist.

OK now I want him.

Fuck this world and fuck the rules now I will only care about my happiness and that is being with him.

I started moving my lips slowly and as if he was just waiting for it. He started to sync his lips with mine. My hands wrapped around his neck and his hands roamed on my back.

The feeling was so euphoric that I got lost in it. I tilted my face and he deepened the kiss. He was sucking onto my lips like there is no tomorrow and I was doing the same.

His lips tasted so sweet like caramel and in an instant the kiss got rough. A little bit. And I started to gasp for air. We both separated and for some seconds I was not able to take my eyes off of him. He looked so ethereal.

We both were looking into each others eyes and suddenly his arms slided under my thighs and he picked me up as I was already sitting on the dressing table.

I wrapped my legs around his waist and we both never took our eye off each other.

He seated himself on a chair with me on his lap and then again slammed his lips on mine. The kiss was slow and passionate.

We both were moving our lips with rhythm. I sucked on his upper lip while he did the same with my lower lip.

His hands roamed on my back and I started to play with his fluffy hair.


Soon we both pulled out and were breathing heavily for air.

"Y/n I know that I said I am willing to wait but after this I don't think I will be able to control myself around you."

I blushed at his comment and smiled slightly. He stood up with me and placed me on the floor. He suddenly knelt down and I covered my mouth at his sudden action.

"Y/N I know that I hurted you In the past but please give me a chance. Give this play boy a chance to be in true love." his boxy smile was on display and who will say no to that.

I couldn't care less About anything now. I will just think about my happiness now.

"Hmm let me think." I said and acted as if I was thinking.

He giggled and said, " Please be fast my knees are aching. "

" You are such an oldie. Don't you have stamina?"

" Well I can demonstrate my stamina to you once we are under the sheets." he winked and extended his hand. I blushed instantly and looked everywhere but his face. My face must be so red by now.


" I am dead serious about this Y/N. I love you. Pleaseeeeeee be my girlfriend." he whined like a child and I gasped at his duality.

" You are such a two faced bitch. You were just flirting with me sexually and look at you now whining like a child. "

" I am just dual for you baby." he winked again and I giggled slightly.

"Ok" I said and took his hand. He looked at me with a bewildered expression.

" Are you accepting my proposal? " he was still in shock.

"I think so I am."


" Yaahh say it."

" Whatt?" I said with a little annoyance .

"The three magical words."

" You. Are. Jerk. " I laughed but stopped when I saw his sad face. I sighed and took a long breath.

Just say It.

He will be so happy.

Yeah for his happiness.

"I love you taehyung."

"WHATT'!!!??? please pinch me and say that this is not a dream." he looked so adorable and I pinched his cheeks a little bit harshly earning a growl from him.

" So you will finally be my girlfriend?" he had hope in his eyes and who the hell I am to say no to him.

" Yes I will finally be your girlfriend."

I blushed on my own comment and looked straight into his eyes.

He squealed and picked me up. He started to spin me while smiling widely.

He is really happy.

"Hyaa put me down." I giggled and then he released me.

We both were just lost in each others eyes and then I had an idea more like a fantasy I fanatized for my boyfriend. I actually have done it already with him but now I will do this as his girlfriend.

As we both were lost in each other I suddenly grabbed his collar and smashed my lips on his. He was shocked as he was not doing anything.

I smiled in between and long pecked him.

When I pulled out he was still in shock and I laughed at his cute face.

But he was quick enough to recover and he shut my laughing with his lips.

He cupped my cheeks and deepened the kiss and I responded back unlike him.

He pulled out shortly and smiled.

"So are we finally a couple? And can we do all the couple things?" he looked like a 5 year old asking his mom a question with curiosity.

I nodded in response and his smile was so breathtaking.

" So let's start with holding hands." I intervined my hands with his and he smirked.

" We just did so much more, than that so why don't we just jump on the main part?" he still had a smug smile that confused the shit out of me.

"What? " I was curious and confused so I asked.

"Why dont we continue what we left yesterday at my home? "

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