《Ethereal ✭Fred Weasley✭》30.


The next day rolled by, and it was time to have the Goblet of Fire announce the three champions to enter into the tournament. All three schools were buzzing as they filed into the Great Hall where the goblet still sat with its blue flame reflecting off the stain glass windows. All the Hogwarts teachers had even come for the occasion, including of course the Durmstrang Headmaster and the Beauxbatons Headmistress. Sophia and Fred entered the hall together with their hands en-laced together, laughing together at something Fred had said on the way there. People were surprised yet not astonished to see the two being more chummy than usual, but the whispers and occasional stares still occurred.

Sophia noticed this attention and had half a mind to put her head down, hoping to slip into the crowd like she used to. But then, she thought why should she have to? What are the stares really going to do? Are they going to physically harm her? And if they could, why would they? Whoshe holds hands with and talks to have nothing to do with anyone else. She was beginning to accept the fact that people were just nosy, and just want something to talk about.

So with that thought, Sophia walked beside Fred with a glowing expression and her hand clasped tightly in his. He had been the first to grab hers on their way to the Great Hall, and she found herself once again enjoying it thoroughly. They had sat down at one of the tables and placed their en-twined hands up on the surface, putting it on full display for everyone nearby. But it didn't matter, as the ones nearby were their usual crowd of Gryffindors.

"So he did it then did he?" Lee spoke up. Sophia and Fred looked away from each other for the first time to see that George and Lee in front of them were grinning with knowing looks. "Asked you to Hogsmeade I mean?"

"You lot are really nosy," Fred stated as he looked between his brother and one of his best friends. He didn't know if it showed, but he was absolutely over the moon with how everything had turned out. Fred couldn't believe that he was sitting here with Sophia's hand engulfed in his, laughing about how positively nervous he was about asking her about the location of their first date. In fact, they had planned it for this weekend, as they would be allowed to venture there with the permission slips from their parents.

"It's like you don't know us at all!" George exclaimed in fake hurt. "And don't act like you wouldn't be the same if it came to one of us getting a lady friend. This twin thing we have going on gives me an intuition on these sorts of things."

Fred rolled his eyes, making Sophia smile up at the boy next to her. She didn't know if it was because of Fred's clear irritation from the constant pampering he got from his twin and his friend that made her smile, or the fact that she was just plain happy to be sitting so close to him. Either way, anyone who was watching could see that she looked genuinely content to be in the company of the Weasley. Fred glanced down and smiled back at her, wanting nothing more than to see her so gleeful all the time. He found that his source of happiness now depended solely on Sophia, making her some sort of lifeline for him. Whenever she was sad, he found himself being the same.


"If you keep glowing like that, you're going to eventually end up on your sky map like the star that you are," Fred muttered into her ear, causing a deep blush to settle on her cheeks.

"That's so cheesy," she replied but was clearly swooning over the pick-up line. She had learnt that Fred was surprisingly good at those.

"Made you go red though didn't it?" he added and even gained the courage to place a quick peck on her freckled cheek. Ginny and Hermione who was whispering and watching nearby 'aww'ed out loud, not able to contain their swooning any longer.

"It is now time to announce the three champions who will go forward and compete in the Tri-Wizard tournament!" Professor Dumbledore took his place in front of the goblet, gaining the attention of everyone in the room. The hall went quiet as the man extinguished all the torches and candles in the room without even stepping near them, making the blue flame in the goblet shine its brightest. It began to turn a red colour and flicker ever so slightly before spitting out a blue circular piece of parchment. The piece floated for a moment, before Dumbledore reached out and caught it to read.

"The champion for Beauxbatons, Fleur Delacour!"

