《Ethereal ✭Fred Weasley✭》25.


The sky had gotten darker quickly, and torches were soon lit around the campsite. It created a soft orange glow over the tents and the people who were all heading towards Quidditch stadium. Mr Weasley lead the way through the site and into the stadium, saying that they would be having fantastic seats to watch the game. Buzzing with excitement, Sophia followed closely behind Hermione as the group began to climb multiple steps through the stands that surrounded the magnificent stadium. She secured the scarf that was around her neck, providing her with warmth that she didn't know she would have welcomed tonight. The temperature had dropped compared to how it was during the day.

"You warm enough Soph?" a voice questioned from behind her. She glanced over her shoulder to see Fred's painted face slightly leaning down to meet her eyes, only to to have her gaze go straight to his lips that had previously dawned paint like the rest of his face. They were now clean from any sign of colour besides their usual dark pink, making Sophia remember their very recent kiss. She gulped when the scene replayed in her head, but attempted to appear unwavered.

"Yeah I'm fine Fred," she nodded and Fred smiled with a nod.

"Blimey Dad, how far up are we?" Ron asked from the back when they started climbing yet another set of stairs.

"Let's put it this way," a new voice caught all of their attention and they turned to the level that was below them, seeing Lucius Malfoy and his retched son Draco. "If it rains, you'll be the first know!"

Draco laughed at his father's stab at the group, and they all glared down at the platinum blonde males. Arthur Weasley seemed to be suppressing a contradicting comment towards the man he very much despised, and simply moved forward to continue towards their steps. The youngsters of the group attempted to follow after Mr Weasley, only to be stopped by Lucius Malfoy's snake-headed cane suddenly clamping on Harry's shoe from below. The boy stopped and jerked his head down to the man, who menacingly stared up at him.

"Do enjoy yourself won't you," Lucius said mockingly. "While you can."

After their little run in with the Malfoys, the Weasleys and their friends finally made it up to their seats. They were on the very highest level of the stands, meaning that their heads reached past the stadium's walls and into the sky. Fred and George were hyped already as the huge crowds made a constant chatter echo throughout the building, the twins saying phrases like 'come on!' and 'crush 'em Ireland!'.

"Told you these seats would be worth waiting for!" Mr Weasley exclaimed as he settled his things on the chair behind him and leaned against the railing to look over the pitch that was levels down on the floor.

"What are the stars saying now Sophia?" Hermione questioned with her finger pointing up towards the sky that was now littered with twinkling stars. The girl looked up and started to settle her eyes on the sparkling dots that were whispering down at her. Her lips mindlessly moved subtly as she read over the alignments, before turning back to Hermione who was patiently waiting for her explanation.

"A house-elf will be in despair after tonight..." Sophia stated with a confused expression. Hermione mirrored this expression, as it was so vague and out of context that neither of them could possibly work out what it meant.

"How odd," Hermione replied.


The two were pulled from their small discussion as the ceremony had began in the stadium, with blasting music and announcements from Ministry box down below. The box held Ludo Bagman, the Head of the Division for Magical Games and Sports, as well as the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge. The introduction of the Bulgarian team and the Irish team was made through each team's chosen representatives. The Irish had multiple Leprechauns that performed Irish dances and made angry remarks towards the Bulgarian's mascots, which were Veelas'. Veelas' were beautiful creatures that resembled the most beautiful looking of Women, but this was only a temporary facade as Veelas' became rather ugly when angered or tempted. But in their captivating form, Sophia, Ginny and Hermione noticed that all the boys standing next to them were immediately captured by their beauty.

