《Ethereal ✭Fred Weasley✭》20.


"So.... the Quidditch World Cup?" Sophia awkwardly repeated. She couldn't believe what nearly just happened. Fred was most definitely going to kiss her right in the middle of the celebrations that the Gryffindors were having on the Quidditch pitch, and couldn't help but despise Ron for interrupting them. She was itching to take it upon herself to leap forward and connect her own lips with Fred's, but saw that he was unbelievably embarrassed with the moment now being gone.

"Y-Yeah," the boy cleared his voice that cracked ever so slightly. "Dad got some well good tickets for the match between Bulgaria and Ireland. Hermione and Harry are coming too, and I was gonna ask you to come as well."

Fred was fuming inside. He was ready to tackle Ron to the floor and start beating him with his bludger's bat. He was so close. He had just gained the courage to finally kiss Sophia only to have it completely ruined by his poor excuse for a brother. Fred made a mental note to place all his remaining Zonko fireworks under Ron's bed when they got home to The Burrow. He felt that he couldn't just grab her now and finish what he was set to do, as they now were on to a new subject and Sophia looked to be as embarrassed as he was at this point.

"I'd love to come," she answered and offered him a smile, hoping to ease him from his obvious nerves. "I'll have to talk to my dad first, but it should be fine."

"Cool," Fred said as he began to toss his bat back and forth between his hands. "Look I'll be right back okay? I've got some important business to discuss with Ickle-Ron."

And with that, Fred began sprinting across the pitch towards Ron who struggled to run because of his leg injury.


A couple of months later, Sophia received a letter from a grave looking owl that first smacked itself into the window frame of her father's kitchen. The house was as unstable looking as it is, and the owl that flew into a portion of it made Sophia fear for the house's life. But the owl stood to it's feet and gave her a stern look through it's old and misty eyes. She had been receiving numerous letters from this particular owl, as Fred and her had been writing to each other all through the Summer. She was always ready to hear how The Burrow was going, and what the Weasleys were up to during the holidays. She herself hadn't been doing much, but it was always fun to hear about how many times Ron had been bitten by the Gnomes in the garden or how Fred's mum reacted to having the twins' retched magic sweets everywhere.


Sophia took the letter from the owl and it sat there for second, thinking of whether to drop dead there or fly back to The Burrow. She opened up the envelope and a small note was written on the parchment.

'Get your dad to use the Floo Network with you to The Burrow for two o'clock. Beware of my mum as she's ready to have us marry as soon as you get here

-Fred AKA your soon-to-be-Husband apparently'.

Sophia laughed to herself and found herself not being able to wait two more hours to go to where The Weasleys live. She had heard many stories and wanted so badly to experience the chaotic life that the redhead family lived. Not that the life she lived now with her father was bad, but he was barely home these days. He had been searching high and low for a new job, and would be able to hold one until his employer would find out about his Lycanthropy and fire him immediately. Luckily, the old house they lived in was left to Remus by his ancestors so they wouldn't be losing it to anyone. The water and limited electricity they had was based from the magic Remus performed for the two of them, but their groceries relied on income. But that was a dark topic that Sophia or Remus didn't like to think about.

Ignoring her growling stomach, Sophia eyed her trunk and possessions she was taking with her as they sat in the living room. They were packed and ready to go, and would only have to call for her father who was upstairs. He was actually home for the day for once, which meant he would be momentarily arriving at The Burrow too.

One last time, she pulled out her Sky map from her trunk and pulled it open using the side wooden handles. She looked over the alignments before concluding that her dad would be transforming at the end of next week. This reassured her that he wouldn't be in much discomfort until then, worrying her a little less. She stuffed the map back into her trunk and waited for two o'clock to roll by.

At The Burrow, Harry had arrived and was immediately smothered with hugs and offerings of food from Molly Weasley. She had already began to scold Fred and George once she heard about their intentional dropping of their creation of Tongue Toffees when visiting Harry's wonderful Aunt, Uncle and cousin. But Harry was just happy to be in the place that he preferred the most in the world besides Hogwarts.


