
He was leaning closer with every passing second and his gaze was fixed on my lips. I don't know why I wasn't resisting or pushing him. I was just waiting for his lips to meet mine.

At this time I just flung my self respect out of the window and I wanted him to kiss me. Why am I feeling this way ?

I just closed my eyes when his breath started to fan my lips and there was no distance left between us. And at last I felt his soft lips pressing against mine.

His lips captured my lower lip and started to suck it gently. He cupped my cheek with his one hand and the other one went behind my back to keep me stable. I am still unaware of this reason but after a few seconds I started to move my lips with his and unconsciously my right hand tangled with his hair.

That feeling was so euphoric and I felt butterflies dancing in my stomach. He was so gentle and the kiss was slow and sweet which had no signs of lust.

His lips tasted like caramel and I just couldn't get enough of him. He was also on the same side as he was refusing to let go of the kiss. He pulled me closer gently and deepened the kiss.

Suddenly I heard a thud sound and we both separated in an instant just to find all the boys standing there with mouths hanging open. Jungkook had a glass of water that was now submitted to the floor and all we could witness was shock.

I glanced over to taehyung and his face was all red like a tomato.

Not gonna lie he was looking SO FREAKING CUTE while blushing.

"Actually we just came to inform you that Dr Hank has arrived but I think it was a totally wrong timing." Seokjin said while wandering his eyes all over the room and that's when I realized that my gown was hanging low just above my bra giving them a full view of slight cleavage and upper body.

They must be thinking that we were about to get laid.

Not wasting any time I pulled my gown over and wore the cast again in which taehyung helped me of course.

When he was done his eyes refused to meet mine and his face was becoming more red.


Gosh thats so freaking cute!!!!

"O-k I th-ink Y/n I shou-ld lea-ve and le-t the do-ctor co-me in-side." Taehyung said while stuttering and quickly rushed outside. And in some minutes he came back with a middle aged man who wore a white coat. The instant he saw me he had an unreadable expression all over his face and I couldn't think of any reason.

Maybe I am looking like a piece of trash right now.

I should definitely take a bath.

He approached me and signalled the boys to go outside. The room was silent and then he turned to me with a worried look.

"Miss Y/n you shouldn't have done that with your mom. She is going ballistic with every passing moment." he said in a low tone and I was shocked.

How come he knows about my miserable life and the tortures mom was giving me?

He was fast enough to read my confusion. "Oh I am so sorry you might not recognize me because whenever I saw you, you were unconscious or asleep."

Yes I dont recognize him but what does he mean by he saw me when I was unconscious?

"Actually I am the one who treated you every time Mrs song hurted you__"

"Correction she didn't hurt me she ABUSED me." I said cutting him off and he sighed heavily.

Why was he silent when he knew all this time that my life was a living hell?

Why he never helped me except for treating the wounds I got by mom?

"I am really sorry that I was not able to help you but I was bounded by an army of body guards whenever I treated you." He said while taking out his equipments and now I started to understand everything.

"You should be really careful as she is behaving like a psycho after you smashed a vase on her head and ran away." He warned and indicated me to remove my gown. He helped me with the cast and examined the wound.

"Thankfully it's not bleeding anymore just don't move it for sometime and wear your cast. I will prescribe the medicines to master Tarhyung so be punctual while taking them. Now I shall take my leave Miss song and be careful with your every step." He whispered the last line in my ear and turned around to leave.


But how come he knows my mom and taehyung at the same time?

"How do you know taehyung and mom at the same time?" as soon as I asked that I noticed his back stiffened a bit like he was afaraid of something.

"Coincidence I guess miss song." he said calmly and took out a paper and wrote something on it.

"I'll take my leave now miss song and please pay attention to my words too." he said and exited the room.

I layed down and stared at the ceiling to recollect my thoughts from these days.

So I kissed taehyung and mom is behind me.

Leave that.


OK I admit at the hospital it was me but it was to escape those guards.

Why I was not resisting?

Leave resisting I became needy and top of that closed my eyes!!!!

OK OK OK calm down it was just because of.......... MOOD.

YES the mood was like that.

That's the reason I kissed him back.

But that kiss was HOT.


I have despised him from the middle school because he was a total play boy and he also dated Yu na-bi and broke her heart. And after that he still had the audacity to propose me just for fun.

But he looked sincere with that kiss and not to forget about his caring side.

I was snapped back to reality by a knock on the door.

It was taehyung.

Speak of the devil and here he comes.

To be honest this devil is hot.



You are just fanatizing Your enemy from middle school.

Yes I should stop it.

I nodded indicating him to come.

After receiving my acceptance he entered the room and sat on the edge of the bed. He looked nervous.

He was continuously pondering his gaze around the room. Something is not right here.

"Are you just going to burn holes in the nude painting?" I asked as there was a nude painting just in front of my bed.

Just think of waking up early in the morning and witnessing two Americans banging each other in forest.

What a head start for the day. Wow.

"Do you want me to replace the painting if you are not comfortable?" he asked as now he was talking while making eye contact.

"Well.... I guess yes because I don't want to witness an intimate scene just after a wake or before I go to sleep. I refuse to have wet dreams because of that." I said and he chuckled a bit.

"You never had any wet dream?" he asked and again giggled.

He looked adorable.

Stop it Song Y/n.

I mentally slapped myself.

"Nope, never in my life I had that." I replied confidently and he bursted out laughing.

I gave him a look of disbelief.

"Don't tell me you haven't even watched a porn?" he asked in between his laughs.

" I had watched it a few times with ha-ri as she was curious but Its just gross. How can they suck some ones intimate part from where they pee. I mean it's just so impractical. Don't they puke after doing that. What if he pees in your mouth? How can someone just swallow that cum? Eww. What if __" I didn't even realize that I was rambling so much that I forgot that I had a boy in the room.

Taehyung was now on the floor while holding his stomach and was laughing like a hyena.

"Oh god Y/n you are so cute." he said and got up from the floor and then squeezed my cheeks with his palms.

"Aigoo look at this adorable teddy bear." he cooed and pouted like a child.

I bet my face would be looking like a Chinese flag by now.

How does he manage to have that effect on me just by these simple acts?

"Are you blushing Y/n?" he asked in a mocking tone and I was fast enough to hide my face.

" No I am not." I said sternly while looking at the nude painting.

Gosh! This need to be replaced.

"Yes you are."

"No I am not."

"Yes you are. "

"No I am__"

"Hyung noona's phone is ringing from the last five minutes continuously. I think something is urgent." I was cut off when jungkook barged in the room with my phone.

How can I be so careless?

"Who is it? " I asked dryly.

"Someone named Psycho witch( never pick up) "

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