Sophia decided to make a daring move once the Veelas' had been angered by the Leprechaun's taunting, making them appear not as beautiful. The boys had all snapped out of their trance because of this and shook their heads, initiating Sophia's actions that she braved herself to perform. She took her hand from her side and placed it on the metal railing that was in front of her, eyeing Fred's own hand that was settled further along down the main pole. He leaned nonchalantly against the barrier with wide eyes, staring down at the pitch as the two teams began to enter the field after their mascots. Sophia slowly started to slide her hand down the rail until it was right next to Fred's, before placing it slowly on top of his own. They boy immediately tore his attention from below and looked at the small hand that was now covering his, following the arm that was attached to it up to the face that was looking at him with a bashful look. Sophia hitched the corner of her lips up into a small smile, hoping that what she was doing okay. Fred smiled back at her to reassure her that it was more than okay, and took it upon himself to take his hand completely off the railing. Sophia was confused and slightly hurt for a second, but brightened soon after when he took her hand into his completely and laced their fingers together.

"Is this okay?" Fred wanted to make sure.

"More than okay," she answered, causing a goofy grin to form on Fred's face. The feeling of holding Fred's hand was something that was nearly as up-lifting as the kiss they had recently shared, and Sophia never wanted to let go. She wanted to snuggle into his arm with their hands still laced together, but was more than happy to just indulge in the hand-holding for now.

The game soon began, and Sophia found herself rooting for the Irish team. The Bulgarians played dirty, and seemed like they relied solely on the opportunity to send as many opposing players off the pitch due to injuries. She winced when the Irish Seeker Lynch slammed hard into the ground when the Bulgarian Seeker Krum, faked seeing the Snitch and lead the Irishman towards a collision with the ground. The blood that gushed out of his nose reminded Sophia of how much she feared playing Quidditch.

"Dumb Krum," George groaned from next to Fred, making his twin reply with the same grunting noise in order to make the Bulgarian Seeker seem like a troll. Their painted faces pulled into expressions that resembled something of a Gorilla, continuing their grunting to annoy Ron who was trying to defend the Seeker he loved.


"He's gonna get the snitch!" Ron cried as he pointed towards the now soaring Bulgarian who had actually seen the golden ball for real this time. The stadium watched in anticipation as the Seeker wrapped his grubby-looking fingers around the Snitch, resulting in an uproar of cheers and boo's.

"He did it!" Ron and Harry both bellowed in excitement, but Ginny was quick to knock down the boy's triumph.

"The Irish won the cup though! They've got more points!"

Meanwhile, Fred and George had hooked their arms together and were starting to skip in a circle while chanting 'We won! Dumb Krum's a bum! The Irish won! Go home Krum!'. Sophia laughed at the sight of their childish behaviour, and turned to see that Harry and Ron were grumbling in their red and black coloured hats. Mr Weasley soon enough started ushering the group towards the stairs where they would head back to their tent. Ginny and Hermione were talking excitedly, and Sophia caught her name being thrown towards her.

"How was the snog?" Hermione inquired. Sophia immediately turned red and looked down at her feet, pretending to focus on her footing on the stairs.

"You two were holding hands during the game too!" Ginny stated, giggling with Granger.

"Will you two please leave it?" Sophia groaned as they all exited the stadium.

The crowd was huge considering thousands of Witches and Wizards were making their way back to their tents. You could easily spot the Irish supporters in the mass, as joyous singing could be heard and even seen taunting anyone wearing the Bulgarian colours. Irish dancing had even begun among them, creating circles of people clapping with encouragement. Ron and Harry had already had a silk white and green flag thrown over their heads that George had wrapped around his shoulders, smothering them with more of the twins singing and chanting.

Once they had all made it back to the tent, Mr Weasley had said that they could all have one last Hot Chocolate before bed. Littered over the various sofas and arm chairs, the kids all were laughing and chatting about the Irish's victory and the game itself. Sophia had found herself between the end of the sofa and Fred, who had his arm laying along the back of the pillows that she was leaning against.

"Thanks for the tip off about the Irish's win Soph," George called out from the armchair adjacent to her. She hadn't noticed that Fred's eyes had widened to the size of dinner plates and started making motions to his twin to stop talking, shaking his head vigorously. "Bagman better pay up. You could do well in the betting industry Lupin".

"What?!" the girl cried. She leaned forward to stare back at the boy who stopped his grinning, and was now receiving the harshest of glares from Fred. "You made a bet with my prediction?! Did you bet as well Fred?!"

"Urm..." Fred murmured with a sheepish smile on his face, scratching the back of his head as he wouldn't meet Sophia's fierce eyes.