Applause erupted from the table that held the primarily blue uniforms as a silvery-haired girl stood up and basically floated over to Professor Dumbledore. The smile on her face entranced many young boys throughout the hall, including Hogwarts' very own Ronald Weasley. Sophia knew that Fleur was part Veela, making her exceedingly attractive to anyone of the opposite sex (or sometimes even the same). Just out of pure curiousity, she turned her head to make it seem like she was looking down the line of the long table. But she really wanted to see if Fred was paying any attention towards Fleur as the beautiful girl made her way into the next room where all the champions would meet, only to see him looking down at their hands that were still together on the table. She gushed at the small smile that was playing on his thin lips, not even realising that a part Veela had passed their table only moments ago. It confirmed that she would never have to worry about him from now on.

"You alright there?" she mused quietly. He pulled his gaze away from their hands and grinned at her, nodding his head multiple times as if he were a five-year-old.

"Yep, spectacular in fact," he replied with his brown eyes sparkling. Sophia shook her head with a wide grin at the sight of him, turning her attention back to Dumbledore who had just caught another piece of parchment from the goblet.

"The champion for Durmstrang, is Viktor Krum!"

Another eruption of applause came from the table that held the brown uniforms of the Durmstrang school, the skin-head Seeker standing from his table and doing various handshakes with his fellow school mates. Igor Karkaroff seemed to be ecstatic and was encouraging his school to make lots of noise in celebration. Krum was obviously the clear favourite of the Headmaster.

"Dumb Krum," George grunted quietly from across the table. Fred reacted quickly with an equally as intelligent grunt, making the two embark in a very interesting conversation of grunts.

And finally, the last parchment was spat out of the flame and towards Professor Dumbledore. This would determine the Hogwarts champion, and Sophia was thankful that it wouldn't be anyone she was close to, as none of them were old enough. Dumbledore opened up the folded piece before calling out,


"The Hogwarts champion, is Cedric Diggory!"

The rest of the students applauded loudly for the boy who stood from his table of close friends, looking rather relieved and proud to represent Hogwarts. Sophia and Fred broke hands for a second to applaud for the boy that they knew, even though the Hufflepuff had beat Gryffindor in Quidditch the previous year. Cedric shook hands with Professor Dumbledore, before disappearing into the room that the two other students went through.

"Excellent!" Dumbledore cheered with his arms spread wide. "We now have our three champions! They will now embark-"

The Headmaster was cut off by the flame of the goblet suddenly making another unusual movement, spitting out yet another piece of parchment. Everyone was astonished to find another student had been chosen by the goblet, making an eerie silence fall over the again anticipating students and teachers. Dumbledore watched in confusion as the piece flew down towards him in slow motion, hesitantly reaching out and taking hold of it. Everyone seemed to be holding their breath as he read over the parchment, saying nothing at first. He then mumbled, and the few that could hear him turned their heads in the same direction. They looked towards the table that the known Gryffindors were sitting at.

"Harry Potter..." Dumbledore called out loud enough for everyone to hear. Sophia and Fred, followed by every other Gryffindor at the same table, whipped their heads down towards the boy was sitting low in his seat. He had gone a deathly shade of white, making no move to stand from his place. Looking petrified, Professor Dumbledore repeated his name again much more fiercely. Hermione seemed to wrench Harry out of his seat and guide him away from the table, leaving him to walk the remainder of the way with shaky steps.

"He's a cheat!"

"He's not even seventeen yet!"

The various shouts from Hogwarts students made Sophia feel immensely sorry for Harry, watching as Dumbledore robotically sent him towards the room where a fourth student wasn't meant to enter. Students and teachers everywhere were looking at each other in astonishment, some suddenly growing a dislike for the famous Gryffindor. They believed he had wanted more fame than just being the Boy Who Lived, and had somehow entered his name into the Goblet of Fire.

"There's no way he could of entered his name!" Hermione exclaimed as she leaned in to only speak to the people she knew around her. "It's impossible! He wouldn't dare!"

"I'm sure the goblet wouldn't even let him if he tried" Ginny added. "Look what happened to Fred and George for trying!"

