
Making my way towards the staff room I spot Mrs Kang. I was relieved that she hasn't left. I knocked on the glass door catching her attention.As soon as she spotted me she gestured me to come inside. I kept my head low and approached her. But I think she already guessed what I was going to say.

" I called your mother and told her that you fainted due to dehydration and you were still unconscious so you will reach home late as the doctor adviced you to take bed rest for today."

I faced her as soon as those words left her mouth.

She is such an angel.

I smiled at her and bowed multiple times.

"Thank you so much Mrs Kang. "

I guess I was a bit too emotional that I didn't realize that I was already tearing up.

Mrs Kang hugged me tightly and started patting my back.

" Shhhh it's alright bub. It's not your mistake you tried your best. Everything is going to be alright."

Her words comforted me a lot and I kinda developed some courage to face my mom.

I stopped crying and wiped my tears with the back side of my hand.

Mrs kang passed me a slight smile and said, " You can come over to my house for the rest of the day."

"No no no Mrs kang you already did a lot for me and besides you have your daughter and mother in law to take care of. I will just find a suitable spot for me where I can hide and thank you so much for everything you did for me. " I said again on the verge of tearing up.

She hugged me again and said ," It's alright kiddo don't say thank you and just stay strong hmm? "

She asked and I nodded. She always helped me out after finding out about my mother. That day she hit me so much and forced me to go to school though I was not able to. I fainted on the pathway but luckily Mrs Kang saw me and rushed me to the hospital. The doctors told her that I was getting abused even before I gained consciousness so I did not get a chance to hide the fact. I told her everything about myself and she insisted to report that to police. But I was too scared and also because she is my mom no matter what. From that day Mrs kang helped me a lot and I am thankful to God that they sent me a guardian angel.

"Y/n are you sure that you can manage this on your own? "

"Yes Mrs Kang please don't be worried I will be alright."

I assured her and exited the staff room.

Even though I told her I can manage but where on earth am I gonna stay??

" I think I should just go to a nearby sauna."

I thought and exited the school. The sauna is not that far from here so walking was a good idea.

All the time I had a strange feeling that someone was following me but when I turned around all I could find was some local people.

I guess I am just thinking too much.

I entered the small building and wore the clothes which were an oversized T-shirt and shorts.

I just sat in a corner so that I don't catch anyone's eye. I buried my head in my knees and I don't know when I dozed off.


I felt like someone was shaking me so I half opened my eyes and spotted a girl nearly around my age with my blurry eyes.


WTF how did she know my name?

My vision was still blurry so I rubbed my eyes and then again looked at the girl with wide eyes. I didn't expect her here.

" Yu na-bi? "

" Yes."

She said with a slight smile. We both used to be close friends as she is a gifted singer. She taught me how to play a guitar and also improved my vocals as my mother was against the idea of me being a professional singer. But she changed her school one year ago and we both lost touch. She didn't even called me or texted me after that.

I was kinda happy to see her but at the same time I felt sad too. She never informed me about her departure and just left like that.

I looked at her with sadness and she was quick enough to identify that.

"Y/nahh I am really sorry and I sincerely apologize that I left without informing you but please just listen to me once."

I sensed something was wrong so I thought I should listen her out first. I nodded and gestured her to continue.

"Your mother found out that I was giving you music lessons so she showed up on our doorstep with some scary looking men and a suitcase. She said that I was spoiling you and she offered a huge amount to my parents to leave the place immediately. My parents agreed as they got a little scared after seeing the bodyguards. She even said that we don't need to pack our stuff and it will be transported. She restricted me to have any contacts with you so I was not able to do anything."

I just stared at her like a lost puppy trying to digest a whole bunch of new information. She even said that she sent me letters but I never received any. I guess it was also one of my mom's plan.

So all this time she was the one who kept na-bi away from me.

" So what are you doing here in Seoul?" I asked as she told me that she was in jejudo all the time.

" I was facing some difficulties regarding my passport so the office ordered me that I should visit my hometown and get my papers signed by the regional office. That's why I came here today." she said while sitting beside me continuously burning holes In her feet.

Is she feeling sorry? No I should be the one who should be sorry.

To ease up the conversation I asked her ," What's with the passport thing?"

"Oh I forgot to tell you. I am going to the US to study music."

I made an o sign with my mouth and smiled at her.

At least someone is living their dream.

But I still had a question for her. How did she find out that I was In sauna. No way she came all the way to Seoul and will visit a sauna.

Curiosity kills the cat.



"How did you find out that I was In sauna, because it's not possible that you came all the way here and will waste your time In sauna between street people."

"Oh about that I was planning to pay a visit to school but I spotted you in the middle and I thought you would be angry so I just followed you here.


When you fell asleep I also sat down In front of you and dozed off. But when I woke up you were still asleep so I thought to wake you up."

I nodded my head due to the lack of answers.

"Y/nahh can I ask you something too?"

I nodded in return.