"Do you know how much trouble I could get in for that?! How much you guys could as well?!" Sophia continued to throw a fit, resulting in Fred continuously glaring at George for being so careless. He was planning to not tell Sophia about the little bet they made with Ludo Bagman before the game, as he knew she would react like this.

"Shhhhh," Fred shushed before covering Sophia's open mouth with his palm. She halted her rant and glared at the ginger next to her, ready to grab hold of his wrist and wrench it away from her when Mr Weasley suddenly burst into the tent. Following him, the kids sitting inside could hear shouts and loud cries from outside cloth 'door'.

"Seems like the Irish have got their pride on!" George grinned smugly, but Mr Weasley didn't even crack a smile.

"It's not the Irish," the man said as he suddenly pulled Ginny to her feet and ushered them all out the tent. "We have to get out of here. Now!"

Outside, Sophia took in the campsite that was now in utter chaos. Tents had begun to catch fire from torches that had been placed around the site, and people were running and screaming everywhere. In the distance, Sophia could see a particular group of people that everyone was trying to run away from. They wore the hoods of their robes over their heads, as well as creepy-looking masks that resembled skulls of Human skeletons. Hovering above the hooded group, were a man, woman and child that Sophia recognised to be the Muggle family that run this campsite. They looked to be unconscious, and were being levitated by the group that were making their way through the crowd and coincidentally towards Mr Weasley and his group of children.

"Get back to the Portkey everyone and stick together! Bill, Percy, Charlie with me!" Mr Weasley informed as he pulled out his wand and turned to Fred and George who stood side by side. "Fred, George, Ginny and Sophia are your responsibilities!"

Whether it was because he knew about Fred and Sophia's little kiss and hand-holding session, the fact that he had paired the twins and Sophia together was a bit surprising. But no one had much time to think in this situation, as everyone began scurrying in different directions to get to safety. George had started running off with his hands on Ginny's shoulders to make sure he didn't lose her and Harry, Ron and Hermione started to run in another direction together.

Fred went with his bare instincts and grabbed hold of Sophia's hand, immediately turning to follow after his siblings. Sophia stumbled at first but followed after his tall frame, that seemed to block her view from anything that could be heading their way. Once she had regained her footing, she sprinted behind Fred with her hand enclosed in his, keeping them close together. Fred was thankful for his previous instinct, as it meant that now he was able to know whether Sophia was behind him or not.

"Fred! Where are we going?!" Sophia yelled over the noise around her.

"To the woods! We can hide there for now!" Fred replied over his shoulder, trying desperately to make his way through the people that were running directly at him. His tall height helped him immensely in this situation, and he could clearly see the top of George's head that was in front of them.

"Aren't we supposed to be heading towards the Portkey?!" she asked, narrowly dodging someone's flying limb that nearly whacked her in the face.

"Too far!" Fred was thankful to finally break through the crowd and enter into the woods that looked thick and clustered. He spotted George and Ginny coming to a halt nearby and headed towards them, keeping Sophia's hand tightly in his grip.

"What the bloody hell was that?" Ginny panted with her hands on her knees. George had much longer legs than her and didn't take a moment to consider how much harder she had to work at keeping up with his athletic state. He was a Beater after all.

"Followers of You Know Who if you ask me," Fred answered once he came to a stop in front of his siblings. "Did you see those masks they were wearing? Well creepy."

"But why are they here?" Sophia questioned. She stepped out from behind Fred and stood next to him, unconsciously squeezing his hand that was still en-laced with her's.

"Maybe they just had too much to drink," George suggested.

"That seems like quite the reaction to being drunk Georgie," Fred said with a hint of a smirk. " 'Let's set the place on fire and torture some Muggles!' "

"Fred!" Ginny and Sophia cried together, staring at the boy with horror-stricken faces. Fred dropped any hint of humour in his face, realising that his joke maybe went too far given the situation.

"Sorry," he mumbled.

