《Ethereal ✭Fred Weasley✭》18.


"You can now howl at the moon together now!" Malfoy joked as Goyle imitated a wolf's howl behind him, making them all snigger collectively. They obviously didn't now that she couldn't be infected by a Werewolf's bite or scratch, but she was too irritated to inform him of that.

"Oh yes and I'm sure you and your father can go to Azkaban together once the Ministry finds out about his Dark-Art possessions," Sophia said without thinking but enjoyed the feeling she got when she saw his face fall into a scowl so fierce, it could make a goblin want to cower in fear. But she didn't, only stood tall glaring harshly at Malfoy. She had heard about his father's dabble in the shop Borgin and Burkes from Harry, and decided to play on this information in order to get back at Draco Malfoy in some way.

"How dare you mention my father!" Draco spat as he began to pull his wand out from his jumper pocket. "You dirty little-"

"Watch your mouth Malfoy," a new voice intervened and the boy halted his actions. Sophia was relieved to see Fred appear at her side, and was even more ecstatic when he slung his arm over her shoulders. The fifth-year stared down at Draco who had stopped pulling out his wand, and glared up at the Weasley who was at least half a foot taller than him. Crabbe and Goyle had gone quiet behind him, knowing not to try and mess with year groups that were above them.

"You don't want to be talking to this lot Soph," Fred informed as he began to pull Sophia away from the scene with his arm still snug around her shoulders. "I wouldn't want you to catch the Malfoy disease. You'll permanently have a scowl and have constant daddy issues."

Sophia laughed as they walked away from the trio, hearing a bunch of curses and sounds of disgust from the Slytherins. She let herself lean into Fred's side as they started walking back to the common room, enjoying the feeling she had from being so close to him again. It was as if he had slipped her love potion that made her become completely obsessed with being in Fred's presence. Regardless of if this was true or not, she just welcomed the happiness she felt when being with the boy next to her.


"So I've been thinking about my O.W.L's-"

"Really?!" Sophia cut him off in disbelief and hope.

"No I'm just pulling your leg," Fred laughed at her reaction and she attempted to get out of his hold in fake annoyance.

"Oh no no no you can't be angry at me!" he cried as he kept his arm around her and pulled her back into his side, rubbing his knuckles against her head as if she was ten-years-old. Sophia squealed at the feeling and fidgeted in order to get out of the strong Beater's hold. "Not when the big game is tomorrow! You've got to be there cheering me on and saying how amazing I hit away those bludgers! You should know how good I am at stopping those damn things shouldn't you?!"


Compared to the last Quidditch match Sophia watched Gryffindor play, today was a much more promising looking one. The sky had cleared from any sign of rain or clouds, leaving a bright blue sky for the match that everyone was anticipating. This match would determine who gets the house cup with it's finialist being Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. Slytherin had been knocked out by Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff (although Cedric Diggory caught the snitch many months ago) were a couple points short from moving on to the next team.

Sophia had dressed in some shorts and a thin top, as the weather outside was quite a scorcher. She wanted to show her house pride, but it was too warm to wear the jumper or the scarf that dawned the Gryffindor colours. Everyone else was much the same, as you wouldn't of known there was a game on today without the Quidditch team being dressed in their robes that clearly represented the red and gold house.

"You must be boiling in those," Sophia exclaimed as Fred and George were sitting on top of the wooden table that was surrounded by matching chairs.

"Oh we are," George answered before Fred continued while sending a wink towards the girl. "Smoking hot actually."

"Ugh," she groaned and rolled her eyes at the two's childish comeback. They still had their O.W.L's tomorrow, but they still didn't seem bothered about them. And at this point, Sophia had learnt to avoid mentioning them all together. They obviously weren't to be persuaded.

"You don't look very supportive today," Fred added as he eyed Sophia's outfit. Although he did felt his stomach leap at the sight of her long smooth looking legs, he forced himself to look away before he had been caught staring for too long.


"That's because it's too hot to be wearing a scarf or a jumper," she retorted and watched as Fred's face suddenly changed, lighting up quicker than a light bulb.

"Wait here!" he jumped off the table and disappeared up to the boys' dormitory. Sophia raised an eyebrow at George, who looked just as he confused. He gave her a confused shrug of his shoulders and eyed the place where his brother had disappeared to.

"Just because we're twins doesn't mean I know what the bloody hell he's thinking all the time," George sassed and Sophia stuck her tongue out. George returned the gesture and Fred suddenly came jogging back down the stairs again into the common room. Sophia eyed the material that he held in his hand and was suspicious to see why he was beaming to brightly.

"I present to you, your outfit for the day Sophia," Fred held up the material and revealed that it was one of his Quidditch jerseys, with the number five and the name Weasley being clearly seen on the front and back. It's burgundy colour let everyone know what team Fred was on, and George was already laughing at his brother's statement.

"You want me to wear that?!" Sophia made sure that he wasn't pulling her leg. "It's gonna be huge on me!"

"Are you saying that I'm fat?" Fred squinted at her from behind the jersey he held up, and George cut in for a moment. "That's an insult to both of us you tosspot."

"I'm not wearing that Fred," Sophia shook her head and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Pleeeeaaasseeeee?" he whined, making several heads in the room turn to find where the irritating voice was coming from. "You can tuck it in so it won't look like you're not wearing any shorts. It would make me oh so happy to see my biggest fan representing me! Pleeeaasseee Sophiaaaaaaa?!"


Sophia snatched the jersey out of Fred's hands and pulled it over the top of her head, letting it fall all the way down to the middle of her exposed thighs. She started tucking in the bottom of the shirt into her bottoms, before returning her arms to their crossed position over her chest. She avoided the smirking faces of both Fred and George by looking down at her feet that shuffled awkwardly on the floor.

"Happy now?" she dared to say and looked up in time to see Fred nodding his head with bright smile now replacing the smirk on his face.


The Quidditch team left towards the grounds and Sophia found Hermione so that they could follow behind them. Hermione immediately spotted the not so subtle Weasley name and number on the jersey she wore, but said nothing about it. Although she did make a point to wear a smug expression all the way to the grounds where the match would take place. Sophia was sure that Fred only got her to wear it so that people like Draco Malfoy wouldn't try and stab at her because of the news of her Father's problem. But she hoped it was because of another reason that had crossed her mind.

"Blimey Sophia did he really make you wear that?" Ron appeared next to Hermione once they had all found a space in the stands of the Quidditch stadium. The redhead eyed the jersey with a look of disbelief.

"Yeah, at least he washed it before he gave it to me," she mumbled back before the attention was turned to the grounds where both Ravenclaw and Gryffindor had entered from their change rooms.

The crowd was buzzing as the word had gotten around that Harry was allowed to use the Firebolt he had oh so mysteriously received in the mail. Everyone could see that the Ravenclaw's looked nervous to be playing against the magnificent broom, as it was said to be the fastest broom ever made. Even the professional Quidditch teams were all said to be receiving Firebolts for their matches, changing the pace of the game dramatically.

"What are you wearing Sophia?" Remus suddenly appeared next to his daughter in the stands, making her jump and turn her head to the man who was looking down at her with raised eyebrows. He eyed the jersey that clearly showed who's it was, and Remus had to hold himself back from embarrassing his child like a father should in this situation.

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