《Centuries will never be enough: A Fierrochase Fanfiction》Apparently no one likes my yellow onesie. Rude.


Magnus's POV

My groggy mind was still slightly brain dead from the worms, but I managed to roll my droopy body out of bed and into the bathroom to wash my face. The water was freezing as it sent an awakening jolt through my spine. Maybe they made it cold on purpose...I mean, it's a great way to really slap the soldiers back into reality after getting chopped to pieces only hours prior right?

My alarm clock reads about 5:15 pm, so it was actually a very speedy and thankfully dreamless regeneration. That's a first. It seems that every time Loki talks to me, it's either pure trash talk or threatens about Alex. Do I listen to him? Pshhh I only listen to the toaster when I'm making pop tarts.

Fortunately, today is actually a Friday for once which means that Sam will be around to hangout for a bit before her AP Bio class drags her back to Helheim. These are the times I'm grateful for my premature demise, for I don't have to deal with it. Oh wait, I was homeless.

Maybe Alex will invite everyone over for a massive slumber party that we usually have at least once a month. Usually they're either really chill with movies and stuff but the others? Oh boy, let's just say there's mead and Mallory involved.

For now, some light reading (and probably some hot chocolate) would be advised because I have a feeling rest is going to be crucial before tonight. I quickly slip on my favorite Christmas pajama pants (Hey, we don't judge) and a simple black t-shirt before grazing my fingers through my bookcase, deciding on a pottery book Alex gifted me. I sort of felt bad for not being able to go to his advanced pottery class to the death because of a lunch I was going to go to with Samirah. Of course I invited him to it, I'm not a monster, but I can tell he really wants to share his passion with somebody. I wonder why he chose me though...


I wasn't too far into the pottery book until I noticed Halfborn's piercing yells echo through the halls, "DINNER, PEOPLE. MANDATORY DINNER WITH SPECIAL VISITOR, PEOPLE. ONCE A DECADE EVENT, PEOPLE. DON'T MISS OR DIE, PEOPLE." And the cycle just goes on and on until he realizes that he, himself, missed the dinner.

I set my book down on the glass coffee table in front of me to continue later, and set off to the closet to pick out my outfit. Sadly, I can't wear my yellow onesie because it's "distracting to the guests" or "go die sunshine boy"


Ya, I'll stick with my Valhalla shirt.

"Hey, Maggie. Are you coming?" Alex yelled from the door. "Uh yeah be right there! I'm packing Advil for Mallory this time. I do not want to be her punch bag again." "Oh yeah," he chuckled from outside. "Made my night." "Ok, rude. You better watch out when you're dying and I'm the only warm and summery thing to help you, mister." "Eh. I'm not sure I would want help from a temperamental teenager in a yellow onesie," he said with a smirk. "Hey, you leave my onesie out of this! It's not my fault that it's comfortable!"

By this time I had finally found the practically untouched medicine kit that I had to recently buy in case my friends couldn't or wouldn't receive help from me. I mean, what kind of animal doesn't have Advil? Oh that's right, my friends.

"Okay I'm ready, Alex. All set?" "As set as the sets can get, my friend." We quickly scurried out when we heard Halfborn's voice get louder. wants to be in that situation.

It didn't take long to get to the big dinner. (Probably because it's in the same building that we live in and we eat there every day) Alex and I aren't sure what to expect, but everyone else tells us it's one of the coolest things they host here. Apparently this dinner is to leak the basic information to the first-timers and what they do on these special events while the mandatory meeting tomorrow is the exciting part where they give the details.


The hall reflected a restless, almost nervous behavior among the Einherjar, but that doesn't mean it wasn't any less intense or death-promising. And even then we're already dead so it won't really make a difference.

As we approached our floor's special place on the bench farthest to the right where we go to try and avoid the masses of drunk Vikings, we spotted T.J.'s bayonet leaning against the elegant woodwork. Sitting away from them doesn't always work, and when it doesn't I just go make some pop tarts and throw the crispy pastries at the Vikings. They all think their mother's cooking is better so they treat it like Superman would kryptonite.

The meal was pretty average. I ate, I talked, I admired the goats in the trees. I mean like seriously, they go through their whole goat lives just prancing around a tree for the enjoyment of dead, middle-aged men. How do they do it? That's a secret I'll never tell...[Authors note: Yes. Yes I just did that.]

Apparently, the event was beginning so a wave of hush spread throughout the hall. I want to yell falafel so bad right now. A figure in shielded by shadows walks hurriedly across the beautifully stained wooden stage and stands directly in the middle of it. They briskly step into the spotlight to reveal white, wispy strands of hair, a long and luxurious robe fit for the gods, and probably the most recognizable trait of Odin—his black eyepatch. "Greetings my fellow Einherjar! Welcome to the 437th decennial Einherj-a-thon!" The audience begins to clap enthusiastically with a couple scattered confused looks.

"As most of you know, the Einherj-a-thon is a contest where each floor competes as a team to win a prize. Que the presentation!" A fuzzy screen immediately flashed onto the wall, and a long pointer stick sprouted from Odin's hand in a matter of seconds. "The concept is simple. Each floor has to work together as a team through various obstacles and other fun things. You wouldn't want to be left alone to fight against 1000 fire giants during Ragnarok simply because you can't cooperate, would you? I didn't think so."

He proceeds to tell us the structure of the contest and its importance using his infamous slides until finally, "Technically, I have limited time up here, for I would really like to get to know some of you before the details get released in the MANDATORY meeting tomorrow at roughly 8:00 am. See you all there!" The founder of Valhalla once again scurried out of the spotlight to return to his place next to the Valkyries.

"Are you guys finally free to spill now? What kinds of prizes are there?" I ask. "Oh the prizes are INTENSE. Usually they're some kind of out-of-Valhalla event or special assignment. I remember one year, they were giving away a tour of Asgard by Odin himself and like five whole special assignment passes. There are restrictions with those though," T.J. told me enthusiastically.

"Of course none of us have ever actually won, but it's fun to dream," Mallory said between mouthfuls of goat. "Oh so when we win, it will be everyone's first time?" Alex asks us. "You are aware that every floor in this place is competing, right?" "Including us, my friend. Including us." "Ya, right; we don't stand a chance against floor 21, they're all freaking beasts," I reassure her. "Maybe so, but so is Mallory combined with coffee." The whole bench murmurs in agreement—including Mallory.

"Anyways, how would you guys feel about a slumber party in my room with Sam and the other foolish mortals? A new Marvel movie came out and it's Friday, so now we have to watch it." "I was just thinking that earlier, except that someone's going to have to go and find Halfborn..." "NOT IT!"

I swear to falafel...


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