The four stayed where they were for a while, seeing as they felt safer in the woods than back at the campsite. Surely Mr Weasley would come looking for them soon, and it was better to stay in one place to avoid a wild goose chase. They didn't know where Harry, Ron and Hermione had gotten to, but knew they were smart enough to stay somewhere where it's safe and hidden. They didn't want Hermione to be seen by You Know Who's followers, being as she is Muggle-born. It was in their nature to be extremely prejudice towards what they called 'Mud-bloods'.

Even though they weren't allowed to use magic until they were seventeen, they kept their wands in their hands for precaution. If they were threatened, they could use a spell or too and then inquire to the ministry about why they had used under-age magic. The twins and Ginny had engaged in a conversation about the Quidditch match, leaving Sophia to her thoughts. She found herself staring down at her wand that was in her hand, looking over it's simplistic features. The light brown colour allowed for the small engravings of simple flowers to be seen all the way from it's handle towards the end of the wood, before slowly fading into a smooth looking surface. It's completely straight design reaching ten and a half inches made of Willow and encased with Unicorn hair satisfied Sophia greatly. She could remember getting it from the famous Ollivander's when she was young, with her Father accompanying her.

"You okay Soph?" Fred whispered in her ear, making her turn her eyes from her wand to the long-haired Weasley next to her. He was looking down at her with his arms crossed over his chest and his wand in his hand, his face still painted with the Irish flag that made Sophia chuckle softly.

"I'm fine," she answered. Fred let the corner of his lip hitch up into a lop-sided grin, looking into Sophia's unbelievably blue eyes that could even be seen in the darkness of the woods. He was positively itching to ask about their current situation, regarding the fact that they had shared a very heart felt kiss not long ago as well as occasional hand-holding. He wasn't sure if it was too bold to ask straight forwardly, or just let it roll until he maybe gained enough courage to ask her on a date some time.

"What did you think about... um..." Sophia began to speak but started to trail off, peaking Fred's interest when she started fiddling with her wand. "About the... uh..."

"The kiss?" he continued and Sophia bit her lip. Fred's stomach leaped when she nodded her head, and was somewhat relieved that she had asked first. The hair that was once hooked behind her ear fell down to cover the side of face, giving her some security when her cheeks had began to warm up. She felt awkward and nervous about lamely trying to find out about Fred's intentions, seeing as they had just run away from a bunch of followers of You-Know-Who. But she was surprised to feel a hand push the portion of hair that fell back from her face, and hook it around her ear once more. She was suddenly thrown back into last year when Fred had done the same thing when trying to cheer her up about her Father's monthly transformation.

"I liked it," Fred confessed, making Sophia turn her head to look up at Fred through the dark. "In fact, I liked it so much, I'd like to give you a limited time offer to allow me to take you on a date."

"Limited time offer?" Sophia repeated while laughing softly, attempting to hide her shock and giddiness.

"Yep, only for the special lady in front of me too!" Fred cheered with a bright smile, seeming like a salesmen who was trying to woo a customer into buying something expensive. "So how 'bout it Lupin? Fancy a date with the best-looking Weasley?"

"Hm I'll have to ask Bill if he's okay with it first, as he is the best-looking Weasley in my opinion," she fake pondered with her finger tapping her chin. She watched in amusement as Fred's jaw dropped at her comment, knowing full well that he knew she was joking. It gave her time to momentarily fan-girl on the inside at the fact that Fred Weasley, the Beater of the Gryffindor team, one of the dynamic duo that cause havoc in Hogwarts' walls, had asked her on a date. Ever since Sophia had met him, she had swooned over his bright orange hair, tall frame, long nose and light freckles that littered across his face. Not to mention his goofy and determined personality, and his amazing ability to whack away bludgers with great strength during Quidditch.

Neither of them could utter a word before a loud bang echoed throughout the woods, and a horrifying image suddenly appeared amongst the clouds that covered the night sky. Sophia was shocked to see the Dark Mark now present, the skull-like shape having what looked like a serpent emerging from it's mouth. It had just been conjured near by, and settled fear in everyone's being. Including Fred and Sophia's, as they both simultaneously laced their hands back together and squeezed tightly.

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