Professor Dumbledore looked stumped in his place in front of the Goblet. He had seemed to be non-verbally communicating with Professor McGonagall who was standing near the teacher's table, but tried to not lose his posture. Sophia swept her eyes instinctively over to Professor Moody, who was standing in one of the corners of the hall. His magically enlarged eye was looking at Professor Dumbledore, waiting for any sign of objection or explanation to the unforeseen event. Almost as if he could sense her stare, his eye turned to meet her with all it's freakishness that made Sophia so uncomfortable. She gulped and looked away from the man, having a small voice in the back of her head saying something she couldn't quite hear.

Her attention was drawn back to Professor Dumbledore, who had finished his eye-contact conversation with Professor McGonagall. He clasped his hands together and the chatting students seemed to notice, silencing all together to hear what the Headmaster had to say about the situation.

"Well... we have our now four champions!" he declared with a slightly wavering voice. "There will need to be some discussion between Mr Barty Crouch and Mr Ludo Bagman on the sudden change of events, but I assume that the tournament... shall go on!"

"Surely you saw this in your map Soph," Fred whispered into Sophia's ear. She turned her head to see him internally searching frantically for some sort of answer for Harry's sudden entrance. Just the sight of his pinched eyebrows proved to her that he was just as confused as everyone else, but she had a feeling she had in fact seen this in her map. She hadn't known what it meant at first, so there was no way she could have worked it out quick enough to do something about it. Indeed, she had read that a young wizard was about to embark on a life-changing journey. It must of been referencing Harry!

"Yeah... yeah I think I did."

Regardless of the confusion of Harry's sudden involvement in the tournament, Hogwarts had indeed had Gryffindor competing for the cup. A majority of the house was ecstatic about the news, and began to form a party in the common room for when Harry returned at last. Fred and George took the job of venturing down to the kitchens of the castle to gather food for the party, while a selected few decided to decorate the common room. Banners were put up saying 'Go Harry!' and 'Bring the cup home!', and were enchanted to change into a simplistic picture of Harry that Angelina had drawn. Other than some music and a cheery atmosphere, they now had to wait for Harry to arrive. For now, Sophia was sitting around the fireplace with Hermione, Ron and Ginny.

"How did he do it?" Ron spat. He had been in a very sour mood ever since the event, moping around much like what he previously described Fred was like yesterday.

"We don't know if he even did it himself Ron. It could have been some sick joke from one of the older students," Sophia attempted to reason with him, but he wasn't having any of it. He just laid back against the sofa and continued to look as if he had bitten into something rotten. Sophia sighed before Fred and George appeared through the portrait hole carrying large amounts of food and drink. Other Gryffindors cheered and began immediately indulging in the different delights.

Once Harry did arrive, the common room burst into many means of congratulations and questions on how he got his name in goblet. Sophia could tell that he looked exceptionally uncomfortable and distant, obviously from the shock of being entered into a tournament where past deaths have even occurred. She was surprised that no one else seemed to think that maybe he hadn't entered, and he was just one very unlucky Wizard. He obviously wanted to try and get away from the lively room and up to his own dormitory, where he could be alone for a moment. Sophia decided that she should attempt to help him in his quest, sauntering over to where he stood next to the staircase that lead up to his escape.

"I can get Fred to set off a dungbomb or something if you'd like," she offered to the boy who was itching to disappear.

"No that's okay Soph," Harry shook his head with the glummest of looks, forcing a grateful smile on to his face. "I'll just go. I don't think anyone will really notice. G'night."

And with that, Harry disappeared up the stairs without anyone stopping him. It was true that everyone was too involved in the food present as well as conversations about the recent events to notice if Harry was even there. Sophia sighed and leaned back against the wall, thinking about what she had seen on her sky map about the situation. She was sure that it was talking about Harry's misfortune, even though it was saying it was a 'life-changing journey'. She just couldn't stop thinking about how she could have maybe warned him or even Professor Dumbledore about it before it happened. But I guess that's the consequences of seeing into the future; not being able to stop it.

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