《Ethereal ✭Fred Weasley✭》10.


"Does Professor Lupin ever mention my parents after their years at Hogwarts?" he asked in a quiet voice, staring up at the same ceiling as Sophia. She turned her head to look at his far-off face, as he obviously was in deep thought.

"Sometimes," she answered. "Although he doesn't like to talk about the time around You Know Who's downfall, as it was the time my Mum died. But he says that they were always a happy couple, and he aspired to be like them with a happy family. When you were born, I remember my dad said that both your mum and dad couldn't have been happier to have a family that was whole."

Harry smiled to himself at Sophia's words, picturing a happy family that he could have had. He hadn't had the chance to talk to Remus personally yet about the questions he had about his parents, but realised that Sophia was the next closest candidate for even a small recount of the time his parents were alive.

"If you don't mind me asking," Harry spoke up again. "What happened to your mum?"

"From what my dad could bring himself to tell-" she started as she traced her eyes over the imitation of the Milky Way in the ceiling enchantment. "-I heard she was ripped apart by Fenrir Greyback who was a follower of You Know Who. Him and my dad have a rotten history, and anything to do with the name Lupin interests him. I've heard he hasn't been captured, which sets my dad constantly on edge."

"That must be horrible for him," Harry said. "I'm sure Hogwarts ensures you're both safe from someone like him."

"I thought that too..... up until recently," Sophia confessed as she thought of Sirius Black in the halls of Hogwarts. Harry seemed to catch on to this and turned quiet. Sophia decided it was time to try and get some sleep, so she turned on her side and closed her eyes. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.


Gryffindors were allowed back in their common room the next morning, as a new guard had been placed in the Fat Lady's portrait. He was a knight and named Sir Cadogan and was particularly annoying with his stupid riddles and reluctance to let anyone in past his portrait. The buzz that was made because of Sirius Black had faded slightly as there had been no sign of him, and the big game between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor was today. The sky was looking very grim, and rain was definitely on its way. But it didn't dampen anyone's mood, as most Gryffindors sat in the common room wearing their house colours with pride and anxiousness.

Sophia was wearing a red and gold stripped sweater that had the Gryffindor crest on it, as well as a warm scarf around her neck. She had made sure to bring her raincoat along with her, as she didn't want to be drenched by the time the game started. She sat down with Ron and Hermione as they discussed the odds for today's game and noticed that most of the Quidditch team were huddled together on the sofas in front of the fire.


"Go give Fred a kiss Sophia," Ron piped up as he motioned towards the Beater who was sitting in his Quidditch robes, swinging his bat back and forth in a sort of warm up.

"What?!" Sophia squeaked at the sudden request/demand.

"I'm giving you permission to kiss my brother. It'll send him over the moon! Make him play better too" Ron said while nodding. "We need to get the House Cup again this year. I saw the little moment you two had last night at Dinner, I've never seen Fred so happy."

"I'm not going to kiss Fred just to make sure he'll play better," Sophia said, crossing her arms over her chest to show her defiance. "I only did that last night because he was the only one who successfully made me feel better about my dad. It was purely platonic."

"Pfft platonic?"Hermione repeated in a humorous way. "Is the constant flirting and constant need to be touching each other supposed to be friendly too?"

Before Sophia could defend herself further, the Quidditch team stood from their place and started heading towards the portrait hole. This made all the students sitting in the common room rush to follow the team and make their way towards the Quidditch pitch. Unfortunately for everyone, rain had already begun to pour down and soak everyone before they'd even got five metres away from the castle. Sophia pulled on her raincoat and pulled the hood up to cover her long ponytail, but it was useless as the strong winds were able to push it down and drench her hair regardless.

Hermione and Ron pulled Sophia to stand in between them in their place at the stands surrounding the Quidditch pitch, as students all around waited anxiously for the two teams to come out on to the pitch. Sophia didn't fail to spot the Dementors that could be seen in the grey clouds, keeping their guard up in hopes to spot Sirius Black. She was wondering how he had even gotten into the castle in the first place with those horrid beasts placed around the school. Surely they wouldn't have missed someone dressed in Azkaban robes with a murderous look in his eyes entering school grounds.

Soon, the Hufflepuff and Gryffindor teams exited from their changing rooms and Oliver shook hands with the Hufflepuff captain, Cedric Diggory. The players mounted their brooms and pulled on their protective goggles, which were enchanted to repel any water that would try and obscure the player's vision. The game began as Madam Hooch, the Quidditch referee and teacher, threw up the quaffel, released the bludgers and the golden snitch.