"Why is your mother so desperate about your life and the way she handed us the money I could sense that she was not worried about you being spoiled she just wants that nobody should be close to you."

I bitterly chuckled at her words. It is obvious that she wants to control me and that's her only motive. By hook or by crook.

"My life is pretty much fucked up you know." I said not wanting to drag her further anymore.

" You can talk about it Y/n I am here for you." she said in a soft voice but I can't tell her and make her suffer even more. What would happen if mom finds out I also don't know what she will do.

"No na-bi it's alright." I said and gave her a slight smile.

"BTW when are you leaving?" I asked to not make the situation awkward as I just rejected her kindness.

"I will be leaving in 2 hours by the night train which leaves at 11 :30."

I nodded my head again due to the lack of words but realisization hit me like a truck.

11:30? 2 hours? That means it is__

"Na-biyaa what time is it? "

"9:30 pm."

Oh shoot! I am dead!

"I have to leave immediately. Bye and take care."

"Wait! Here take this. It's my new number."

She said and handed me a paper. She came ready with all the stuff. Wow.

"OK I will text you. Bye." I waved at her and quickly sprinted to the bathroom to change into my uniform again.

I ran with all the energy I had not even bothering to take a bus. It will take more time so let's just trust my legs. I was panting heavily but finally I made it to my house. On the entrance I spotted the two bodyguards not even bothering to help me.

Are they even human beings?

Are they even from a family that they are standing here like a robot 24/7?

" Is mom home?" I asked them while panting heavily but they both shot me glares like I have demanded them to donate both of their kidneys. But none of them spoke. I sighed and entered my house. I spotted Hana our head maid's daughter who was just a little younger than me but she was friendly and I considered her as a friend.

'Hana. Where is mom? "

"She received a call from someone then left with her bodyguards."

" Do you know when she is going to come back? "

" She just left an hour ago so I think it will take her some time. You should eat your dinner unnie look you are getting skinnier day by day."

She said in a cute tone and I chuckled.

"Actually I already ate out side so I will just sleep now. " I lied as I don't have any appetite left.

Making my way towards my bedroom with slow and tired steps I stepped inside and instantly went for a shower. After showering and changing into my PJs I layed down on my bed and took out my phone which I left for charging.

Suddenly I remembered about Na-bi. I saved her number and texted her.


Hey na-bi it's me Y/n.

She didn't reply so I thought she would be busy so I checked my inbox. I had received a message from ha-ri 4 hours ago when I left the school . Oh God she is going to kill me.


Hey did you reach home safely?

That arrogant prick isn't bothering you right?

Hey are you busy?

Why aren't you replying?

Is everything alright?

Don't tell me you got kidnapped?

If you are a kidnapper and reading this I warn you leave her alone or I will find the fattest rats and set them loose on you.

I chuckled at her childish behavior.

Gosh that girl is so funny.


Calm down my Jagiya my phone's battery died that's why I was unable to reply you and don't worry I am not kidnapped.


Oh thank God now I can sleep peacefully.


Yah you know what?

Jagiya 💜



Nothing you are just so beautiful.

Jagiya 💜

Oh god there you go being a perfect boyfriend material again. I guess I have to cheat on hyo-seop.


You two aren't even dating duhh. It's just your one sided crush.


I know I know ok_

Hey my mom is calling me I have to go OK? Bye and take care my honey 💜


OK bye .

I sighed as I glanced at the time it was 10 :30pm. I guess I should just sleep now. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep.

I just wish she forgets about this.

I opened my eyes again and turned off the lamp.

I am so stupid trying to sleep with lights on.

Soon I drifted off to dreamland.

I woke up because of the ear piercing voice of my alarm clock.

If this alarm clock was a living thing I would have murdered it already.

With half opened eyes I entered the bathroom and got ready for the school.

As I was heading down stairs I noticed that mom was still not home.

Where the hell is she?

I felt suspicious but I just shrugged it off. I should feel relieved.

"Unnie you are up."

I turned around and found Hana smiling at me.

"Good morning Hana. "

"Good morning unnie. Please eat the break fast is ready."

"No Hana I am running late for the school I will just eat something on my way OK bye."

I left before she could even say anything. I scurried to the bus stop and luckily the bus was already there. I entered the bus and sat in the corner while listening to some music.

As I reached the class room I could sense that everyone was gossiping more than usual and also Mrs kang wasn't there.

Weird. She is never late for the class.

I made my way towards my seat but I could clearly sense that someone was burning holes in my head. I turned around and found taehyung staring at me intensely. His eyes had different emotions. He was eyeing me with suspicion and a hint of worry.

I shrugged it off and sat down besides ha-ri.

"Ha-riyahh why is Mrs kang late. Is she on a leave today? "

As soon as those words left my mouth the whole class including ha-ri stared at me like I was a North Korean.

"You don't know? " I looked at her in total confusion.

What the hell is even going on?

"Know what?"

"Mrs Kang is missing."

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