"When's Sophia getting here?" Harry asked as he sat down at the kitchen table that was in the cramped kitchen.

"Soon actually, in an hour or too," Fred answered. George started making kissing noises behind him while batting his eyelashes at his brother's back, making Fred whip around and punch him harshly in the arm. Harry noticed how much more taller the twins seemed and how much longer their hair had gotten. Their flaming red hair was nearly reaching their shoulders, and Harry had heard from Ron that they may be attempting to look more like their oldest brother Bill. From what Harry had heard, Bill had long hair that he tied back in a cool ponytail, as well as a fang earring through his ear that Molly Weasley hated so much.

"Oh I better make some more soup then!" Molly suddenly started frantically rushing around the kitchen, grabbing certain ingredients and cooking equipment. "Does Sophia eat a lot? Do you think her Father will be staying for lunch? Come on Fred, chop chop! I need to know about her-"

"Merlin she's going mental over Sophia and she hasn't even met her!" Ron had appeared in the seat next to Harry and was watching his mum start pressuring Fred to tell her more about his lady friend. "I think she's just happy that Fred's taken an interest in something other than fireworks at this stage."

"And the fact that she's Lupin's daughter," George cut in, sitting opposite the two boys. "Apparently they all knew each other years ago. But she won't tell us how as we know for a fact that they didn't really know each other when they all were at school. And she wasn't too happy with our O.W.L scores, so it gives her something else to think about that I don't have to deal with."

"Weird..." Harry replied before the three of them indulged in the sight of seeing Fred be nearly hit with a wooden spoon when he said he didn't know if Sophia would be hungry when she got here.

Much to Fred's relief, the fire place that sat in their living room suddenly lit up in green flames and two figures stepped into the room with identical bright smiles on their faces. Remus put down all of Sophia's belongings neatly in a pile before turning to see his daughter already being smothered to death by Molly Weasley.

"Oh dear how nice it is to finally meet you Sophia!" she cried as she crushed the girl in a hug that reminded her of Fred and George's embraces. "Are you hungry? I wasn't sure what you liked as Fred's as useless as a cracked cauldron!"

"Percy would love to hear about that," Ron mumbled and the Weasley boys all sniggered. The annoying and pompous addition to the Weasley family had been talking non-stop about the report he needed to finish on cracked cauldron bottoms.

"I'm starving Mrs Weasley, thank you," Sophia said politely, pulling away from the hug and immediately meeting eyes with Fred who stood leaning against one of the kitchen counters. The two smiled at each other and Molly must have noticed, as she moved out of the girl's way quickly before greeting Remus like an old friend.

"Hey Soph," Fred greeted as he pushed himself off the counter to stand tall in his place. Sophia walked forward wordlessly and wrapped her arms tightly around his middle, hugging him close with such content that she thought she'd explode into confetti. Fred wrapped his arms around the small girl and felt his insides buzz at the feeling he had been fantasizing about for the whole Summer. Leaning the side of his face on the top of Sophia's head had made them both feel like puzzle pieces fitting perfectly together, and Sophia attempted to mumble a greeting back into Fred's brown jumper.

"Wow we're ecstatic you're glad to see us too Sophia! Welcome to our house of ignoring everyone that isn't Fred!" George spread his arms out to make it seem like he was motioning to the home around him. Sophia reluctantly broke from the embrace with Fred and turned to the three boys that sat at the table, throwing a playful glare to the twin who's sarcasm had nearly made the whole house cave in on itself.

"Hey guys," she greeted and walked forward to hug George, Ron and Harry too. They each stood up from their seats to embrace her, before sitting again in their chairs.

"All of your hair(s) are longer. Have haircuts gone up in price or something?" Sophia questioned and the boys all glared at her, only making her laugh in response.

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