A flurry of wind and flying brooms filled Sophia's view, and she barely noticed that her hood was completely disregarded, and her hair was soaked against her face. The excitement that flourished through her was obviously apparent in all the watching students, as cheers and encouragements could be heard over the harsh wind and rain. Goals were being made by both teams, and it seemed that either team could win this match. Lots was riding on the two Seekers, Cedric Diggory and Harry, as they continuously searched around the pitch for the golden snitch.


Sophia was watching Fred frequently (and she could only tell it was him by his number five on the back of his jersey) as he soared around the pitch smashing bludgers with his bat away from his fellow players. She could see that there was no messing around during this match, with his face showing great determination when aiming for Hufflepuff Chasers. George and him were amazing, as it seemed that the game would hardly continue without them.

Her eyes were soon forcefully drawn away from Fred, as suddenly a figure was falling from the dark clouds above with no broom or sign of consciousness. Cries from students all around her confirmed that it was in fact Harry, as he soared towards the ground while Cedric Diggory had apparently caught the snitch. This signalled the end of the game and Hufflepuff's victory, but Harry was still falling from the sky from a great height. Sophia's hands cupped her mouth in shock as he suddenly was halted in mid-air, to which she squinted over at the teacher's stands to see Professor Dumbledore hurrying off after casting the spell that potentially saved Harry's life.

It was soon a flurry of red and gold Quidditch robes and students everywhere as Sophia soon found herself in the Hospital Wing with the Gryffindors she all knew. Harry was placed in a bed looking deathly pale with a couple of scratches on his face and hands, but was alive which relieved all. They were all leaning over his body staring at his unconscious face, when Fred and George's voice woke him up.

"He looks a bit peaky doesn't he," Ron stated.

"Why don't we throw you off the Astronomy tower Ronnie-kins-" Fred started.

"-And see what you look like," George finished.

"He'd look a darn sight better than he normally does," Harry answered making everyone breathe a sigh of relief. The boy opened up his weathered looking eyes and sat up in bed, asking about the match and what had happened that led up to this point. Sophia was standing in between Fred and George who had pulled their protective goggles down from their eyes and had them hanging round their necks. Both hair on their heads looked slightly matted and disheveled, and they looked partially disappointed from the outcome of the game. Sophia felt bad for the two of them, as they played well today and were determined to win against Hufflepuff.

"You guys played amazingly today," Sophia said as Hermione was explaining some of the match to Harry. Both Fred and George turned their heads and looked down at the girl that only reached their shoulders, looking appreciative of her attempt to make them feel better.

"Thanks, Soph," they said simultaneously, and each wrapped an arm around her shoulders, squeezing her in a hug between the two. George had let go first and tried to listen in on more of the conversation with Harry, while Fred stood back with Sophia with his arm loosely around her shoulders once more.

"Sorry that your first Quidditch game here turned out like this," Fred exclaimed. "They're not usually like this I swear."

"It's okay, you'd still never get me up on a broom though," she replied with a joking smile, to which Fred mirrored back down to her. His eyes ventured around her face which had multiple strands of her hair sticking to it from the rain, yet she had never looked so beautiful. The fact that her hair was up in a ponytail allowed him to see her whole face, to which he adored right from her perfectly round face to her small button nose. After this short moment of admiration, he opened his mouth without much thought but continued none the less.

"How about after this, I show you how to successfully prank that fourth-year that nearly pushed you over the staircase's banister?" he explained, and half expected Sophia to shake her head and laugh at his stupid attempt to try and spend more time with her. But she beamed up at him with a twinkle in her eyes and nodded happily.

"And I can show you how to actually start studying for your O.W.Ls," she replied and laughed at his change in demeanour.

"Oh Merlin I forgot about those."


Students spent the rest of the day mostly in their common rooms, as it continued to pour down outside with rain. The Hufflepuffs obviously spent their day celebrating their victory from the Quidditch match, while the Gryffindors mostly sulked from their unfortunate loss. Everyone could tell that Harry felt heavily responsible and didn't take too kindly to the reassurance from everyone in Gryffindor saying that it wasn't his fault.

Once Sophia had showered and threw on some comfy clothes, she descended the stairs to the common room where she found a handful of students socialising and another handful studying for tests that would be taking place next week. She spotted Harry, Hermione and Ron sitting around the fire talking about miscellaneous subjects, and she spotted Fred and George not doing any studying for their O. W. L exams that would be at the end of the year. She huffed at the sight and walked over to the two, crossing her arms over her chest at their lack of effort to study. She hadn't seen them open a book once in her time at Hogwarts and did took it upon herself to at least get them to look over some of the things they've learnt at this school.

"What's up Soph, ready to go find that fourth-year that nearly led you to your death?" Fred turned with an excited expression, but halted when he saw her strong posture in front of him. "What's wrong?"

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