
Incoming call...

Jagiya 💜

Oh shoot.

Now I have to tell her everything from the start.

I shot my head up and everyone was eyeing my phone like it was a time bomb going to explode.

"You have a boyfriend?" everyone asked In unison and I was confused at my words.


"Who is your boyfriend?" this time it was taehyung and his tone was not even close to soft.

I never call ha-ri by her this nickname in front of everyone as once some girls mistook us as a lesbian couple when we were in a cafe and then they bombarded us with questions related to LGBTQ. They even said that they belonged to a community which is specially made for them. They forced us to join in and it was so damn hard to convince them.

But before I could answer or process the impatient Mrs Yu-Ri who did not even wait for my reply snatched my phone and instantly started shouting," Listen here you ignorant piece of shit. WHAT KIND OF BOYFRIEND ARE YOU?? YOUR GIRLFRIEND IS LYING HERE IN THE HOSPITAL AND YOU DIDN'T EVEN CARE TO KNOW WHY WAS SHE MISSING. YOU DON'T DESERVE HER AND__" Her words were cut off by the other side and she looked stunned.

She placed the phone ten inches away from her ear and then hung up.

"It was a girl. " she said while shock written all over her face and all I could do was squint my eyes and face the other side of room.

Goddammit this is so humiliating.

Everyone in the room stared at me like I was a murderer and then seokjin broke the silence," Don't tell me you are a lesbian."

OK enough of this shit.

I faced him with raging eyes and bursted out.

"Listen here neither I am a lesbian nor do I have a boyfriend and she is my best friend AND that is her nickname so please stop accusing me." I said in one breath and taehyung's stiff shoulders relax while seokjin sewed his lips indicating that he will be shut.


"From bestie you mean that girl who always has a hand resting on your waist and I even saw you two feeling each __"

" Enough park jimin. Shut your mouth before I hang you upside down from this building. And yes she is my best friend and that's none of your concern what I do with her as its totally my choice and don't you dare say anything against her because no one gets to talk about my bestie Like that in front of me ." I said in a scary tone and I noticed every boy including taehyung gulped hard.

" She is right. These kinds of acts are just common in every girl friendship." Mrs Yu-ri said to support me and I slightly smiled at her.

"Acts like feeling each others back." Jimin mumbled under his breath enough for everyone to listen.

"That's what every girl does." said Mrs Yu-ri being slightly annoyed now and I was getting frustrated too. How can they talk about my friendship like that?

"Did I ever protest when you were literally spanking taehyung every damn second during your basketball match." I bite back at jimin and both of their faces were flushed while Mrs Kim was in shock.

Guess they didnt see this coming.

I turned to Mrs yu ri for my phone.

"Mrs Yu-ri can I have my phone back. " I said politely while bringing my hand up and she did it gladly.

Ha-ri was already going ballistic as she had done five missed calls already. I picked her call and immediately slid it ten feet away from my ear. She literally has a strong voice.

On call:




Listen sweetheart it's not that actually...

I looked at my surroundings and they quickly understood as all of them left the room. I held my phone near my ear and told her everything about me including my moms behavior. She was silent but then she bursted out crying and scolded me like a child because I hid it from her all this time.


She was shocked when I told her about taehyung and how I met Mrs yu-ri.

It took a good thirty minutes and then finally I hung up feeling relieved. After all she deserves to know everything about me. She is my bestie.

"Wow your best friend didn't even knew you were getting abused. How ironic." I said to myself as I felt guilty of not telling her earlier.

I just sat there staring at the wall and then noticed myself.

"Are you done Y/n?" taehyungs head popped out of the door and I nodded slowly. He walked towards me and I hate to admit it that he looked like a total meal with skinny jeans and white t shirt.

"Is eye Fucking people your part time job. " he said with a smirk as he realized I was staring at him like a pervert.

" Nope I am not." I said smoothly and turned my face to other side which was probably red by now.

" Time to go home." he whispered in my ear and I nearly elbowed him on the sudden action.

" What is that supposed to mean?" I questioned as I seriously was not in a mood to go back after this much.

"You are coming with us as your parents are not home so mom had ORDERED you to come." he emphasised the words order as he was aware I respected Mrs Kim a lot.

"It's against my dignity." I said with my chin up and faced him again.

"Why do you always have to be some goody two shoes?" he said with annoyance.

"And why do you always have to be a swollen piggy?" I retorted with a straight face and he looked pissed.

"Yahh! How dare you call me ugly like that ?" he nearly shouted and I looked at him in disbelief.


"Oh I am so sorry to hurt your feelings by calling you that. I THOUGHT YOU ALREADY KNEW IT." I hiss back at him and he gritted his teeth. The caring taehyung is no where to be seen and all we have is thick tension in the air.

" Y/n let's go." Mrs yu-ri called us and there came hoseok with a wheel chair and I gave him a confused look.

"Don't give me that look. And this is for you." he said as he pointed to the wheel chair.

"No way in hell I am sitting on that. My legs are totally fine and I don't want people to think that I am handicapped." I said with confidence and hoseok just sighed.

" Look Y/n it's 9 :30 PM at night and we need to leave so please." he said in a low voice and I kinda felt bad but still I eyed the chair with disgust.

"I can still wa__"

My words were cut off when taehyung lifted me up bridal style and I gasped. He was gentle with my ribs area and held me like a fragile glass doll.

"What are you _"

"Shhh now stop it already." he said and pinched my inner thighs and I was too stunned to speak. He carried me all the way to a black car that looked really expensive and mom had the same car though.

He placed me on the back seat carefully and entered from the other side. He helped me with my seat belts being extra careful not to hurt me. In this process I didn't realize that he was still there in the same position even after my seat belts were done. I glanced upwards and saw that he was staring at me intensely with dark eyes.

And then he.......

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