
When I woke up the next morning the day went like normal. Tarhyung was always around me to help and the boys were more than nice.

I never thought that jimin could be a sweetheart but he was to cute to be real except for his dirty mind.

Aunt soojae texted that her flight was cancelled as the weather in America was not good so I have to wait for one more day.

I was not complaining though. The boys were nice and I was loving this new caring side of the school play boy.

Hari texted me that the school was off for three days as there was a camp so she was going to visit her grandma but she promised me to visit me as soon as she is back.

Mrs. Yuri sent me some of her clothes and also a female maid to help me with bathing.

Taehyung didn't looked that much pleased but still he agreed at last.

She even sent me some undergarments.

Girly things.

She sent me an off shoulder top with loose black trousers and some more clothes including tank tops. She knew that it would be difficult with my shoulder so she sent those.

She is so considerate.

It was night time again and I was having dinner with the boys while yoongi and jin were constantly whispering something to taehyung and he was giggling like a child.

So adorable.

After that kiss he behaved like nothing happened and I was super pissed off. He never mentioned that again. Even when he helped me I was cold towards him. I also don't know why?

It's what I wanted but I was not sure.

I completed my meal and got up to leave.

"Do you want me to help you till your Room? " taehyung asked but right now my self respect is more important.


"No thanks my legs are still capable to carry my weight and good night jungkook. " I spoke the last sentence with a smile and he smiled in return.

Taehyung looked like he was going to burn him alive.

After the incident jungkook apologized like a hundred times even after I said I was okay. So at last I made him do push ups while I was on the top of him and dude his muscles are no joke.

He was fun to be around and handsome and hot as hell.

I scurried my way to the room and took my medicines and after changing into that oversized t shirt again I instantly fell asleep.

I woke up when I heard my phone ringing.

I should have never kept that under my pillow.

I groaned as I was in half sleep and my head was spinning beacause of the medicines. I glanced at the time and it was 2:30 am at night.

I swear to God if this is a prank call then that person is going to have an ear bleed.

I lazily picked up the phone waiting for the person to speak.

"Pl-ease H-elp me Y-n the-y wi-ll ki-ll me."

My head shot up instantly but I was not able to recognize the voice as I was still In half sleep.

"Who are you and who wants to kill you? " I spoke but all I could hear was heavy breathing and loud footsteps.

"Y-n plea-se sa-ve me."

"Mrs Kang?"

"Ye-s. Pl-ease hel-p me." she said and I quickly got up from the bed and wore the slippers.

"Mrs Kang tell me your exact location right now." I said while marching outside of the room.

"I am hiding in a garbage box right now and it's behind the hotel luminux." she said more like whispered and I silently closed the main door behind me.


I can't drag the boys in this mess.

"Mrs kang don't cut the call and keep talking to me." I said while running. I was still in that oversized shirt and slippers but I cared less about that.

Mrs kang was in danger. She was the only one to help me when my life was becoming bad to worst.

But to make things more difficult it started raining.

Can things get more worse than this?

I was drenched to my feet and my cast was also wet. I was running like a crazy person but I can't let anything happen to her.

She was not speaking much but I could hear her breathings. Suddenly the phone hung up and I looked at it only to find that it was switched off due to low battery.

What the hell.

I still ran towards the hotel as I knew it because I went there for parties a couple of times earlier.

I looked around to find the alley and then spotted it behind the store room door.

I reached there and saw.........

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