《Junoesque ✿George Weasley✿》7.


Blair took Fred's words to heart for the rest of the day. Usually, she wouldn't have cared if someone was upset by something she said. That was mostly because she never said anything anyway, so she was never presented with the situation. But multiple times did Blair see George walking beside his twin with a frown on his face. It was almost like Fred was leading him around the school so that Blair could deliberately see how upset his brother was. She eventually decided that she should say something as the situation wasn't entirely his fault. Blair's just never had someone interested in her before.

Potions would be the last session of the day and Blair planned to finally talk to George. She was tired of the looks she received from Fred in the corridors and was ready to at least settle her conscious as a result of George's constant frowns. She planned to take her usual seat and wait for Professor Snape to let them gather their ingredients to apologise for the other day. But when turning down a corridor on her way to the dungeons, she saw the tall lanky redhead making his way down the stairs with Lee next to him.

"George," she called out and the two stopped, turning around and seeing the girl fidgeting with her fingers. "Can I talk to you for a minute?"

George glanced at Lee and he got the telepathic message, turning away and continuing down to stairs towards the dungeons. Blair was slightly relieved that Lee decided to leave them to talk as she didn't think she'd be able to say what she really thought with someone else present. Although she'd hate to admit it, George was the only person she felt partially comfortable with talking to. He may be annoying and too nosy for Blair's liking, but he was someone who actually listened.

"U-Um... I-" Blair went to speak but suddenly had her mind go blank. "I wanted to... um..."

"Did Fred threaten you to talk to me?" George asked and Blair found her cheeks growing warm.

"Y-Yeah," she answered and George scoffed lightly, forcing her to continue talking in order to prevent misunderstanding. "B-But I wanted to talk to you anyway! I wanted to say that I was sorry for the other day. I'm just not used to having a friend-"

"You think of me as a friend?!" he cut her off with a huge grin and Blair stopped, realising what had slipped out.

"Oh um..." she stuttered. "I suppose?"

"Aw Blair!" he cooed and latched his long arms around her, squeezing her against his chest. "You've finally come to your senses!"

"Mr Weasley and Miss Roiser!" Professor Snape's voice boomed and the two turned to the stairs, seeing the Professor glaring up at them with a very unimpressed look. "Ten points from both Gryffindor and Ravenclaw for canoodling in the corridor! If you'll please make your way to my class as I'd hate to take more points."

"No you wouldn't," George muttered and Blair held back a smile, trudging after the Professor. Stepping down the staircase, George leaned over and whispered into Blair's ear and she felt her insides surprisingly warm. "You're my friend too by the way."



Everyone had piled out into the Entrance Hall to watch the arrival of the Beauxbatons and Durmstrangs. Hagrid stood on the grass with large red panels, acting as air traffic control to direct the descending carriage and winged-horses. The carriage was a sleek silver and was being pulled by six white horses that flew gracefully down to the school grounds, nearly taking poor Hagrid out in the process.

"That's something you don't see every day," Fred commented and Blair jumped in her place, whipping around to see the twins behind her. George glanced down and flashed a goofy grin, before turning towards The Black Lake where a student had cried that something was immerging from it.

A huge ship ascended from the water and caused large ripples across the lake. The sails displayed the Durmstrang crest of a double-headed eagle on top of a horned skull. Three small boats appeared and began to row towards the shore of the lake, making Professor McGonagall announce to the school to head into the Great Hall for an assembly and a special feast.

The hall was buzzing with the extra students now seated at the Ravenclaw and Slytherin table. They had been extended in order to allow the students from Beauxbatons to sit at the Ravenclaw table and the Durmstrangs to sit at the Slytherin table. The Headmaster of Durmstrang, Igor Karkaroff, sat at the teacher's table next to Professor Snape. The Headmistress of Beauxbatons, Madam Maxine, sat next to Professor Dumbledore and Professor Flitwick but was talking avidly to Hagrid who leaned over Flitwick's tiny frame.

"Excuse me-" a heavy accented voice called to Blair and she turned to see a boy wearing the silk blue uniform of Beauxbatons Academy. "Can you pass ze potatoes?"

Blair grabbed the platter from her left and passed it to the boy, feeling him brush his fingers against hers when grabbing it. She raised an eyebrow at the contact but the boy simply flashed his shining white teeth at her and started to pile potatoes on to his plate. Other Beauxbaton students sat next to him and chatted to each other in French, eyeing the girl who subtley shuffled further away down the table.

"Oi George-" Fred called at the Gryffindor table and he looked up from his sausages. "-might wanna keep an eye on Rosier. Looks like the frogs are after your girl."

George was prepared to say that she wasn't 'his girl' but turned towards the Ravenclaw table and saw Blair eating her meal quietly, but had three Beauxbaton boys next to her mumbling to each other and glancing occasionally at her. Whether it was how perfect and handsome the boys were or the fact that they had the luxury to sit next to Blair, George didn't like the looks they were giving her at all. Being a teenage boy himself, he knew when a boy was interested in a girl. Just like how he knew Lee fancied Alicia Spinnet and Fred fancied Angelina Johnson. If it wasn't for Professor Dumbledore's call for attention, he would have charmed a sausage to fly across the hall and hit the French boys in the face.

"I'd like to introduce Mr Barty Crouch and Mr Ludo Bagman from the Ministry of Magic who will be two of the judges for the Triwizard tournament," Dumbledore announced and two men brought forward an object covered by a sheet of fabric. A small applause echoed throughout the hall but most were staring at the covered object sitting behind Professor Dumbledore.


"In order to choose our three champions, the Ministry has presented a very powerful object; the Goblet of Fire," he continued before turning to the object, pulling off the sheet to reveal a golden goblet. The hall watched in awe as a silver cup was brought out behind it, making Professor Dumbledore turn to introduce it. "And each champion will go through three dangerous tasks in order to bring home the Triwizard cup!"

The applause that followed rattled the hall as the silver cup radiated a blue glow. Even the teacher's table applauded for the cup and looked eager to display it in their school. The Dumrstrang school let out cries of excitement and stared hungrily at the cup, already knowing they'll be entering the goblet. The Beauxbatons gossiped in French and pushed their silky hair over their shoulders and flashed their winning smiles to their Headmistress.

"We still entering Georgie?" Fred asked over the applause and George glanced at the Ravenclaw table again, seeing the same three boys nodding to each other in their own conversation.

"Hell yeah we are," he answered and met eyes with Blair, ready to prove to her how much better he was than some pompous frogs.


The Great Hall had been transformed for the day into a stage for the Goblet of Fire. A blue flame was lit that illuminated the entire hall, giving the benches surrounding the goblet a blue hue. Students from all three schools stood around the misted line that circled the goblet and watched people drop their names in, applauding afterwards for their schoolmates.

Blair sat on the highest bench with another book from the common room, trying her best to read and listen at the same time. She was curious to see the types of people that chose to nominate themselves for the tournament but also didn't want to be approached by anyone. She had noticed the three same boys who hadn't failed to sit next to her during meal times in the Great Hall every day. She had luckily been able to appear busy with her food or a book up until this point, so she hoped the trick would work once more when the boys do plan to show up.

Without looking up, Blair could see in the corner of her eye the three sets of blue uniforms making their way towards her. She sighed internally and kept her eyes on her current page, reading the same sentence over and over again but not taking any of the information in. She cringed when she heard the deep voices whispering to each other in French before feeling the bench dip on both sides of her, a face appearing in front of her book and making her lean back uncomfortably.

"Bonjour," the boy in front of her greeted with a grin. "We thought it was time to introduce ourselves."

"My name is Gustave," the one to her right said. He had dark brown eyes and matching hair that curled on top of his head as if it had been professionally done. His nose was small and his jaw was carved sharply, making him look like what Blair compared to a brick.

"I am Ruben," the one to her left stated afterwards. He had light blonde hair that grew past his ears and looked unbelievably silky in the blue light from the goblet.

"And I am Marceau," the last one stated and shot her a flirtatious smile. He had the same hair as the boy to her right but his eyes were bright green that made Blair feel like he was looking into her soul and seeing how uncomfortable she was. But he didn't react and only smirked at her, leaning slightly closer as he spoke again. "And what would your name be, Madam?"

"Blair," she answered and squirmed uncomfortably in her seat, looking around in hopes of finding someone she knew to use an excuse to leave and talk to.

"Ah, it means field, no?" Gustav said to her and she only shrugged.

"I-I'm not sure."

"Well Blair-" Marceau started with his same smirk that made her cringe inside. "-we have all entered into ze tournament. We hope to bring glory and pride to our school. Will you be entering?"

"No I'm not seventeen yet-"

"We did it!"

Blair sighed in relief at the sight of Fred and George running into the hall holding up vials of what she could see was a thick purple liquid. The three Beauxbatons around her raised their eyebrows in disgust at the interruption but watched the twins climb up on to the benches and look proudly over the hall. Most of the Hogwarts students applauded for them as they were well respected and loved at the school, already anticipating their plans to enter into the tournament.

"Cooked it up just this morning!" George announced, only to have a smug voice butt in and silence the applause.

"It's not going to work," Hermione Granger sang and the twins looked at each other, rolling their eyes and crouching down to hear the know-it-all's explanation.

"Oh yeah?" Fred asked.

"And why is that Granger?" George continued.

"You see this?" she gestured to the misted line that surrounded the lit goblet. "This is an Age Line. Dumbledore drew it himself."


"So!" Hermione shut her book and scoffed at Fred's ignorance. "A genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled by something as dim-witted as an Ageing potion!"

"Ah, but that's why it's so brilliant-" George started with a grin.

"-because it's so pathetically dim-witted!" Fred finished and the two stood to their full height, shaking their potions.

"Ready Fred?"

"Ready George."

Blair found herself actually rooting for the twins in order to prove to the pompous boys around her that Hogwarts could win the tournament as well. Regardless of Blair's better judgement, she watched in anticipation as they downed the potion and jumped over the Age Line.

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